𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐱:𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐤 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫

Start from the beginning

"Someone finally decided to wake up." Derek mentioned taking one final sip of beer before throwing it in the trash can. Jonah remained silent, moving to open up the fridge and take out milk. Derek sighed and stood up causing Jonah to flinch and back up. The last thing he wanted was to be yelled at now of all times.

"Not today dad. Just leave me alone ok?" Jonah mumbled, trying to be as respectful as possible. Plus he was too exhausted and depressed to get into a screaming match with his dad.

"I'm not gonna yell at you son. I was just....." Jonah's eyes filled with hope, thinking that Derek would say something kind and thoughtful. This is it. The moment Jonah's been waiting for for years.

"I was just gonna tell you to take the trash out later."

Jonah's heart shattered. Of course he couldn't be that vulnerable and cry in front of his dad, so he just pursed his lips and nodded as he shut the fridge.

"Where are you going? Aren't you going to eat something?" Derek called. Jonah shook his head and slammed his door shut. Jonah ran both hands through his hair, his heart picking up as he bit his bottom lip. He didn't know what he was thinking, that his dad could say anything nice to him.

Derek Parker was a piece of shit who only cared about himself. Jonah realized that a long time ago, but for a second, a single second he thought that wasn't true. That there was an ounce of hope Derek was trying to build a relationship with his son that didn't consist of anger and hatred.

To avoid thinking about crying, Jonah tried thinking happy thoughts. Thoughts that would make him smile.

"Don't break your neck stranger." Jonah mentioned as he helped jonathan onto his roof.

"If I do I'm haunting you super star." Jonathan replied sitting down next to Jonah. For once in Hawkins there was a sunset. A beautiful one at that. Jonah would never admit it to anyone but Jonathan, but he loved watching the sunset. It gave him a sense of peace.

"Your dads not home?" Jonathan questioned turning towards Jonah who shook his head.

"No. He's out getting drunk somewhere. Don't kill my mood." Jonah lightly punched Jonathan's shoulder causing the boy to wince and hold his shoulder. However a smile appeared on his face once he saw how the sunlight hit Jonah's face.

He looked like an Angel. Jonathan pulled out his camera and snapped a photo of Jonah, causing the boy to turn to him with a smile.

"Did you just take a picture of me?"

"No!" Jonathan lied trying to hide a smile.

"I think you did stranger. I admit, I look good in sunlight."

Jonathan laughed brightly at that and shook his head. "Don't get full of yourself."

"I'm not!" Jonah laughed as well.

Jonah wanted jonathan.


Jonah needed Jonathan. He pulled on a pair of ripped up jeans and a hoodie before making his way out of his house, not even bothering to do his hair.

Jonah called Joyce and she told him he would most likely be at a funeral home for Will. Jonah wanted to throw up. He'd been in a funeral home before and it really wasn't a pleasing experience.

Seven year old Jonah held onto his fathers hand as they were picking out a casket for his mother. Derek looked like he was about to have a mental breakdown in seconds and Jonah just looked scared.

Why was everyone so emotional?

Why was his daddy crying?

"Blue. Gracie's favorite color was blue." Derek told the man who nodded and led them over to blue caskets. Jonah cried softly and Derek picked up his son, holding him close as Jonah rested his head on his fathers shoulder.

"Jonah?" Jonathan called out to the teenager who stood a few feet away from him. Jonah didn't say anything, just ran into his arms.

"Im sorry." He whispered and Jonathan just rubbed his back.

"Hey, what'd I say about those words? You didn't do anything."

"I'm sorry about Will. This must be so hard for you." Jonah mentioned looking around the funeral home.

"It must be hard for you too. You haven't been in here in years."

"And I never thought I'd have to be here again. But here I am. This shit hurts, man." Jonah rasped at Jonathan frowned at how raspy and tired Jonah's voice sounded.

"Your voice is still messed up?"

"Nothing the world famous orange juice can't fix." Jonah replied chuckling slightly. The chuckle almost turned into yet another sob causing Jonathan to pull Jonah into his arms once more. Jonah held the boy close, wanting the moment to last forever. Of course that couldn't be the case because a voice caused the two boys to turn around.

"A-Am I interrupting something?" Nancy Wheeler questioned causing Jonah's head to snap in her direction. His eyes widened in shock and he turned his head to avoid her gaze. Jonathan looked shocked as well, but he stared into her eyes. He then walked towards Nancy, causing Jonah to furrow his brows.

"I'll wait for you outside." Jonah mumbled making his way out the building. He couldn't help but feel rage when he looked at Nancy. Rage that she just sat there and watched Jonathan's prize possession get destroyed and rage that she just sat there and pretty much watched Jonah get assaulted. The boy pressed his hand to his throat, the soreness still very present. The fact that Jonathan was even talking to her shocked him.

"Hey. Nancy and I are gonna head by the school to develop some photos. You wanna come with?"

"Absolutely not." Jonah scoffed as a reply. No way was he gonna be in a room with Nancy Wheeler out of all people. Jonathan rolled his eyes and glared at Jonah.

"You don't have to be like that with her. I think.....I think she's nice."

"Nice? Is the grief fucking with your mind man?"

"Is it messing with yours?" Jonathan argued back causing Jonah to furrow his brows and take a step back.

"The hell is that supposed to mean?"

"It means that you haven't talked to me in days! And when we did talk I was your shoulder to cry on. I won't be your shoulder all the time!" Jonathan shouted and Jonah let out a dry laugh at his words. No way was he being serious right now?

"Are you messing with me? Let's recap the last few weeks shall we? I've done nothing but help you and support you in getting Will back. And if you wanna date back even further I've done so much to protect you from Steve and all those other assholes! Hell a few days ago I choked on fucking milk! You're welcome for that by the way."

"You know what Jonah? Just go home if you're so uncomfortable with Nancy tagging along! Or maybe you're just jealous!"

"Jealous of what you dick? You can kiss her all you want for all I care! And you know what, I am going home. Have a good fucking day."

Jonah turned on his heel and walked off, his anger levels at an all time high. He needed to punch something. Something needed to get destroyed or he would destroy someone instead.

Meanwhile Jonathan stared at a fuming Jonah who was walking off, suddenly feeling guilty. He shouldn't have exploded on Jonah like that, especially after he was at his dads house the day before which meant he was even more on edge.

"You ok?" Nancy questioned coming out of the funeral home. Jonathan nodded and sighed, following Nancy to the school.

Word count:1,919

had to add some angst because none of my fics are complete without angst.

don't worry the boyfriends will be back together soon don't worry 😘

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