17* - Let me make you forget.

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TW: biphobia (aversion and erasure of queerness in straight-passing relationships) by family members; non-descriptive mention of signs of a panic attack

CW: medium kink, orgasm control (incl. consensual forced orgasms); It starts after the scene divider (***)

After two days spent alone, sightseeing and hiking around, most of Vera's family members had made their way to the summerhouse. The environment was undeniably awkward, but to Finn, it seemed like his girlfriend was the only tense one.

The house had 6 bedrooms, two of them on the ground floor, along with the main living area and a bathroom, and the other 4 were upstairs. The interior was cluttered and colorful: patterned rugs, wall art, and blankets covered most of the area of the house. 

It was cozy, sure, but it was a new kind of cozy. It felt lived-in. There was history in the house, in the outdated furniture, and the creaky beds and floorboards.

People Finn hadn't even introduced himself to yet were loudly carrying bags around the house, claiming bedrooms. Food was being carried into the house by the palette - obscene amounts of food. It was true that the nearest supermarket was 20km away, but these people were bringing food that could probably feed a classroom of children for a month. 

No one was really acknowledging him, other than Vera's father nodding at him earlier. It took more will than he knew he had in him, to smile back.

"Don't worry about talking to them or anything, I will always translate for you if you ask. You'll see how quickly they will just separate themselves into small groups and start having completely different conversations." Vera had tried to explain the family dynamic to him. She'd said she was worried it'd be overwhelming. She'd looked more overwhelmed than him.

He was standing near the door from the entré to the main living space, habitually waiting to see if anyone needed his help. She, on the other hand, was sitting on one of the dining chairs, doing her very best to make eye contact with as few people as possible.

"Hello-o!" A chirpy voice sounded near him just as a hand grabbed his arm, "I'm Marie, you must be Finn!"

"Yeah, uh, hi!"

He hadn't even registered what was happening before the blonde head collided with his torso and a pair of thin arms wrapped around him. "It's so nice to finally meet you! Thank you for making Ver so happy!"

"It's my pleasure," he said as he hugged her back. How firm am I supposed to be? How long should I hold her for?

"I read online that Danish people are very shy so I should be louder and take up more space to make you more comfortable." How sweet, oh my God. "Is that true?"

"You don't have to act a specific way to make me comfortable, just be yourself." I sound like a fucking fortune cookie. 

"Okay, why are you standing here anyway? Let them act superior and boost their own egos. Come sit," she said as she walked to the table and hugged Vera from behind. "Hi, Ver, I missed you!"

The chat continued for a while. Eventually, a cousin, Martin, sat with them but didn't say all that much before he joined the men who were dealing with the barbeque outside. 

Vera and Finn helped chop a commercial amount of salad, while Maria was talking their ears off about an international biology competition she was about to win. With time, the atmosphere became thick with awkwardness again as Vera's parents finally arrived and the entire family sat around the table. 

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