Chapter Thirty

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"I couldn't resist it. I was sent to ambush Osman Bey and by the time the drug wore off, I had killed my own brother."

That was not what Aylah had been expecting. Not all. But, the way Goktug hadn't met their eyes made her feel guilty for asking in the first place. She look at Orhan first, whose face mirrored what she felt, yet he didn't say anything. Kayi's eyes were wide, he too was quiet. Melike's face was neutral, silent in thought.

Aylah couldn't take the silence anymore, so she spoke. " Emmi, it wasn't your fault, you couldn't control that." Finally, Goktug smiled slightly, "Your father has been telling me the exact same thing for years, Aylah. Without him and Osman Bey, I doubt I would still be standing here today." Aylah smiled meekly, she supposed that was a good thing. 

It was Melike who spoke next, "Why didn't you tell us before?" Her tone was almost accusing, making Orhan look at her reproachfully. "Because I was scared," Goktug answered reluctantly, but then nodded, "Yeah, I was scared that I wouldn't be the uncle you four see me as. But, I knew you were smart enough to figure it out eventually." 

Then, Melike finally relaxed, "Okay," Goktug raised an eyebrow at her, "Really? Okay? That's all?" Melike nodded, "I think you were being a little stupid because we would've understood earlier, but okay."  

Kayi nodded, "Emmi, there's a lot of things that have happened in the past. Like my entire family was built up out of traitors, and hey, look at me. I turned out totally fine, maybe lacking some sanity, but otherwise fine. It doesn't affect the decisions we make."

Goktug snorted at Kayi's response, "I'm not so sure, Kayi. You're the most intense, angry teenager I've ever met." Kayi crossed his arms, "I'm not angry," "You're doing it right now, Kayi Alp," Melike snickered.

Akca Dervish entered through the open door, "Goktug Alp, It is time for you to go, they are changing guards." Goktug nodded solemnly, getting up from his spot. "Are we cool, Aylah?" He asked, holding his fist out, Aylah nodded, bumping his fist, "We're cool."

"I'll see you, kids, later okay? When I'm not uh..." "A rebel?" "I've always been a rebel, Melike," Goktug winked playfully. Melike snorted, shoulders shaking in laughter as she buried her head in her arms, "Please never say that again." 

Goktug grinned, "Alright, Trouble, If you say so," Aylah laughed and it felt odd considering the situation. It wasn't every day you find out that your uncle used to be a Mongol and your dad is currently a fugitive. 'Actually,' Aylah thought to herself, 'The fugitive part isn't that strange.'

Goktug turned around again near the door, "I'll see you guys later, alright? Stay out of trouble, okay?" Aylah smiled at him, "Never." Goktug shook his head slightly with a fond smile, "I expect no less."

When he left, the four turned to each other, "Now what?" Aylah realized they didn't exactly have a plan to get out of Sogut. "Maybe, we should've thought of this beforehand?" Kayi suggested and Orhan shrugged, "Probably."

Aylah walked over to the window, carefully peering outside, the sun had begun to disappear into the horizon. They couldn't sneak away from Sheikh Edebali without getting themselves in more trouble than they needed to. And Aylah knew Savci wouldn't be able to keep a secret too long.

Before they could figure out what to do, Akca Dervish came back into the room, "Sheikh Edebali wants to talk to the four of you." They looked at each other nervously, this was not a part of the plan. 

Despite Sheikh Edebali being her grandfather, Aylah had always been the slightest bit intimidated by him. She did not want to see him angry. "He's going to tell Ana," Orhan whispered as they walked, "I'm screwed." 

"Does he know exactly what we did?" Kayi asked, "Or are we just in trouble for being here?" Aylah shrugged in reply, but she really hoped her grandfather didn't know what they had been up to. Aylah swallowed as they enter the room, sitting in front of the elderly Sheikh.

"Do you know what you did wrong?" Sheikh Edebali asked. Aylah hated that question. Like, What was she supposed to say? She didn't know if her answer would make their punishment worse or better. Either way, she would rather let the twins handle that.

"Um...We came to Sogut after Gunduz Emmi told us not to?" Melike guessed and Orhan nodded reluctantly, "And we should've listened to him?" Aylah could see Sheikh Edebali wasn't impressed by their answer. But, still, she avoided saying anything.

"Aylah, kizim, I'm asking you as well," It was almost as if her grandfather had read her mind. "Uh, what Melike said. We should've listened and uh... stayed in the tribe." Sheikh Edebali nodded slightly, "You four are getting older, you will have to learn that orders are to be followed. Osman Bey will talk to you four when he arrives in the tribe. Right now, it is too late for you to get back to the tribe."

"Akca," The Sheikh addressed the dervish standing by the door, "Send one of the alps to the tribe, Bala and Gonca should not worry. The dervish nodded in reply and exited the room. "Now, go make wudu, it is almost time for prayer." 

After they had prayed and eaten their dinner, they were sent off to bed and were specifically told to stay there. Aylah, much to her dismay, was sharing a room with Melike. "Aylah," "What?" Aylah replied in annoyance. Melike waved the lit lantern, dangerously in the dim room, "Melike..." Aylah started slowly, "Don't you dare blow that out."

Melike grinned, the very grin that told Aylah that was exactly what she was planning to do. Knocking a light lantern out of someone's hand wasn't exactly ideal. Aylah knew she was stupid, but that stupid. But, Melike being Melike, blew out the lantern.

"You idiot!" Aylah chased after her friend who attempted to blow out the second lantern as well. "I swear, I'm going to murder you!" "That's not nice, Aylah!" "You're the one blowing out the lights!"

Aylah snatched the lantern out of her hands, holding it cautiously. Melike only grinned, tucking a lock of dark hair behind her ear as she swung her legs over the bed. "You're scared of the dark," She teased in a sing-song voice. "I'm going to kill you in your sleep," Aylah sneered back in the same tone, making Melike feign hurt, "You wouldn't dare!"

Aylah narrowed her eyes playfully, "Oh yes, I would." 

A/N: Guess who just actually finished a chapter for once even though it's really late and inconsistent? Meeee

Seriously though, I apologize for my weird updating schedule. We're nearing the end of the school year which means I have a lot of stuff going on for extracurricular things at school. Plus my general anxiety about literally everything, all the time. 

Anyways, I hope you guys are doing well and I wish you an early Ramadan Mubarak. I might be updating in Ramadan, I might not, we'll see how it goes. But, either way, I hope you make the best of this holy month of Ramadan.

As always, Salaam, and have a great day!


Yeni Bir Kavga- A New Fight - Aylah's storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora