Chapter Sixteen

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"I hate this already." 

Orhan glanced at her, "Seriously? We've talked to like two people." "Exactly," said Aylah.

"Honestly," Melike crossed her arms, "Kids are kinda weird." Kayi gave her a look as if asking if she had lost her mind, which was probably true. 

"You do realize that we're kids right?" Kayi asked slowly and Melike nodded, "Course, I do. If I was someone else, I would think we're weird too." Aylah thought it over, and honestly, this happened way too often. Melike tended to get random thoughts which led to all of them pondering until the crazy statement started to make sense.

Aylah blinked, shaking her head, "Honestly Melike, what is going on in your head?" Melike shrugged in response, giving her younger friend a grin, "Genius stuff, Aylah." 

"Orhan?" Kayi asked, gazing over at the Bey who just arrived, "Who is that?" Orhan's brow furrowed, they saw an elderly Bey, clearly older than his father and with him his wife and daughter. Both had their chins up, noses pointed high in the air. "Um, I don't know actually." 

The three turned to him, it was rare Orhan didn't know what was going on. 

Orhan rubbed the back of his neck nervously, "What? I just haven't seen them before."  "Shocker," Melike retorted, making Orhan roll his eyes. 

The four walked over to them and stood as Osman introduced them. Aylah did what she did best. Noticing. 

She looked down, her eyes catching their shoes, not a speck of dirt. 'How is that even possible? They traveled all the way here and their shoes are perfect!' Aylah had discovered there were a lot of things you could learn by looking at the small things. Like shoes.

Orhan nudged her, shaking Aylah awake from her thoughts. "Orhan, Melike, could you show Karan Bey's daughter, Elmas around our tribe?" Osman asked and the four nodded, 'Elmas?' Aylah thought, 'Doesn't that mean diamond or something? Oh, I can just tell this is going to go great.' 

As they walked around, Aylah mainly stayed quiet, and only spoke a couple of times, letting the twins take control of the conversation. But, one statement made Aylah perk up, "My father said this tribe is always in conflict, is that true?" 

Orhan glanced at Melike, seeing the same confusion in her eyes, before replying, "We fight when it's needed, sometimes it goes beyond being fixed with words."  Elmas crossed her arms, "How do you even live like that, always fighting?" 

The question may have been well-natured at first, but something was definitely up. "We're not always fighting," Melike countered, a defensive tone in her voice. "Look around," Aylah finally spoke, trying to make her voice clear, "People are happy and proud of their tribe, they find peace in knowing we're doing the right thing." 

Elmas looked around almost as if she hadn't realized Aylah was even there until she had spoken. "She's right, I don't think anyone here minds," Kayi supported, then, the drums began to beat once more, signaling more bey's arriving. 

Aylah didn't like this already. It wasn't that she didn't want to talk, in fact, she wished she could, but nothing ever came out like it was supposed to. The twins and Kayi overlooked it, and only because they'd known each other for years, but Aylah struggled to put together more than a sentence with stuttering over it. 

The beys mainly mingled outside the Marquee, talking amongst themselves, while Osman Bey himself greeted the arrivals.  They walked over to a group of the other bey's children, there they saw two boys, who looked almost identical to each other. 

"Twins," Orhan mused, "We're the better twins, right Kardesh?" He asked Melike who grinned, "Obviously." 

Kayi shook his head, "You never know with these two, do you?" He asked, glancing at Aylah beside him, "They're either best friends or want to kill each other." Aylah nodded in agreement, "But, that's what makes them fun." "Because murder is fun," Kayi concluded with a completely straight face. 

It was only a moment before they both started cracking up, "What did I just hear?" Orhan questioned in disbelief, turning to look at the two, "Did you just say murder is fun?!" 

"Yes," Aylah responded in between laughter, "Yep," Kayi agreed. Orhan and Melike looked at each other and then back at them, "Um... we're going to pretend we didn't hear that." 

The two went back to whatever conversation they were having with the twin boys, whose names, as Aylah learned were Musa and Haroon. They seemed to be the talkative type, with an easy-going personality.   

"Why are you so worked up about being called Orhan Bey?" Musa mused, the two were definitely older than them by a couple of years, with matching jet-black hair and brownish-gray eyes. 

"Because," Orhan narrowed his eyes, "I'm nine. I'm not a bey." 

"Well, you're going to be one eventually," Haroon reasoned, but Orhan shook his head, "Keyword, eventually. Not now, everyone would probably die if I was bey right now."  

Melike cleared her throat, "Uh no. I would be in charge." "No, you wouldn't, I'm the oldest," Orhan argued, "We're twins," Melike replied. "I'm the older twin," "Well, they wouldn't know that." "Yes, they would-"

Aylah groaned and turned to Haroon and Musa who watched the scene in amusement, "As you can see, they would both be dead and I would take over." 

The two older boys laughed, and Kayi nodded, "Aylah and Orhan are probably the reason we're not already dead."  Then, Kayi looked over at Melike, "And Melike's probably the reason we're all going to inevitably die doing something." 

Melike stopped arguing with Orhan for a moment, turned around and kicked Kayi in the shin once more. "Ow! Why do you keep kicking me?!" "You deserved that one, Kayi Alp," Melike scowled at him and he scowled back. "Stop calling me by my full name, you sound like my mother." 

Orhan laughed, "This is why I should be in charge." Aylah rolled her eyes, pushing him aside playfully, "If you're in charge, I'm overthrowing you." 

A/N: I hope you all enjoyed this wonderful chapter to make up for the tragic episode of Osman. How tf does Bozdag sleep at night knowing he breaks hearts on a weekly basis?

I feel like Aygul would call Kayi by his full name a lot, is that just me?

Also, I've thought out this scene with Kayi and Osman that goes a little like this:

Kayi: Who named me Kayi? Like, that's literally the name of the tribe, where's the creativity?

Everybody: *looks at Osman*

Osman: *sweats* Look kid, I can explain-

Anyway, Salaam and have a great day!


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