Chapter Thirty- Two

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As it turned out, being arrested was not fun or useful. But, they were successful in one thing. Outrage.

People yelled in protest as they walked outside, the noise was utterly deafening. Aylah could barely her own thoughts. "Let the children go!" "This is cruelty!" Orhan smiled in triumph as people yelled at the Vizier and his soldiers, "That's it. Don't let him take your city away."

Then, Aylah heard a familiar sound, her eyes searched the rooftops uneasily. "Orhan," She whispered, "Yeah?" "Something's-" Arrows poured down upon them like rain. The screams sounded louder around them, this time from fear. 

"Find Cover!" A yell came from somewhere to Aylah's right. "What the hell," Melike swore, ducking down. 

Aylah's ears were ringing, she needed to find out where the arrows were coming from.  The soldier beside her dropped down, an arrow sticking out from his chest.

Aylah recognized the arrow almost immediately. There was only one place those arrows would be made. Kayi Tribe.

"Orhan, those- Those are our arrows," She whispered amongst the ruckus and Orhan's eyes followed her's. "Damn it." Orhan whipped his head around, "Kayi! Sheilds, over there!" Aylah's hands twitched, searching for the familiar feeling of her bow. "Aylah!" Orhan shoved one of the fallen soldier's bows into her hands with a few arrows. "Cover me!"

Orhan took off, disappearing from her sight, trusting her to cover him. Aylah drew an arrow and found her first target. The noise was deafening, closing in around her. 'Pull, Aim, Fire.' Aylah repeated over and over in her head. Focus.

Pull, Aim, Fire

Pull, Aim, Fire

Pull, Aim, Fire

Orhan. Where was he? Aylah couldn't see him and the archers had gotten far out of her range. "Kayi! Where's Orhan?" She shouted out, and the older boy turned his head under the shield he was holding up. "Right here!" Orhan's voice tore through before he could answer, holding a shield over Aylah as another volley of arrows came down.

Orhan tossed one more shield to his sister and passed a second one to Aylah. "Back to Back! Haydi!" The four of them gathered together, forming a shield around them. "Aylah, who's shooting? You saw the arrows," Kayi pressed, keeping his eyes ahead of him. "They're our arrows, Kayi. Can't you tell?"  

"It's a setup, they're trying to lure Baba into another trap," Melike whispered sharply, brow furrowed in disgust. "So, what? This is only making things worse here, We don't even know how many we lost today." Orhan pointed out, his voice carrying a sad tone, "Focus, Orhan," Kayi said firmly, "We need to make it out of here first."

Aylah's eyes caught another archer upon the rooftops, a crossbow loaded in hand, aimed at them.

Aylah fumbled for an arrow and drew, drooping her guard entirely to aim. She yanked the arrow back and let it fly just as the man released the trigger on his own crossbow.

Kayi threw his arm out in front of Aylah, holding the shield over her just before the arrow hit. "Aylah! You dropped your shield!" Kayi whispered angrily, thrusting her own shield back into her hands. Aylah didn't reply, instead opting to face the remaining soldiers and the Vizier that had once more surrounded them as the attack came to an end.

"Salim! Check the arrows! Who dares to attack a Seljuk vizier?!" Vizier Kunduri shouted, spit flying from his mouth in anger. The four of them slowly lowered their shields, taking in their surrounding.

The square was in ruins, and the metallic smell of blood hung in the air. Soldiers, civilians, and the alps were scattered on the ground, snubs of arrows stuck in their bodies. Aylah closed her eyes briefly, making a short dua for the innocent lives that had been taken.

Kayi took a step towards an injured alp on the ground, his chest indicating he was still alive, but wouldn't be for long. "Aylah, go get the water," He said gently and Aylah grabbed the jug sitting outside a shop and poured out some water. Kayi helped the man sit up and drink the water. "Thank you, Kayi Alp," The man said weakly and Kayi gave him a small smile. "Do not let them win, okay?" The alp said, looking at both of them. Aylah nodded firmly, "We won't, I promise."

"Allah'm," Orhan whispered, eyes wide as he looked around the square. "Dede, (Grandfather)" Melike had said suddenly, "Orhan, what if he was outside?" Orhan turned to his sister, inhaling sharply and looking toward the Dervish Lodge.

Just as Orhan took a step in that direction, soldiers stepped in front of him, blocking his path. "Let me go! Do you have any mercy?" 

Someone grabbed Aylah and Kayi by the arms, pulling them back away from the wounded man. "Zalimlar!" The man groaned out, struggling to move. People had begun to pick themselves up, checking the dead and wounded.

"Let. Me. Go." Orhan glared at the Vizier, "I need to see my grandfather." Vizier Kunduri was unfazed by the twin glares facing him, his nose stuck up in the air as he sneered, "Perhaps you children shouldn't have gone poking in places you don't belong."

Aylah's arms strained, she hadn't shot that fast before, yet still, she struggled to yank her arms out of the soldier's grasp. "There are injured people, people that lost their lives, do you not have a shred of mercy for them?"

"Mercy is not for people who support rebels and traitors."

Aylah had the sudden urge to slap him across the face.

Before she could consider her urge the soldier had come back with the arrow. "Vizier Hazretleri, These are Kayi arrows." Aylah's heart sank, of course, they'd find out. The vizier's cold eyes turned upon them, he threw the arrows at their feet. "Now, will you still defend your Osman Bey?"

Orhan stilled for a moment before he looked back up, "It's a setup, we had nothing to do with that. Anyone could've taken our alps arrows and used them. Are you blind?!" Kunduri sighed, looking away from them as if they had presented something illogical.

"Still you defend him," He muttered like they were the ones being difficult. "I would defend my uncle till the day I die. Because I know he'd make the right decision no matter what." Kayi declared, taking a step forward, making the twins smile.

"Your uncle? That would make you his nephew. The bastard son of a Mongol dog, correct?" 

A/N: Hey guys, look at me! I'm finally getting back into posting a little more regularly! Good job, Laraib.

Shut up, Kuduri. Don't talk to my baby Kayi like that.

So, school for me is almost over. I have exactly 4 days left of middle school and then it's off to high school. I am scared. But, I did make a couple of high schooler friends whilst at the park filming a school project with my friends. That was a very interesting experience. 

Anyway, I hope you all are doing well. 

I also just noticed that I've been on Wattpad for more than a year now. So, that's cool, i guess. 

As always, Salaam, and have a great day!

-Laraib :D

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