Chapter Twenty

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Aylah was sitting on the floor of her family's tent with Orhan, Melike, and Kayi, once more staring at her paper. Her three friends took turns reading and Aylah slowly, word for word, wrote her answers down. 

"Hey, S-savci, give t-that back!" Aylah grabbed her pen out of her little brother's hand and sighed in exasperation as he pouted. "Alright, Savci, come on, let's go for a little walk," Boran suggested, getting up, "But, Baba!" Savci whined, "Don't you want to go see the stars, Savci? We have to go tell the stars goodnight!" Boran reminded him enthusiastically and Savci's eyes light up. "Stars! I have to go tell the stars goodnight!" 

Stars were one of Savci's newest obsession. He would want to go outside and see the stars almost every night and tell the stars goodnight. Aylah thought it was adorable, to Savci, the stars were his friends. 

Aylah shook her head, trying to bring herself back into focus, "Orhan, can you read a little s-sl," Aylah frowned once more. "Sl-lo-" "Slower?" Kayi guessed, and Aylah nodded, "Yeah, that, my brain is dying." 

"It's alright, Aylah'm, you're almost finished, just one more," Gonca comforted, rubbing Aylah's back. 'Alright brain, focus, it's not that hard. Everyone else can do it, so why can't I?' Aylah thought to herself before picking the pen back up and scribbling down her final answer. 

"Done!" "Nice job, Aylah, we're actually finished," Orhan complimented, and Gonca smiled, "Orhan, Melike, Kayi, you three should go back now, it's gotten dark outside." The three nodded, "I bet I could win if we raced to the Marquee," Melike challenged, and Orhan crossed his arms, "Not happening, I'm going to win." 

"I hope one of you trips," Kayi called out as the two raced out the door, making Gonca look at him reproachfully. 

"Kidding," Kayi muttered and waved to Aylah as he walked outside.  

Aylah picked up the ink and screwed its lid back on. She didn't need Savci to come in and knock it over. Just in time, her little brother ran through the door, her father not far behind him. "Now, I have caught you, Savci Alp, what will you do now?" Her father asked, easily scooping Savci up in his arms.

Savci squirmed away, grabbing his little wooden sword, "I challenge you!" 

Aylah laughed as her mother shook her head in amusement at the offended look on her father's face. "You dare challenge me, Savci Alp?" Boran asked and Aylah handed him her own wooden sword. Boran made a face at the minuscule sword but went along with it. 

As their little fight began, Aylah scooted closer to her mother who wrapped one arm around her and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. Clearly, the tiny sword was holding Boran back, by how fast Savci swung his sword. Whether he was actually doing it right, was something Aylah would never know.

"Okay, I yield!" Boran yelled, dropping his sword as Savci held his sword to his neck. Savci laughed, "Victory! I told you, I could beat you, Baba!" "Well, don't rub it in," Boran grumbled, pretending to be upset.

"Its okay, Baba, you can win next time," Savci said sweetly, the most innocent look upon his face. Boran smiled fondly, ruffling the boy's hair, "Next time." 

The four sat down to eat after cleaning their hands. "How was school today, Aylah?" Boran asked, and Aylah looked up, "Awful, like always." 

Her father's brow furrowed like it often did when he was thinking. "Those kids? Still?" "I don't care about those kids, but they're right. I can't even focus long enough to read." 

"Aylah-" "I don't get it, Baba. Everyone can do it, Orhan, Melike, Kayi, even Savci could probably figure it out. I can't." 

"Does that mean you give up, Aylah?" Boran asked, setting down his spoon, "Just because you're not as far as everyone else, does that mean you give up?" Aylah looked down for a moment, "No." "Look Aylah, everything comes with time. No two people are the same,  what you're amazing at, is someone else's weakness. Your weakness is someone else strength." 

Gonca nodded, "What matters is that you can keep going. Try. Keep trying and don't give up." Aylah looked around for a moment, feeling the same message in both her parents. "Fine, I'll try."


Aylah walked up to the teacher the next day and handed him her paper. "I finished it," Aylah glanced down at the paper once more as if making sure it was right. "Well done, Aylah," He said, looking over the paper with an appreciative nod.

"So she isn't stupid," The boy behind her commented as she sat down.

 "About time you noticed," Aylah replied, not even turning around. "And she can talk! I didn't think you could," The boy exclaimed, mockingly.  Orhan scoffed beside her, "I'm sorry, who completely missed their target during training today?" 

The boy scowled, "I don't miss." Orhan raised an eyebrow, "Oh really? Prove it." 

His eyes flickered to Aylah, she was the daughter of the best archer in the tribe, everyone knew that. Aylah watched as Orhan grinned a grin that only meant he had the best or stupidest idea possible. "You. Against Aylah."

Aylah tried not to make a face. Of course, Orhan would suggest it. The boy instead narrowed his eyes, "You're on." 

"Orhan, why would you even say that?" Aylah hissed as their class was dismissed. It was the day of Jummah which meant there wouldn't be much for them to do today. Orhan rolled his eyes, "You can beat him, Aylah, you know you can," "I know that, Orhan. Why should I just show off that I can do it?" 

"Because," Orhan stated as if the answer was obvious, "He thinks you're stupid and he's wrong. We're going to prove him wrong." Aylah sighed at his persistence, knowing there was no way out, "I swear there's something wrong with you, Orhan."  Orhan only laughed, "I'm aware, now let's go show him how wrong he is." 

A/N: Ah Boran and Savci being adorable together and OrhAy being epic, what a nice chapter. I swear Savci is the most precious character I've created so far like he's so adorable and I want him to be my friend.

Also, what is it with Goktug and byzantine girls? Like dude, you've had to absolute worst luck in life, and I'm concerned.

Anyway, I have an orchestra concert on Saturday so wish me luck because rehearsals are stressful-

Salaam and Have a great day!

-Laraib :D

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