Hey Google, How Different Is Adopting Children To Adopting Cats?

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The amount of Checkmate references I make in other stories is astronomical. I think it's very obvious which of my stories is my favorite lmao. 

Aizawa POV

There was something suspicious going on and it wasn't just the way Cat Number Three was biting his own tail, startling back at the pain, then biting the tail again in retaliation. Shouta wasn't sure of much in life but he was sure that cat was the biggest idiot he'd ever seen and he'd once seen Ashido walk straight into a window. 

Shouta sat back on the couch, letting out a breath as he let his eyes fall shut. He didn't even have enough energy to shut the lights back off. Today had been exhausting in too many ways to count and yet somehow, the universe had given him another thing to worry about. 

Shoto Todoroki.

Shouta wouldn't say he was usually one to make conspiracies about his student. Sure there was the occasional comment guessing what kind of hero Iida would be or if Bakugo would ever get tired of hearing his own voice. But when it came to Izuku he couldn't leave anything to chance- not with that kid's track record. So of course Shouta noticed the way Todoroki looked at Izuku, the glances they shared. 

The question was, what was Shouta going to do about it?

As if the universe had tapped directly into his mind, a sharp knock came from the door. Shouta sighed, teacher senses tingling. He didn't know when or why he developed this ability, but at some point in his teaching career, he began to sense when his students were within a mile radius of him. That and the ability to read the first sentence of a paper and assign them a grade. Although that skill was a little less impressive when he graded Kaminari's paper right after Yaoyorozu's.  

He didn't feel like getting up and dealing with one of the brats at the moment. He mostly wanted Nezu to return the problem child to him and then force them both to sleep for eighty years. But Bakugo could have destroyed the dorms by now or something just as bad and he needed to at least have some idea of what was happening.

His joints cracked as he stood, making him feel way older than he actually was. Thirty-two seemed twenty years too early to be having joint problems but then again most people his age were flinging themselves from building to building at night and taking care of children by day. Of course, the underground hero era had been on hold ever since Izuku's memory loss and he wasn't exactly complaining. It had felt like years since he'd had a full night's sleep. 

The knock came again.

"One minute," Shouta grumbled. He looked around, making sure the house wasn't too much of a mess in case it really was Nezu. He paused, looking at the pillows thrown haphazardly and cat toys hanging off the coffee table before deciding it wasn't worth it and continuing to the door. 

Just his luck, Todoroki had come to stop by. The kid stood there, wide-eyed, looking like he'd run the whole way here. His hair and clothes were soaked. How long had he been outside? "Izuku's not back yet," Shouta said.

Todoroki glanced back in the direction of the principal's office and then looked back to him, head crooking to one side. "I'm not here to talk to Izuku."

Shouta waited patiently for him to elaborate. Todoroki stared blankly back at him. After it became clear that was the only answer he was going to be getting Shouta let out a breath and leaned again the doorframe. "Would you like to tell me why you are here?"

"I had an idea- a surprise for Midoriya. I think it could help him remember why he wants to be a hero," Todoroki explained. He looked hopeful but still cautious like the idea was a controversial one. Knowing him it probably was. Todoroki had a bit of a dramatic flair to him. 

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