5 - Were you thinking about me?

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They didn't get to see each other during the following few weeks. They were in separate groups, each working away at their own projects, and with the university organizing the lectures between projects, they didn't have any right now. Vera's group met up at the library because it was more convenient for all of her groupmates, and Finn's met up at school.

He'd be lying if he said he could forget about their kiss for more than an hour at a time. 

No one had ever asked him if they could kiss him before. The more he thought about it, the more it melted his heart. Truthfully he'd always had to be the one to initiate things in the beginning.

It would've probably been weird if someone asked "Can I kiss you?" as he was the one leaning in. Not having to initiate a first kiss was also another thing he realized he loved as he began analyzing the experience in bed that night.

And the way she didn't push him at all until she realized he was ready...

The simple way Vera navigated the whole thing gave him butterflies. It was ever so subtly dominating but he felt safe.

However, with each passing day that they hadn't talked, he increasingly felt like those feelings were very one-sided. Maybe she didn't give it a second thought. 

Or, God forbid, she didn't even like it.

He contemplated casually texting her to ask for sparring or something but he quickly found an excuse not to, every time. 

One Saturday morning, just as he was about to give up on whatever happened and could happen between them, Finn woke up to a notification that she requested to follow him on Instagram.

Is she thinking about me?!

He immediately went to archive all embarrassing content from his profile before accepting the request. He followed her afterward and finally had access to go through her account, all the way back to 2013 when she posted for the first time.

"Girls play video games too! And we win ;)" the caption of a screenshot of a League of Legends post-game screen read.

He tried zooming in to read her KDA but accidentally double-tapped the picture.

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

His phone was thrown on the bed and he started pacing around his 17-square-meter room.

A couple of minutes later, he got another notification. She'd gone back and liked the first and last pictures he had on his profile.


Oh my God. Oh my God. 

She didn't text him though. And neither did he. 


"I'm sorry I'm late, Mik, I couldn't get off work earlier!" Vera apologized as she walked into the classroom.

"That's quite alright! As I said earlier, I'm sorry I only emailed you about this lecture last night." He said in his customer service voice and then turned to the entire classroom, "you can all email me whenever you can't come to my lectures and I'll send you my slides. And share your notes with each other, you're adults."

Vera walked to the back of the classroom, over to the only available seat, and smiled at Katt and Finn as she walked past them. 

She opened her laptop and started taking notes but Finn was directly in her line of vision to the board and she unconsciously started thinking about him, occasionally forgetting to take notes of the not-so-interesting lecture about business models.

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