Time Can Heal As Well As Hurt

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*Warning: mentions of death

Izuku didn't know how to feel.

Two days ago he had discovered his parents were gone. 

One day ago he'd found out his ability to overthink was his greatest talent to date.

To morn over someone you never met. 

The idea of it seemed tragic. But would he have wanted to remember? Surely to know what they had looked like, talked like, would be more painful. So maybe he should be grateful those memories were taken from him.

It was lonely.

To no longer have memories to keep him company. It was like he'd been isolated from himself.

But Shouta was there. 

Even if he was just there to boss him around.

Izuku had learned over the past two days he was very accident prone; something Shouts claimed to have known since the day Izuku stepped foot in his classroom.

Honestly- he wasn't trying to get himself into these messes. It was more like the messes were finding him.

In his defense, there was no way he could have known the floor would be so slippery...or carpet...but that was besides the point.

The point was he'd caused enough chaos that now he was growing doubtful Shouta would ever trust him to go further than the front yard.

And that's how he found himself awkwardly shuffling in front of Shouta's door like a little kid about to tell their parent they'd spilled glitter paint in the carpet. Not just regular paint. Glitter paint. The kind that was going to outlive the entire human race.

It had been an interesting five minutes in Izuku's life. He'd been rehearsing what the best thing to say was when asking a teacher you barely knew to take you to a parent you didn't know.

Hey I know I tried to runaway and  fight you to the death. But I'm totally cool now. Can you take me to my mother's grave? Also I think I broke the microwave.

Maybe he should save the microwave bit until after Shouta agreed to take him.

Izuku grimaced. No. That would most definitely not be a good plan. It would be best to avoid topics of his past actions completely.

He tried again, quietly whispering to himself.

"Hello. Who says that? Hello? Okay no, hi. Yes. Hi Shouta. I want you to take me somewhere where I promise to not runaway."

Izuku stopped again. When had talking become so hard?

"Hi. Please take me to see my mom or I'll revolt... Okay no that's too strong."

Izuku folded his hands together as he thought. What would a rational person say. That was a hard one. He was pretty sure he'd had yet to meet a rational person since he lost his memories. Maybe the nurse had been, but after meeting him that period of her life was surely over.

"Hi Shouta. You probably don't trust me, but what do you say you forget about that for a few hours a take me to my mother...or maybe start with asking him how he is doing?"

Izuku nodded to himself. Yeah that seemed like a normal opener.

"Hi Shouta, how are you doing?"

"Good. Yourself?"

Izuku wished there was a more dignified way of saying what he did next. But there really wasn't. He shrieked, jumping at least three feet in the air.

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