《 Chapter 17 》

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<<CHAPTER 17>>

It was a Tuesday morning, and Tsumugi drove all three of them to school. Shuichi got proper sleep again, and Kokichi had to sleep on Shuichi's bed. Tsumugi kept pestering Kokichi to sleep on his bed while he refused to do so.

Shuichi didn't mind as he was oblivious to the whole point of 'sleeping together.'

"Hey, Saihara," Rantaro waved as soon as they opened the homeroom door. Shuichi nervously laughed, waving back before he placed his bag next to his desk and sat down. Kokichi stared at the two and quietly scoffed before a hand was on his shoulder. He turned around to find Maki staring at him.

"You alright yesterday?" She asked, her tone not even altering a tiny bit. Kokichi laughed and shook his head no. Maki furrowed her brows. "Did you do yesterday's homework?"

"Mhm. Yeah! Nishishi!" Kokichi went to his seat in a cheerful mood before it changed almost instantly into a grumpy one. Himiko, from her seat, shuddered. 'Nyeh, his mood swings are scary!'

"Ouma-kun... are you alright?" Shuichi whispered to his friend. "You've gotten grumpy once you saw Amami-kun..."

"Nishishi! I'm fine! I just got reminded of the time I accidentally got hit with avocados!"

"Wha- pardon me?"

"What?" Kokichi asked as if he never said anything to anyone. Shuichi stared at him, his shocked expression turning into a concerned one, before he faced forward. "N...nevermind."

"Huh??? Usually Saihara-Chan would have opportunities to get me to say things! Especially now!" Kokichi groaned. "What's up with you this time?"

"I kinda asked you the same question," Shuichi pointed out. Kokichi turned away. "I told you I got reminded of getting hit with avo-"

"That's not going to fly, Ouma-kun." Shuichi's voice got more serious. "I known you for a long time, even if we separated for almost a decade. You wouldn't give excuses like that-"

"Saihara. I, said, I'm, fine."

Silence grew between them. Shuichi slowly turned away. "...okay. But tell me if you have issues with something... will you?"

"..." The short male remained silent. He wished he didn't say anything at all.

Yukizome entered the room and the usual homeroom began.

- - - - - - - - - -

"Did I do something wrong?" Shuichi asked Tsumugi in a low voice. It was during Criminal Justice class, and both have the same 2nd period class. The teacher was currently busy grading papers as the class were busy writing on papers.

"Brother, you need to be more specific. I don't understand what you mean..."

"Ouma-kun isn't telling me his issues ever since we got to homeroom," Shuichi mumbled and immediately shut up when the teacher looked around the classroom. After they went back to grading, Tsumugi was free to tell her answer to it.

"What happened? Tell me in chronological order."

"Well, okay. Ouma-kun and I entered our homeroom and I was greeted by Amami-kun. I didn't really pay attention to Ouma-kun for awhile until he was at his seat, a bit... unamused. I asked him what's wrong, but he just answered with a lie."

"What do you expect from him? He's a lying machine!" Tsumugi whispered back.

"Shuichi Saihara, Tsumugi Shirogane. Go back to working on your assignments!"

"Gommene, Sensei..." both siblings answered in unison.

After class was over, Shuichi spoke up. "Er, we're starting off with the conversation again, right?"

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