When in Doubt, Stay.

601 31 13

Six months later.


Their graduation had been a chaotic and beautiful process. Decked out in oversized caps and gowns, his class had never seemed so cohesive. As he was watching his friends walk across the stage he realized they'd all been through so much, too much, together. And yet, here they were, celebrating the end of it all with giant smiles plastered across their faces.

So many cameras were flashing it was nearly blinding as Izuku heard his own name being called. He stumbled onto the stage. It felt surreal. Part of him hadn't believed he'd even get to this point. He'd gone from breaking his bones every time he tried to use his quirk to graduating with honors. 

The stage was smaller than it looked from the ground. Too short. Izuku wanted to walk slower if only to relish the feeling of walking across it a little longer. He barely registered Nezu eagerly grabbing his hand or the leather diploma being shoved onto him. It wasn't the typical stop and look out into the crowd moment he always read about. It was more like him listening to his brain say 'holy shit' fifty times as he tried his best to get from one end to the other. 

In a blinding flash, it was over.

Izuku was sitting in that little plastic chair as he watched Uraraka confidently wave to the crowd as she practically floated across the stage. The person sitting next to him, he didn't even register who, put their hand over his to stop it from shaking.

And then the parents came flooding in. Caps were thrown in the air. His got slightly trampled on but he didn't mind. Shouta was there, bragging about how hard Izuku had worked. He said something along the lines of 'I never doubted him for a second' which was utter bullshit, Shouta had been his biggest hater at the start of this; he appreciated the words all the same. 

His boyfriend pulled him over for at least a hundred pictures. 

Uraraka and Iida had practically threatened him to keep in touch. Iida had been subtle about it but Uraraka had been downright terrifying. 

Bakugo started talking about how he'd be number one and beat him. 

Izuku flipped him off cheerfully. Shouta had reprimanded him but he could tell the man was secretly proud. The whole class had filtered in after that for even more pictures. It was nice. It was probably one of the last times they would all be together. Izuku might have shed a few tears- only a few though! Eventually, he pulled away, promising to meet up with them later for the after-party.

He pushed his way through the bustling crowd, looking out toward the darkening sky. A hand suddenly caught his wrist, "Where are you going kid?"

"I just need a second," Izuku said.

"I'll go with you," Shouta said quickly, predicting what Izuku was about to do.

"Thank you but no," Izuku said, pulling free with an apologetic expression, "I want to be alone."

Shouta didn't look happy about it but he nodded anyway, stepping back. He made Izuku swear to come to get him if he needed him before finally returning back to the other students. 


It was cold by the time he got to their graves. A sudden chill made him wish he had something other than the uncomfortable fancy jacket Shoto had bought for him. He settled down on his knees, letting the silence comfort him for a few moments before finally pulling out his diploma. 

Izuku told them the whole story. Everything they'd missed. He held the document tight in his hands as he spoke, praying that whoever was listening would be able to see it. That they would be proud of him. 

Something sparked inside of him as the words began to slow. He couldn't explain it, but he suddenly had an irresistible need to look up. He did, tilting his head so that he could see the night sky. It was pretty barren. More so than usual. Only two stars shone, blinking in and out in greeting. 

A tear rolled down. "Thank you," he whispered before standing. The ground under him was soft as he padded down the drive, back to the car Shouta had hesitantly given him the keys to. He sank into the driver seat, letting his head fall back on the headrest, letting himself feel everything he'd held back from now on. Izuku wished they could have been here for the rest of his story. 

The familiar scent of Shouta filled the car. Coffee and that weird cleaner. A wobbly smile crossed over his face as he pulled out a picture of the two of them stashed away in Eraserhead's side compartment, a picture he didn't know Izuku knew about. What a softie. How had Izuku ever been scared of him?

Izuku gently pushed the keys into the ignition, listening intently as the engine hummed to life. 

He headed home. 


The End.

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