《 Chapter 13 》

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<<CHAPTER 13>>

Shuichi flinched as Maki gave him a death glare with a deadly looking arrow from a crossbow that looked about ready to pierce him.

"J-j-j-Just trying to figure out the location of the uhhhhh..."

"Figures. No wonder you were walking around 2 hours before midnight. You're focused on your case clue." Maki lowered her crossbow as she stuffed it in a duffel bag, not even disassembling the parts.

"Ah... I couldn't sleep since it kept bothering me."

"It's better if you don't go out at this time during the night. You're lucky I was with you, otherwise you'd be dead by now."

Shuichi looked at Maki in surprise before he went nervous. "D...dead?"

"That's right. They usually lurk outside at night. Only if an occasion is happening this day."

"So... what are you doing at this time, if... you don't mind me asking..."

It was silent. Maki looked as if she was trying to come up with an answer. "...Doing my job as a skilled assassin." Before Shuichi spoke, Maki stopped him. "I lied about me being a child caregiver. If you're really a detective, you could've figured it out by now."

"I'm in training, though..."

Maki walked on ahead, and still being spooked out about the night lurkers, Shuichi followed along besides her. His eyes were drooping, but now that the news was given to him by words, his eyes were wide open.

He still feel tired, however.

As they walked a few minutes later, Shuichi looked at Maki. "So, what exactly is your job as a skilled assassin?"

Maki turned to face him. "I didn't know you were following me. I thought you left for home."

"After what you told me, I don't think I would risk my life alone..."

"Hmph. Chicken."

Shuichi internally cried at the insult as Maki stopped, causing the young detective in training to pause as well. He looked at her, who was looking up, and they were in front of the gates.

Gates to HELL。

Nah, I'm joking, it's the gates to the park.

"W-Why are we at a park...?" Shuichi stuttered as he looked around, hoping anyone else wasn't around. Maki jumped over the gate fence (which happens to be small for plot reasons) and Shuichi hesitated before doing the same thing, except he didn't jumped over it.

Maki ran after he did, and so he followed.

'Her footsteps are a bit too quiet for an assassin in training. Proving that, she's a literal assassin with no intention of harming anyone... yet.' He tried to run after her with the quietest footsteps he can attempt.

It was only a minute until they entered an unusual grove of trees. Since it was night, the trees took up almost half of the moonlight, but Shuichi was somehow able to see his friend's friend running ahead with little light, not even slowing down to find her way.

'She probably been on this route multiple times if she doesn't even stop to be certain.' Shuichi thought as he nearly tripped over a rock, saving himself. 'It's funny how this reminds me of the chases I've done while I was in America. They were unbelievably fast somehow.'

He saw a clearing ahead and a figure standing still, and by the hairstyle, he knew Maki stopped, so once he reached her, he stopped to catch his breath.

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