Chapter Twenty One

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Aylah enjoyed training every day. Well, she enjoyed anything as long as it wasn't school. At least, she knew exactly what she was doing. Aylah didn't have to worry about doing something wrong. 

The four of them had been running for quite some time now and Aylah had lost count of exactly how many times they'd run alongside the edge of the training field. "Just stop thinking, it helps," Melike suggested, "Easy for you to say, you never think anyway," Aylah reminded making them laugh. 

"Haha, very funny," Melike retorted and Orhan shook his head, "If you turn your brain off, how are you supposed to know if you're attacked?" Melike shrugged, blowing out a breath as they circled around the alps who were training on the field. "We're not expecting trouble right now." 

"You should always expect trouble."

Aylah heard Osman Bey's voice behind them and the four slowed down, trying to catch their breath. "Us Kayis should always be prepared for trouble. It always seems to find us." 

Aylah exhaled slowly. Their tribe never truly had peace, but they found peace in their cause. Aylah had heard stories from Turgut Bey. Even before Ertugrul Ghazi became bey, the tribe was always been in some sort of issue. Not only because of their enemies, but also traitors that cause more trouble than any enemy. 

"Can we go shoot things now?" Aylah asked hopefully, making Osman Bey smile, "After we do some sword work, yes you can." 

Orhan and Melike went first as Osman watched closely. Having the twins spar each other was never a good idea unless their father was nearby. He was the only one who could pull them apart.

"This will not end very well," Kayi whispered as they watched Melike swing harder and Orhan get angrier. "Not at all," Aylah whispered back, just as Melike pushed her sword against Orhan's hard enough that he lost his balance. 

"Melike!" Orhan yelled, "What are you trying to do?!" "Nothing! Maybe you should just try harder!" "I am trying! We're practicing!" 

Osman rubbed a hand over his eyes before drawing his own sword and sticking it in the ground between his two kids. "Melike, Your brother is not your enemy, stop acting like it." He warned, "Orhan if someone is attacking you, you need to protect yourself." 

Orhan scowled, huffing out a breath, "What should've I done? Attacked her just as hard?" "Orhan, you're not in trouble, just go take a break," Osman Bey ordered. "But-" "Orhan. Go take a break, calm down."

Osman sighed as Orhan walked off, "Aylah, Melike. I want you two to try and take get the other down as quickly as possible. And Melike, watch yourself, you're practicing." 

Aylah nodded, raising her wooden sword and blocking as Melike struck first. She ducked and rolled to the side at Melike's next swing, and hit right above the back of Melike's knees, instantly knocking her down.  Aylah got up, holding her sword in front of Melike. 

When Osman nodded approvingly, Aylah dropped her sword down and helped Melike up. "Who taught you that, Aylah?"  Aylah grinned proudly, "Baba did."

Osman chuckled, "Of course Boran did, he uses it at least once every single day." Melike raised an eyebrow, "How would that work if your attacker is taller than you are?" Osman turned back to Aylah gesturing for her to explain. 

Aylah looked up in surprise but Osman Bey only gave an encouraging nod. "Well... It doesn't really matter how tall the person is because there isn't much difference in their knees. For example..." Aylah thought for a moment, looking around the training field, before snapping her fingers. "Goktug Emmi!"

Osman face-palmed, laughing, "That poor man has done nothing to you guys." Melike shrugged, "He doesn't mind, he loves us." Kayi, Orhan, and Aylah nodded enthusiastically. The four ran over to Goktug across the field where he was training himself. 

"Goktug Emmi!" Goktug stopped, looking down at them, "What's up?" "So, we need you for something," Aylah began and Goktug narrowed his eyes at them. "Is this another prank?" Melike smiled, "What? No! Why would we ever prank you?" 

"Jee, I sure do wonder, Melike, when have you four ever pranked me?" Goktug asked sarcastically. 

(PSA- Sass with more sass is never a good combo. I should know, I'm the most sarcastic person in my friend groups.)

"I promise it's not a prank," Aylah whined and Goktug sighed, "Fine, but if it is, I will get you back." 

As Aylah told Goktug where to stand, she saw Melike and Orhan run behind them and grab two bowls of water. Aylah grinned to herself but didn't say anything. She took a step back, "Good, now all I have to do is..." She aimed a kick right above the back of his knee, but Goktug turned around before his knee even touched the ground. He squatted down so he was at Aylah's level. "Nice try, Aylah, But your father has already tried that on me about a dozen times-"

Goktug sputtered as the twins dumped cold water upon his head. "Alright, we're leaving now!" Kayi yelled as the four ran back, laughing. Aylah and Kayi were close behind the twins and when they suddenly stopped, Kayi and Aylah ran right into them. 

Then, they were a laughing mess on the ground. Aylah shook with laughter, her breath becoming visible in the frigid air. "That," said Orhan, "Was hilarious." Aylah nodded, "I wonder what he's going to do now." 

Melike flopped down beside them, "Nothing because you can't prank the prankster." "I'm pretty sure that's not how that phrase works," Kayi pointed out and Melike stuck her tongue out at him, "Shh, no one needs to know that, Kayi." 

A/N: Why hello there, I have been expecting you...

Any ideas for Goktug to get back at them?

The move Aylah did does actually work. I've been doing self-defense karate for quite some time now and it's one of the things I learned. 

Also, I'm probably going to start skipping some time between chapters because the fantastic four is gonna start getting into some  t r o u b l e

And in Osman's words, they don't go looking for trouble, trouble comes to them.

Salaam and have a great day!


Yeni Bir Kavga- A New Fight - Aylah's storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن