Todoroki's brain must have finally caught up to what was happening because he finally began to move. His arm snaked around Izuku's waist to steady him as he pushed back, moving the both of them away from the door's threshold. Whatever territory Izuku had claimed in the initial kiss was quickly stolen back from him. For someone that claimed to have very little dating experience it sure seemed like the guy knew what he was doing.

"Midoriya?" Todoroki asked as he pulled up for air. His face was flushed. It was nice seeing someone other than himself flustered. 

Izuku rolled his eyes but couldn't keep the smile off his face. "No, it's Uraraka."

"Midoriya it's one in the morning. What are you doing here?"

"It's one in the morning? I must have been more out of it than I thought," Izuku mused to himself. "Did I black out? I don't think I did. I remember everything pretty vividly but it did hurt a lot and when it comes to head injuries I'm not an expert. Maybe I did blackout! I don't remember the thunder stopping but when I came outside it was just raining," Izuku mused. He caught himself as Todoroki's hands moved from his back to his forearms, gripping with just enough pressure to remind him of where he was.

"You hit your head? ... Again?" His voice was still gruff from sleep and the kiss but concern was clearly etched in.

"No," Izuku said loudly, more frustrated at himself than Todoroki. How was he supposed to say this? What was the proper way to inform someone you just regained all your memories at the same time? He could barely hold back from just throwing himself at Todoroki again. "Sorry- no, I'm not sorry. I just don't know how to tell you this and- " Izuku looked into Todoroki's eyes. "I'm really happy to see you."

"Shh you're gonna wake the others," Todoroki said, once again not understanding the station. Could he not feel the gravity behind Izuku's words?

"Todoroki!" Izuku exhaled, exasperated. He tried to pull Todoroki down the steps, away from the cabin. Maybe then he'd actually listen. 

"Midoriya wait-"

"Is someone out there?" A new voice called out, it sounded like Tokoyami. Izuku opened his mouth to answer before Todoroki very rudely decided he didn't get to. A hot, almost burning hand closed over his face, covering his mouth before he could even get a sound out.

With a frustrated huff, Todoroki used his other arm to spin Izuku around so that his back was against Todoroki's chest. He pulled them both around the corner and against the wall, out of sight just in time. 

"Mhhm," Izuku complained, trying to shrug out of the hold. Todoroki's grip only tightened. 

 Dark Shadow floated out the door, peering out into the night for a moment before disappearing back inside. The door slammed closed. A sharp click followed moments later. He'd officially gotten Todoroki locked out.

Finally, Todoroki let go. "Sorry," he whispered sheepishly. "Tokoyami kinda scares me. I'm pretty sure I saw him watching Exorcism tutorials yesterday."

Izuku couldn't help it. He turned on his heel and kissed Todoroki again, pushing him back against the wall with a thud. For the first time in a long time, he didn't feel guilty. For anything. It was an incredibly freeing feeling. He broke free again, "Sorry sorry. I'm getting ahead of myself. I wanted to tell you that something happened earlier," Izuku whispered, hoarsely.

Water dripped from Todoroki's mess of hair. A new emotion filled his gaze."No, it's alright, get ahead of yourself I don't mind." He started forward to keep kissing him but Izuku put a hand on his chest.

"Wait," Izuku laughed. "Seriously, it's important. Pay attention."

Freezing fingers wrapped around Izuku's wrist, pulling his hand away. "I'm paying very close attention," he assured him. A cocky sort of smile found its way to his face. Leave it to him to pick now of all times to learn how to flirt. He leaned down and Izuku didn't have it in himself to stop him as Todoroki's lips found their way to his neck. "Go ahead," Todoroki said between kisses. "I'm listening."

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