Chapter Thirty-Four

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"There is one person who would show up at this time of night." 


"Turgut Bey," Kayi replied, a grin unfolding on his face. Aylah shook her head in disbelief, of course, Turgut Bey would come. 

Aylah used to question the strange variety of people Osman Bey was friends with, but it always seemed to work out. Turgut Bey would either help them out of this situation or he would get himself stuck with him. One of those two, Aylah concluded.

Melike bounced on her toes, "Is it prison break time?" She whispered excitedly, and Orhan's eyes nervously flickered to the barred door. "Quiet, Melike, or we're not going anywhere," He whispered and Melike rolled her eyes in response.

Kayi backed away from the window, "He's got a couple of alps with him, not sure who, but I'm certain we're going to hear some noise pretty soon." Soldiers walked down the hallway and unlocked the door. The four glanced at each other carefully, standing closer together.

"Vizier Kunduri would like to see you two," The soldier reported stiffly, looking at the twins. "Two? It's either all of us or none," Orhan responded. The soldier sighed, "Do not be difficult, The Vizier ordered the two of you only."

"He can't tell me what to do," Melike muttered under her breath. The soldier, sensing that they weren't going to budge, motioned the other soldiers to grab them by the arms. "Let me go!" The twins struggled as they were pulled apart.

"Go and make noise, Get Turgut Bey's attention," Aylah frantically whispered in Orhan's ear before he was pulled away from her. Aylah barely made it his determined nod before the door was once again shut and locked.

Kayi banged on the bars, looking as far as he could pass the steel, "Damn it," He cursed. Aylah stood beside him, "Kayi, do you think Turgut Bey knows we're here?" Kayi shook his head, "He wouldn't know unless he went to Sheikh Edebali first."

"I told Orhan," Kayi looked over at her, "I told him to make some noise up there, try to get Turgut Bey to hear them." Kayi sighed, "I'm not sure if that'll be enough, Aylah." Aylah frowned, looking up at the older boy, "Are you underestimating the twins' abilities to make noise? You know just as well as I do that they're capable of blowing someone's eardrums out."

"That's the problem," Kayi reasoned, "The more they resist and keep talking, the worse it's going to get. That vizier doesn't have boundaries, and he sure as hell isn't beyond hitting children." The bruise from earlier was more prominent against his cheekbone, and Aylah couldn't help but stare at it. Maybe she would get the chance to shoot an arrow or two at that vizier. 

"Quit it, I'm fine," Kayi grumbled, stepping away from the bars. 

"I wasn't doing anything!" Aylah countered and Kayi rolled his eyes, "I wasn't doing anything!" He mimicked, and Aylah scowled. Mean

They heard a sudden crash from the doorway of the dungeon. Kayi stood up quickly, pulling Aylah back, "Wait." He moved to the furthest side of the bars, trying to catch a glimpse of the situation.

Kayi grinned, making Aylah rush over, "Who is it? What's happening?" Kayi didn't reply, as expected. No one seemed to tell her anything. Finally, she could see Turgut Bey running through the doors, alongside his alp, Kutan.

"Aylah, Kayi, I see you've been having fun," He greeted more cheerfully than anyone in this situation would have. "Where are the twins?"

"The- The Vizier, he took them earlier," Aylah grounded out, her mind didn't seem to want to work. "Damn it," Turgut Bey swore as he grabbed the keys and unlocked the cell, "That wasn't part of the plan."

"What plan?"

Orhan and Melike practically sprinted into them, looking behind them frantically as they came to a halt. "Are you two alright? How did you get out?" Turgut asked as the twins handed Aylah and Kayi their weapons back. "We may or may not have started a small fire. No big deal." Turgut Bey smirked, "Good."

Orhan held out Aylah's bow with a grin, "Found it." Aylah sighed in relief as she felt the familiar grip in her hands, "Thanks, Orhan."

"We're fine, " Melike shrugged, and Turgut nodded, "Alright, let's go, my alps are holding the soldiers back." They ventured deeper into the dungeon and Turgut Bey felt around a wall, pushing a hidden door open. "Why do we have hidden doors in a freaking dungeon?" Melike questioned, "That would be a question to ask your father, not me. Now, move."

"Kutan! Let's go!" Turgut Bey shouted to his alp behind him as he ushered the kids through the tunnel. "Where are we going?" Orhan asked when they had gotten deep enough into the tunnel, "The tribe?" Kayi asked, and Turgut Bey shook his head. "The tribe is crowded with soldiers, it's too dangerous."

Aylah focused on each passing light on the walls. She wasn't about to complain about the dark, but she stayed close to the group regardless.

"We're going to find Osman Bey, and he'll tell me where to take you after that," Turgut Bey put simply as if he had run through this scenario a dozen times prior. Aylah wouldn't be too surprised if he had. 

"If we can't go to the tribe and we can't be in Sogut or any of the other tribes, then we are going to go?" Melike counted off places on her fingers, "You do realize that your father owns more places than that, right?" Turgut Bey deadpanned, and Melike threw her hands out in defeat, "Well, that's way too many options to think about!" 

"Melike is capable of thinking, shocker." 

"I am going to kick you, Kayi." 

"Melike, stop threatening people and be quiet please," Turgut said around a sigh, and Melike crossed her arms, "Rude." 

Once they had exited the tunnel into the forest, the six of them found the horses that Turgut Bey had set up. Aylah followed behind Turgut Bey as he lead them through the forest. It was a long time before they came to a stop. The sun was threatening to peak up, shunning the darkness. 

They tied the horses before venturing deeper. When they did find Osman Bey, someone else had found him first. 

A/N: Turgut, buddy, we all know you never had a plan, to begin with-

I'm really sorry, I know I keep saying I'll be more consistent, but my summer became busier than I thought it would. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, though. I'll try to force my brain into cooperation. 

The season three finale was amazing. I loved the tribute to everyone who became martyrs at the end. That was beautiful. I'm really going to miss all the characters we lost this season. 

I actually have a very interesting thing to tell you guys. So, a while ago, I started an idea for another story. A spy story about Aktemur. Now, this was before Aktemur made his appearance in the show, I just thought, "Oh, he's studying. Yk what'd be funny? If he was a spy." 


I think I predicted the show.

I'll most likely start that story after this one since I've already written a couple of chapters out. 

Anyway, Salaam and have a great day!


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2022 ⏰

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