〔 Chapter 25 〕

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<<CHAPTER 25>>

"Houston," Rantaro muttered. "...we've got a problem."

"Not this shit again," Kokichi groaned as he still held on his wounded arm.

As they were running, they came across a bear. A Monokuma. A big one. And it's lifting (carrying) a girl that was unfazed. They saw the group and stopped in their tracks as the girl got down.

"Monaca sees the runaways with the leader of DICE," Monaca said in awe. "Monokuma, capture them!" In command, the bear released their claws and charged at DICE'S big subordinate. He was terrified; the bear was big with large claws that are definitely sharper than the rest of his smaller doppelgängers.

Kaede smacked it with a crowbar.

Turns out, it didn't not even do fatal damage, but at least it collapsed on the ground for a good couple of seconds.

"Monaca wants Monokuma to rise again!" Monaca exclaimed with a smile. The bear got up and charged again, but this time for Kokichi.

"Ouma!" Rantaro yelled out. Shuichi stood there, not moving as he was frozen in fear.

Kaede tried to hit it again but missed, and the Monokuma launched itself to strike at the wounded leader, who stared, couldn't do a single thing but moved back a few steps away.

The blood still oozes out of the wound, so it'll be a matter of time before he passes out.

"Damn it," Kokichi grunted as he ran off.

"Ouma-kun, where are you going?!" Kaede shrieked out.

"What the frick do you thinking I'm doing, idiot?!" Kokichi yelled back as he ran around in circles, trying to prevent getting slashed by the claws. The Monokuma keeps landing on the ground for every single miss, but despite that, it doesn't give up.

"Ouma-kun!" Shuichi cried out as he managed to shoot the bear with his gun. The bullet hits the arm, and somehow -by some logic- ricocheted off. Shuichi squeaked as Rantaro ducked below the bullet at impressive speed.

He got good reactions, that's for sure.

At least it drove the Monokuma's attention at Kokichi away.

"Uhm, you do realize it's on you now, right?" Kaede slowly said as she trembled in her spot. Shuichi silently nodded; he's locked-on by Monokuma.

"Monaca Says Monokuma attack the detective," Monaca declared once more before she turned her head behind her. "Uh oh! Monaca hear Komaru coming! Monaca gotta go!" She ran ahead in her path, and Rantaro went after her.

"Amami-kun, where are you going?!" Shuichi cried out but Rantaro was already gone.

"I hope he's okay," the female subordinate whimpered as she held tightly on her checkered scarf.

"...yeah," Kaede sighed as she brushed off dirt from her sleeves. "We need to find a different path to get out of this area. Kokichi, are you okay?"

"No," Kokichi answered with no sarcasm but tiredness. Shuichi bent down next to him, and the shorter male looked away; he's not showing his flustered face at all.

Nope. Not a chance. Nuh-uh. No way in hell.

"We need to stop the bleeding somehow," Shuichi muttered before he looked at Ouma's scarf and raised his brow. Kokichi nodded, and he took the scarf and wrapped it around his injured arm.

"Here, it's not my best, but for now, it'll probably help."

He tied Kokichi's scarf onto the wound not too tight, but not too loose either. He wrapped it around, enough to cover the wound before he tied both ends of the scarf together. Kaede stood by, watching them with a slight tint of pink on her cheeks.

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