Forgetting How To Remember

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Disclaimer- I do not agree with all of Aizawa's choices or "parenting" methods in this story. 

Aizawa POV:

Problem child was becoming more of a problem each passing problematic day.

Unfortunately for Shouta, his brain had decided to turn all of problem child's accidents into more reasons why he should keep him. The kid was a walking disaster and it gave Shouta physical pain to think of the trouble Izuku would get in without some type of guardian.

At least the hospital trip had gone okay. Izuku's arm was safely wrapped up in a cast where even if he somehow managed to get himself thrown into another wall it wouldn't get hurt.

Shouta studied the cast, it was dark green, already covered in the signatures of his loving if not slightly overbearing friends. They walked down the hotel hall together, Shouta feeling very much like a mother hen with the chicks trailing after him.

He stopped in front of the first room, little glittering numbers painting the door. "This is your stop," he told his most capable student, turning to Uraraka. She was still smiling, despite the turmoil of the day. Her usually neatly combed brown hair was a mess of tangles and her shirt wrinkled, but besides that, it seems like their trip to the old woman's house had the least effect on her. "Remember to not leave the room unless it is an absolute emergency. Don't open the door for anyone but me," Shouta cautioned. 

She nodded, "Yes sir." Giving her friends one last hug, she darted into the hotel room. 

Thankfully the boys were only a few rooms down. They stopped again, this time lingering outside longer as Shouta issued a much stronger warning to not leave the room. Iida and Todoroki slipped inside but Shouta stopped Izuku, setting a hand on his shoulder. 

Izuku turned to him, eyes wide and a little bloodshot from the day. "Is everything okay?" he asked.

"Yes. But we need to have a talk," Shouta said, leaning back against the wall opposite. His face grew stern as Izuku's grew worried. He didn't want to pile too much on the kid, Shouta knew he was stressed too. Between the memory loss and trip, he could only imagine the inner turmoil Izuku was experiencing. But he couldn't delay this one conversation. "I want to remind you you are currently not in the hero course. You cannot engage with any type of criminal. Not just because of the law, but for your own safety as well. What you did today was incredibly dangerous. What if he'd had a lethal quirk?"

The kid cringed, hunching in on himself a little.

Shouta hated seeing him upset but he couldn't just let this go. Seeing the kid throw himself headfirst into danger like that had almost given Shouta a heart attack.  "You will not do anything like that ever again. Understand?" Shouta asked, finding it hard to keep being stern when the kid was looking at him like that.

"But I was just trying to protect that woman! If I hadn't stepped in she could have gotten hurt!"

"So it was okay to let yourself get hurt instead?"

Well I-" Izuku started. He sighed, a realization coming over his features that he had lost this battle. "No, it wasn't okay."

Shouta was surprised he'd won that argument so quickly. In the past, Izuku would have dug his heels in and gone on and on about how he wanted to be the one to save people with a smile on his face, about how All Might wouldn't have just let it go. He shouldn't feel so good about it, but Shouta felt pride at the fact Izuku was now listening to his opinion over Toshinori. 

"But it was the right thing to do," Izuku spoke up, newfound confidence in his words. He raised his head stubbornly, green eyes flashing in the hallway's fluorescents.  

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