Chapter Twenty-Six

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(Pretty chill chapter, you shall be blessed with Kayi and Osman being wholesome nephew/uncle)

"So, no news from so-called Komutan Pietro?" Melike asked and Orhan shook his head, looking slightly irked. "Not yet, but I doubt he's forgotten about it." "Be careful about who you talk to, that's what Osman Bey said," Kayi repeated as he walked up, putting his arm atop Aylah's head. Aylah rolled her eyes, pushing his arm off.

"What's he going to do? Wage war against four kids?" Melike retorted, making it out to be a small deal. Orhan shrugged, "We don't really know who exactly he is, so we can't really say much." Kayi didn't say much, only nodding and once again resting his arm on Aylah's head, making the younger girl scowl at him in annoyance. 

"And besides, he doesn't know who we are, we're not that popular," Kayi joked and Aylah laughed. "Yeah, some of us didn't have a reputation the minute we were born," She teased, adding to Kayi's joke, making the twins roll their eyes in unison. 

"I wonder how much longer it's going to be before you two started dramatically introduce yourselves as Osman Emmi does." Aylah grinned, Melike was practically waiting for the opportunity. "Well, I'll have you know that I'm-" Melike stopped, realizing she was playing into their joke and Kayi grinned, "An idiot?" 

Melike glared at him, and Kayi only grinned, holding back his laughter. "Don't worry, Kardesh, they wish they were as cool as we are," Orhan said, sending a pointed look to the two of them.  Aylah stuck her tongue out at him,  "Damn right we are." Melike said, looking at Kayi, "I'm ten times cooler and funnier than you are." 

"10 times 0 is still zero, Melike." 

Aylah and Orhan facepalmed at his response as Melike furrowed her brow in thought, "Well... jokes on you. I can't do math." 

"Okay, enough destroying your self-worth," Orhan scolded and Kayi sighed in response, "Alright, relax, it was a joke." 


"I need a new notebook," Orhan said as he and Aylah weaved through the city, "What happened to yours?" Aylah questioned, though she already knew the answer. Orhan shrugged, "Melike took it, and now I can't find it." 

"Could you not find it or did you just not want to try, Orhan?" 

Orhan grinned, "One of the two." Aylah sighed as they stepped into the bookstore of Sogut. "Aylah, Orhan, I was wondering when you two would pay me a visit." The bookkeeper greeted warmly and the two kids smiled in response.  

"What can I do for you?" The bookkeeper asked kindly, "I need a new notebook, Melike took mine." Orhan informed as Aylah looked around the long stacked shelves filled with books. The distinct smell of the paper filled the store. 

Aylah liked books, reading was quite fun. If she wasn't so stupid and could actually easily read like a normal person, it would be enjoyable. 

"And Aylah?" The bookkeeper asked after Orhan paid for his notebook. 

Do you have a book about constellations? With pictures?" Aylah asked, partially because it would be easy for Savci, but mostly so it would make sense to her. "For little Savci? Smart boy, that one."

Aylah smiled, everyone took a liking to her little brother. He, unlike Aylah, already had quite the talent. Savci loved books and wanted to know how everything worked. Everything. You could point out a series of stars in the night sky and he could tell you about them.

"For Savci, it's a surprise," Aylah explained, and the bookkeeper nodded before looking through the shelves. "What's that one for?" Aylah asked Orhan who was flipping through the empty pages of the leather notebook. Aylah knew Orhan had a bunch just like it. "Drawing," He replied, "Melike took my sketchbook." 

"And she's still alive?" Aylah joked, Orhan was very protective of his sketchbook, not letting another soul see it. "Not for long," He retorted sarcastically, shutting the leather book.

Another man entered the shop, a black cloak covering most of his body, yet revealing his face. He began to browse around the shelves just as the others were, but he kept glancing at the two kids by the counter, conversing over an open book. He was to find out what there was to know about them.

Much later that day, Kayi sat on the steps of the Marquee, his head perched on his hands as he stared out at the tribe. Osman saw his nephew sitting by himself, just as he used to, and came to sit down next to him. "What's wrong, Yeğenim (My nephew)?" 

Kayi stayed quiet for a moment, his blue-green eyes dimmed. "It's strange," He started in a soft voice, "A lot has happened right here." Kayi gestured to the space right in front of his uncle's Marquee. 

Osman followed his gaze as Kayi began to speak again, "My real father had his head sliced off right here. By your sword." Osman glanced at the boy, yet said nothing. "My father who murdered my other uncle was killed by your sword." 

"My grandmother's throat was sliced right there, on the day of your wedding," Kayi continued, pointing to one side of the Marquee. "As a traitor," Kayi said as if the word left a vile taste on his tongue.  The memory was clear in Osman's mind. The confusion, the scream, the anger. He remembered it well. 

"And my grandfather? The whole tribe knows about him. The Great Suleyman Shah's son. Executed as a traitor. By you." Kayi laughed dryly, there was no anger in his voice. Just resentment.

"Funny, isn't it? One would think I should hate you for it." Kayi looked at his uncle, "But, I don't." Osman smiled slightly, putting a hand to his shoulder, "I know you don't, Kayi. I know how you feel about all this. When I stood there that day, I felt the same way." 

Kayi tilted his head in confusion and Osman continued on. "After I shot that arrow after I executed my own uncle- your grandfather, I was afraid I had done the wrong thing. Family. It's an important thing, Kayi. But, there are some things that cannot be forgiven no matter how close the person is to your heart." 

"But, you," He patted Kayi's shoulder, "You have no fault in this, don't think too hard about the things you can't control. You have many people that care about you. And you have me, which in my opinion, is all you could possibly need." He joked, making Kayi crack a grin, "Even if you gave me the most uncreative name possible?"

His uncle laughed, shaking his head, "Even if I gave you the best name possible." 

A/N: Aww Kayi and Osman are so cute and wholesome.  

So update on my life, both my parents now have covid. Actually, only my mom did, but my dad didn't LISTEN to me and take precautions. (I'm totally not triggered about it.) So, now he's sick too which means my brother and I are on a solo mission. How fun. I hate it already. 

And I definitely don't want to get sick since I have a lot of stuff coming up for orchestra that I do not want to miss. 

Anyways, aside from that, today we started the book fair at school and I bought three new books. That made me very happy. Now, If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go pull an all nighter because I currently hate myself.

Thank you for listening to my rant.

Salaam and Have a great day/night/ whatever time releam we're in idk


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