Author's note

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Hello and welcome to "Two Beers Is All It Takes". It's gonna be a very sex-driven book with lots of kink.

Any relation to real-life people, places, and events in this book is completely unintentional and should be perceived as such. Don't put words in my mouth.

Themes that are explored in this book:

Kink & Sex.

Alcohol as a cultural element.

Politics. Climate. Human rights. Conflicts.

Childhood & Religious trauma.

Feminism. Sexism.

Queerness. Coming out. Being in the closet. Queerphobia.

SH and Body dysmorphia. There are hinted EDs, not discussed.

There are TWs and CWs before each chapter of any sensitive topics, but be aware that I will not be warning about vanilla sex and soft kink. It's gonna be in most chapters.

Also, your racism, sexism, fascism, queerphobia & white supremacy are not welcome in my comments or on my page. Please let me know if I need to block you for the safety of my readers and myself. 

And lastly, I'm not here to educate minors, you're too young to be reading about kink. If there are minors reading this story, don't let me find out, I will block you.

Whew, now that we've gotten that out of the way, enjoy the story! Comment or DM me, talk about it :)  

©️ smutphobia, 2022. All rights reserved.

Two Beers Is All It TakesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon