Don't Be Suspicious, Don't Be Suspicious, Don't Be -

808 44 46

"I think It's coming for you Shouta."


"That's not- you- I can't-" Shouta was for once in his life at a loss for words. How was someone supposed to respond to that? That had to be the most sinister thing he'd ever heard in his life and he taught superpowered teenagers for a living. He didn't even know how to feel. Afraid? Worried? Questioning his child's ability to predict the future?

Izuku could not predict the future. He just couldn't. That didn't fall within his quirk's realm. Very few could nowadays, it was a quirk that rarely showed itself in any form. But if his prediction was not the result of a quirk that had to mean Izuku had either misinterpreted what he'd seen or the universe was sending them a message. Shouta hardly believed in fate- people controlled their own destinies. That's how the world worked. But his assurance in that fact did not provide any comfort now.

"Are you sure?" Shouta asked, hoping against hope Izuku would say no. But a little voice in the back of his mind told him that wouldn't happen. Izuku was smart. He knew when to call it.

The kid hesitated before whispering, "yes."

"This bad thing," Shouta started. "Do you think there's a way we can stop it? Do you know what it is?"

Izuku ran a hand through his hair, making it stick up at all ends. He looked guilty. He shouldn't look guilty. None of this was his fault. "I don't know. I'm sorry," he shook his head. "You have to be careful. I can't lose you Shouta." The breath was knocked out of Shouta as the kid was suddenly right there in a blur of green, his arms wrapping around him. "Please be careful," the kid repeated again.

Shouta slowly returned the hug. Even after everything he still wasn't used to this. "Hey, it's okay. I'm gonna be fine, I promise." He rubbed slow soothing circles on Izuku's back. But his words seemed to fall flat even to his own ears. 

"The feeling was so strong," Izuku murmured, voice muffled as he buried his face deeper into Shouta's chest. His hold had tightened so much Shouta began fearing the kid would forget his own strength. "It felt like loss. Like I was losing someone." 

It could be nothing- a product of an overactive imagination and trauma from the kidnapping. He wanted to chalk it up to that and forget about the matter entirely; however, Izuku's warning had sparked something in him too. It couldn't have been as strong as what Izuku felt, no clear picture in his mind. Just a bad feeling in his gut that made his blood run cold. The kidnapping did not seem like a conclusion to their problems. Something was still off. 

"C'mon. Let's get you inside," Shouta murmured. He pulled away, avoiding Izuku's gaze. 

They walked back the rest of the way back with a heavy weight resting between them. The spring air did nothing to soothe his worries. The promise of springtime change suddenly seemed much more ominous than before. Shouta had never thought he'd been the type to read into things. But how could he not now?

He couldn't let things change. They wouldn't. They'd finally found peace and Shouta would be damned if anyone or anything tried to take it away from them. 

Shouta watched Izuku slowly make his way to his room, bag already slipping halfway off his shoulder. The kitchen light illuminated a flicker of green as Izuku glanced behind, sending one last meaningful look to Shouta before disappearing down the hallway.

He sighed and let his own bag fall off his shoulder, sliding to the floor in a heap beside his feet. Almost moving in slow motion Shouta fell into his daily routine, flicking on the living room lights and kicking off his worn leather shoes. He was about to retreat into his own room when a sudden thought crossed over him.

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