Chapter Twenty Eight

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(Hey Brother by Avicii is an awesome song that I really associate with the twins and also Savci and Aylah, so give it listen!)

"Plan, plan, plan, we need a plan," Melike repeated, pacing in front of their small hideout on the training field. Two large trees from a sort of cove, where no one could spot them from a distance.

"Inal Bey is no good, we know that as a fact. His rebellions have been looked over countless times, not to mention his connections." Kayi recited as if he was reading directly from his memory. "We know that, no one else does." Orhan reminded gently brow furrowed in thought.

Aylah picked at the grass. What could they possibly do? It's not like anything they would do would affect Inal Bey. Suddenly, Aylah froze.

"I have an idea!"

"...That is so stupid, I freaking love it!" That was Melike's response. The boys just stared at her, and slowly Kayi raised an eyebrow, "Who are you and what have done with Aylah?" Aylah shook her head, "I'm being serious, Kayi!"

Orhan began to smile, "You know, that actually might work, he'll never see it coming!" Kayi looked around in exasperation, "Am I the only sane person here? You do realize that we can't exactly just walk into Sogut anymore, right? We mess up, and Osman Bey will be blamed."

Kayi would take some convincing, Aylah knew that part. But, she knew he was right. Not only was Osman Emmi declared a rebel, but also anyone who was with him. Her father, Kayi's parents, Goktug Emmi.

"Sogut's our city, Kayi, not his. We know how to get in and out, they'll never know it was us." Kayi breathed out, "I suppose I have to agree now, don't I?"

Aylah smiled at him sweetly, "Yep, because I'm your favorite person." "Nope, Savci is my favorite," He deadpanned as he rose up. Aylah scowled at him, "You replaced me with my brother? Fine then, You're no longer my favorite, Orhan is."

"I am honored," Orhan replied, getting up and performing a small bow. "Now, speaking of Savci, we're going to need his help." Aylah stood up as well, "Hold on, why do we need my little brother? He shouldn't be involved in this."

Aylah knew better than to bring Savci in these things. Getting herself in trouble was one thing. Getting her baby brother in trouble was on a whole different level. Aylah wouldn't be able to live with herself if something happened to Savci.

"We're not bringing him with us," Melike quickly interjected upon seeing the defensive look on her friend's face. "He'll just help us collect some supplies here, then we'll get back to Sogut." Aylah relaxed a little, "Fine." 

Suddenly a small voice rang out behind them, "Boo!"

The four jumped, making Savci giggle in success, "I scared you!" Kayi flicked the younger boy's arm, making Savci jump away from him. "Savci..." Aylah started, looking to her little brother, whose hair stuck up in different directions as if he'd run through a tornado. His clothes weren't in any better shape, splattered in dirt and mud. 

"Savci, what did you do?" Savci's honey-brown eyes widened, looking down at his clothes and then the rest of them, "Oopsie?"

Melike laughed, leaning down slightly and combing her fingers through his hair to set it back down. "You see, Savci, even when you make a mess, you have to look cool doing it." Savci nodded solemnly and Kayi snorted, "Well done, Melike, though I'm sure Gonca Yenge disagrees." 

Aylah shook her head with a smile, that part could be dealt with later, now there was an important task at hand. "Savci, we need your help for an important mission." Savci's eyes light up, "Mission? I wanna help!" Melike put a finger over her lips, "You can help, but you can't tell anyone okay? This is a secret mission." 

"Not even Ana?" Savci asked, and Aylah shook her head, "Not even Ana." 


Soon they had successfully entered Sogut through a side entrance and had snuck into the Inn. As they ducked into a small room, Aylah searched through her satchel, pulling out a bottle of red dye. "So, where are we headed first?"

"Oh, we're hitting the main man himself," Melike declared confidently, taking the bottle from Aylah's hand, but their grins quickly faded as a loud announcement was heard from outside.

"Mighty Seljuk Vizier Kunduri Hazretleri!"  (It's a dumb name, but go with it)

"Oh crap," Melike said, flatly, standing on her toes to look out the window. Aylah grimanced, looking to the two boys, "We've got to move fast." 

After a few evasive maneuvers, they found the exact room of Inal Bey. Kayi slid the lock into place and grinned, "Well, my friends, let's show him what we're made of." 

Aylah pushed open the closet door, making a face at the amount of collectively fancy clothes. So, she did the reasonable thing. She opened the bottle of red dye, and possibly, accidently, splashed a drop... or 20 on his clothes. 

Melike searched through a chest of documents, searching for anything that could possibly used against him. One letter caught her eye, marked with the red seal of the Byzantine Empire. Melike snatched it up and scanned over it. 'My, my, what do we have here? An important letter... would be a shame if it got lost.' With that, Melike walked to the open window and let the letter flutter away in the wind. 

Orhan uncapped the vial of ink, snickering quietly to himself as he emptied the contents in a puddle at the door. Once the vial was empty, he stuffed it back into his satchel and grabbed a piece of parchment. Picking up a pen, he quickly scribbled a few words down. 

I figured you wouldn't know this, but a Turk doesn't back down. If you thought no one would resist you, you'd be wrong. I hate to break it to you, but we're uncalled for.

Kayi stood up on a chair, tying a jug of water firmly in place above the door, once it was stable, he hopped off, moving the chair back into place. Everything was perfectly placed, as soon as that door was opened normally, the chaos would begin. 

The four took a step back to admire their work.

"Oh, they'll never know what hit them."

A/N: Yo, what's up guys? I hope you all are well. I've been busy attending a family friend's wedding which has been a lot of fun and I'm actually about to get ready right now, but I'm trying to finish this first. Hopefully, my mom doesn't yell at me for taking too long-

This week's episode was awesome, finally Julia is gone and my boy Boran is better. Julia reminds me of Bellatrix Lestrange ngl. I do wonder who told Kosses that Mari was pregnant, because I imagine it being a very awkward conversation between Turgut and Kosses. 

These kiddos are intense, aren't they? Well, except Savci, he's a precious cinnamon roll. I love him.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed, Salaam and have a great day!


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