6* - Are you sober enough?

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The autumn morning started like any other. Just windy enough to play around with the fallen leaves. Of course, the morning had taken on the typical greyness that Vera had grown to love in her time living here. She could feel the chilly air on her face, her cheeks going slightly numb as she walked to the campus building.

It was as if the clouds, like her, also weren't sure if they should rain or let the sunshine through. However, after walking through the front door, it didn't matter what the weather decided, because here, the day was her own decision. 

And as usual, if the day was up to her, it was a good day.

The newfound warmth of the coffee cup on her fingers grounded her to reality and away from her thoughts. Just in time for-

"Morning, I thought I was the only idiot who shows up 40 minutes early for teamwork," a familiar voice said as she walked into the room.

"Well, I don't know," Vera chuckled in response. "I came early on purpose, so I'm not an idiot for it. Morning," she smiled as she looked at Katt.

"Why would you do that to yourself?" She was as confused, as she was embarrassed.

It was the first time they'd seen each other in person in over a month. As much as she was sure Vera wouldn't hold what happened that evening against her, she couldn't not hold it against herself.

She was supposed to be the grown-up, with her five years over Vera, and four drinks were all it took for her to make the situation all about herself. Childish, how childish!

She'd promised herself all the way back in that warm summer morning, that if this was what Vera wanted, that was what would be. Because to love someone means to choose their happiness over your own.

It'd worked so far, lowering her gaze and finding anything else to do so as to not spend more time than necessary with her. She missed her friend, but it was for the best. In her experience, avoiding your problems only worked with problems that could go away on their own. 

And she desperately hoped love was one of those problems.

"-Earth to Katt, hello-o?" Vera's ironic voice snapped her out of her thoughts.

"Yeah, sorry," she frantically looked for an excuse, "just tired. My brain isn't fully on yet. You were saying?"

"I was talking about the Halloween party tonight," she shook her head in disbelief as she took her laptop out of her bag. "That's why I came early, I wanted to get some work done so I could go home and get ready in time."

"Oh, that's today? It's the 29th," her bewilderment showed on her face clear as day.

"They always organize it the Friday before Halloween so people can also celebrate with their friends."

"Right. So, what about it? Are you still on your Johnny Depp spree?"

"Yep," she confidently replied, "every year until he gets justice."

"What are UTB parties like, anyway? I've never been," she clarified.

"Hm, mid," her GenZ slang getting the better of her, before realizing that it probably doesn't mean anything to Katt. "Boring. We usually just drink beer, they have some games and music, that's about it."

"So why are you even going?" 

"I'm a student rep., I have to go."

"Does that mean the blonde is gonna be there?" The Italian woman asked with a knowing smile.

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