Scaredy Cat

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Everything was easier after that.

An invisible barrier between them had been broken, or perhaps the better word would be thawed. The words between them were somehow warmer, more willing, than before.

There was undoubtedly more to their history than Todoroki had shared with him. When he talked about his father he didn't seem angry, but there was a reserved resentment hidden in his tone.

Izuku could only imagine the strain of a quirk marriage, to know your fate had already been chosen for you before you even got a chance to learn any differently. To be forced to live up to expectations of greatness was to not live at all. Todoroki's fate hadn't really been his own. 

But Todoroki seemed glad to get the information out of the way, his words coming more quickly than before. He told him about what classes were like, the vastly different styles of training he'd encountered during his time in U.A. .

There wasn't much contribution to the conversation on Izuku's end. He mostly listened, occasionally laughing or asking follow-up questions. But he didn't mind, he actually preferred the pressure taken off of him. It wasn't like he had much to tell Todoroki that he didn't already know anyway.

By the time Todoroki finished telling Izuku about the torture that was English, the shadows had begun to shift; indicating the afternoon had come to take the morning's place.

Izuku turned at the sound of shuffling footsteps coming from behind them. Shouta was standing there, the circles under his eyes looking impossibly darker.

"I have just been informed the principal wants you to return to school tomorrow. He will ensure the two of you will be able to remain together as it will be a difficult transition for you," Shouta told them in a monotone drawl. It was clear he was not a fan of this new development.

Did he think Izuku wasn't ready to go back? The thought made Izuku bristle, even if Shouta was right. Sitting next to one peer was okay, but being surrounded by them? It stirred up memories of the first time he'd seen the class. Blurry faces filled his vision, teenagers wearing odd ensembles that stared him down.

But that didn't mean he couldn't handle it.

He was beginning to see a pattern with Shouta. Anything that was remotely new in Izuku's life had become a danger magnet in his teacher's eyes. It was sweet in an annoying and somewhat condescending kind of way.

"Will you also begin teaching again sir?" Todoroki asked.

Shouta grimaced. "Yes, unfortunately."

Izuku snorted, doing his best to not laugh out loud at Shouta's put-out expression.

Shouta's eyes narrowed. "As I was saying,  we will both be returning to classes but you are not required to participate in hero training. Remember you still can't use your quirk without me present."

You fly into a tree one time and suddenly nobody trusts you anymore.

Todoroki cleared his throat and stood up. "Since you're here Mr.Aizawa, would you mind explaining-"

And just like that Shouta was gone.

Todoroki gasped and looked over to where Izuku was still sitting.

"It's better if you don't question it," Izuku explained with a sheepish smile. At least now someone else had been there to witness the anomalism. 

Just as Todoroki was about to sit back down there was a knock at the door. Both boys exchanged a worried look, well Izuku looked worried, Todoroki looked pretty much the same as he always did.

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