When In Doubt, Run For The Hills

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*Warning: Violence, panic attack

If you had told Izuku he would be running away from his classmates in fear by the end of the day...well.... he probably would believe you.

Because when had anything in his life not been a mess?

But it was about to get even messier. 

This is not the story of how Izuku Midoriya became the number one hero. It's not even really about Izuku Midoriya. Just about a kid who can't remember why he is supposed to give a shit. 

Confused? You should be.


"Listen up. I'm only telling you all this one time so you better be paying attention. Learning patrol protocol could make or break you in the hero world," Aizawa called out. He led his class down  a slightly less populated street.

The city was bustling with life, more people out than usual since the sun had made its first appearance in days. A few civilians would stop and stare as the group shuffled past them, their eyes widening at some of Izuku's louder classmates. A few were even brave enough to wave and point. 

Izuku would have thought that impossible with Kacchan in the group. But hey, there was a first time for everything.

While this would normally turn Izuku into a blushing mess, there was also an edge of pride creeping into place. It felt right to be here after everything he and his friends had gone through; they earned their place at this school. And by the end of the year, they'll have earned their place in the world of heroes. 

"Keep your communication devices on at all times. Do not stop anywhere unless it's for official hero business. You are here on the commission's time. Not yours," Aizawa started going down the list of rules they'd already heard a million times. 

But that didn't stop the fascination from once again rising up. Izuku's hands itched for the notebook he'd been forced to leave in the dorms. Something about him looking like he was plotting everyone's murder and scaring citizens. But he could still try and take everything in now to record for later. 

He looked over at Iida, one of his most loyal friends since the start of his first year. As usual, Iida had his focus zeroed in on their homeroom teacher, attentively nodding along at the proper times. Izuku smiled to himself, even after the past two years Iida still acted like the lessons were a do-or-die situation. 

The sidewalk was too narrow for the class to all walk together and for some reason, their teacher had thought it was a good idea to put Izuku and Iida at the back. 

Not that there were many good candidates to be left so far out of Aizawa's line of vision. Mina had taken to overusing her quirk lately in ways that made Izuku fear for anyone that got in a six-foot radius of her. Kirishima would probably try and make friends with any sketchy person that walked past. And Denki...well that was self-explanatory.

It was both equally exciting as it was concerning this group of teenagers was about to become Japan's next batch of heroes. 

"Alright. You may talk amongst yourselves for the rest of patrol, but keep your eyes and ears open at all times. If I see any phones out they are gone for a week," Aizawa directed, sounding less than enthusiastic about letting them talk at all. He had dubbed them the most 'chaotic class' he'd ever taught as of late and seemed to hold it against them at every turn.

"This is so exciting! Can you believe we're actually here?" Izuku all but squealed, looking up at his friend. 

Iida returned the smile. "I know. Who could have believed none of us would be expelled by this point?"

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