Chapter Five

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"What do you want with us? We're kids, are you really that afraid?" Melike inquired for what seemed like the 100th time. The man lets out a low chuckle, "We're not scared of you yet, Melike, we only want to destroy the future you'll bring." Orhan scoffs, "Then why don't you kill us already?"

The man smiles, it was not a genuine one but one that was sadistic to the roots. Aylah swallows as the man folds his hands behind his back, "We have something much better planned."

With that, he walked away, back to the tent in the distance. "Well, that's reassuring, isn't it?" Aylah says meekly, an attempt at a joke and Orhan nods, "Very."

Kayi was looking out of the cage, like he was surveying the area, "How many guards are there, Kayi?" Melike asked, beside him, and Kayi shook his head, "It's hard to tell, but considering they know who we are, they're going to make sure nothing happens to us."

"Sweet," Melike grumbled sarcastically and Kayi rolled his eyes, "Not helping, Melike, Not helping." Aylah thought for a moment, an idea popping into her head, "Guys, I have an idea."

There was one skill the four had mastered and practiced, speaking without sound. Lip-reading. They had only used it as a joke, but now it could be the thing that led them to safety. Aylah pulled them all together into a small circle before moving her mouth slowly.

"I have a plan, but we need to be careful."

"Really?" Orhan accidentally said out loud, smiling sheepishly when they all looked at him. "Sorry," He mouthed, and Aylah shook her head at him. "What do you think they're going to do to us?" Kayi said silently, his eyebrows knit in concentration. 

They all thought for a moment, looking at each other before Melike starting to move her mouth. "I'm not sure, but I think they're going to use us." "What do you mean use us?" Kayi whispers, his voice was distraught. 

"Our parents aren't stupid, they won't fall for a ransom," Orhan points out. There weren't many soldiers close enough to hear them as they whispered, still sitting on their knees in a circle. "Our parents would know not to fall into a trap right?" 

Melike nods slowly, "Right, but the Mongols know that too. They know who our father is, Orhan." In the past few years, Osman's name had spread more and more. Leading to more and more people either supporting Osman's cause or trying to destroy it. 

"And they've clearly been stalking us," Aylah retorts, "It's like they know everything." Orhan's eyes widen with the last statement, and he looked around quickly before whispering sharply.

"That's what they want us to think. They know our parents, they know our tribe, they know where we came from. But, they don't know us."

Aylah frowns for a moment, what was that supposed to mean? But, he did know them, he knew everything about them. Orhan, upon seeing everyone's uncertainty speaks again. "They've dealt with our parents before, all of them. They know who our parents are. But, they haven't dealt with them all at once. That's us."

"He's right," Aylah says quietly pondering on the thought and repeating again, "He's right." Nothing Orhan has ever said made this much sense, considering Orhan has said a lot of random stuff. "Hit them with something they've never dealt with." 


Later that night, Aylah was wide awake, she didn't like sleeping in the dark. There were too many things she couldn't see, giving her a feeling of helplessness. Kayi and Melike, however, were fast asleep, leaning against the back of the cage.

Aylah and Orhan sat side by side, focusing on the light in the distance. "We finally have a plan," Orhan said after a moment of silence and Aylah nodded, smiling slightly, "Didn't know you could be that smart, Orhan."

Orhan scoffs, "Excuse you, Aylah, I've always been smart," Aylah merely shrugs, "If that makes you feel better." They stared into the distance, watching the fire dim a little. "I don't like this place, I want to go home," Aylah said quietly and Orhan turned to her, "Me too."

"There's something different with everyone when they talk about Mongols, not fear, but something else." Aylah pondered out loud and Orhan thought for a moment, "They're not afraid, but they're missing something. Goktug Emmi looks different when we talk about Mongols."

Orhan was right, it was almost as if the brightness in Goktug's eyes dimmed when Mongols were mentioned. It wasn't fear, but more sadness, or regret. When one of the children asked, he brushed it off, putting on a smile. A smile that didn't reach his eyes.

"Do you think he'll ever tell us?" Aylah asked, referencing her uncle, and Orhan shrugged, "Maybe, but a part of me doesn't really want to know." Aylah raised her eyebrows, "Why?

"Well, Goktug Emmi isn't afraid of anything, but that one thing bothers him. He's fought wars, he has scars, but that one thing hurts him. If it hurts him this much, it must be really painful." Orhan shook his head, "But, I don't really know."

Before Aylah could respond, they heard footsteps coming towards them. Orhan's eyes widened and he quickly shook Melike and Kayi awake. Aylah put a finger to her lips indicating for them to be quiet. 

A young man dressed in Mongol uniform walked over to the cage carefully, looking behind him to see if anyone was watching. He kneeled in front of the cage and removed the face covering, revealing his dark matted, but curly hair and dark eyes. 

"What the hell do you want?" Melike asked sharply, and the man held his hands up, "I'm here to help you, I promise." The man looked vaguely familiar, the eyes, the hair, but Aylah couldn't figure out exactly who he was. 

"Why should we trust you, you're a Mongol," Orhan questioned, and there was the same intensity in his voice as his sister's. The young man cocked an eyebrow at the boy, "Do I look like a Mongol to you, kid?" 

He didn't look like a Mongol at all, rather he looked like a Turk. Aylah crossed her arms, "Still doesn't answer the question, why should we trust you?" The man sighed, rubbing a hand over his eyes, "Definitely related to Osman Bey." He said under his breath and slipped a ring off his finger. 

He held the ring up to them, and surely enough, the old symbol of Kayi was engraved into the ring. 

"Trust me now?" 

A/N: Why hello there, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Something funny happened today. I went to the Orchestra room in the morning to put my instrument away, and the lights were all off since the teachers weren't there yet. So, these 2 7th graders and I walked in. As I walked over to my instrument locker and I clapped my hands and said, "Lights, turn on!" It didn't work and the 7th grader looked at me like I was stupid.

Any guesses as to who this man is? The person who gets the right answer shall get a dedication next chapter!

Salaam and Have a great day!


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