Chapter 30: Rooftop

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I go to the roof to talk to David who just broke Fern's arm. I can't believe Eleanor ratted on us but we forgave her but Y/N chloroformed her as punishment. I walk onto the roof of the building. David is standing on the ledge.

Javi: David? What are you doing?

Javi: Thinking it over isn't gonna do you any favors. If you wanna jump, just jump.

David: Come over here. Or are you afraid of me, too? I know the rest of them are. Right?

Javi: Even if they are, I'm not. I've dealt with scarier than you, brother.

David: There's no "if", Javi. They are.

David: My wife, Javi. My daughter, my son... They look at me differently.

Javi: Maybe you're seeing them differently.

David: I want to show you something. Stand with me.

I stand on the ledge next to David. The streets below are swarmed with a large herd of walkers.

Javi: Uh... why the hell are you smiling?

David: See that sewer line over there? Perfect placement for a trench. That hill about a hundred paces west of it. A sniper's wildest dream come true. I'm a soldier, Javi. I see this landscape like a painter sees a blank canvas. Like how you used to see a baseball diamond. I'm a soldier. This makes sense to me. I was made for this. I thrive in this.

Javi: Baseball was a lifetime ago. I miss it so fucking much.

David: When I wasn't deployed, I'd miss being out in the field. Now, that's all I am. Every day.

David: A soldier isn't a husband... Or a father. A soldier is a soldier. Nothing else. Nothing... nothing at all.

Javi: Call yourself whatever you want... I still see you as my brother.

David: That is kind of you to say, Javi. I wish... I wish I had your heart, sometimes.

David: I want to change, Javi. I always have.

Javi: Really? All you ever tried to do was get me to change.

David: Only because I couldn't bring myself to do it first. It's the one war I could never win. And I'm wondering why. Is it because I don't know how? Or because it's impossible to change who you really are?

Javi: There's a way. There always is, no matter how lost you are. You just have to keep looking until you find it.

David: Looks pretty messy.

Javi: For now...

David: Maybe you're right.

Javi: Maybe.

David: Just gotta live long enough to find out.

Javi: Just like with anything else.

Javi: I did what you asked.

David: You did. Thanks for that.

Javi: So now will you step back?

David: Sure.

David and me step off the ledge, back onto the building.

Kate opens the door to the roof.

Kate: I found them! They're up here! Be careful, Javi. I ran into--

Clem, Gabe, Tripp and Ava walk onto the roof.

Y/N: We found them outside the entrances.

Javi: I'm glad you're okay, Ava. It's great to see you. Look, about earlier...

Javi: I guess I owe you an explanation. About what happened on the stage, with Joan.

Ava: You don't have to say anything to me. Your actions said plenty. I read you loud and clear. But go ahead and say whatever you want.

Javi: I saw through her little scheme. I... I knew she was gonna shoot Tripp instead.

Ava: Just be glad the situation was what it was. And that she didn't make me pick between you and your brother.

Tripp: It was a bad situation and I don't blame you for it.

Javi: I wanted to save you both.

Tripp: Luckily Y/N is one hell of a gunslinger.

Y/N: Thanks.

Ava and Tripp hug Y/N.

Tripp: Where's Eleanor?

Y/N: She's back in the apartment.

Tripp: I'm gonna go see her.

Y/N: I chloroformed her.

Tripp: What? Why?

Y/N: We forgave her for but she had to be punished but I didn't want her to get hurt so I thought that was for the best.

Tripp: Uhhh. I guess. Well I'm gonna go look after her.

Tripp leaves.

Ava: Thanks Y/N.

Y/N: No problem.

Ava kisses me on the cheek.

Clem looks on in jealously.

I walk up to her and pull her into a kiss.

Y/N: Clem she was just thanking me. Nothing to worry about.

Clem: Okay.

Gabe: God can you two stop kissing? We get it your a couple!

I then pull Clem into another kiss.

Clem: Teddy bear your lips are so soft!

Gabe: Shut up!

Y/N: I'll toss you through this fucking roof.

Gabe backs away in fear.

Carley: Okay love birds what now?

Javi: Stabilize the city. Figure out how to make it safer for everyone.

Kate: I saw construction vehicles when we got the armored truck. We can use those to stop the muertos, seal the breach, and save Richmond.

David: That's over by the motor pool at the water tower. We could use the highway overpass to get to the water tower.

Javi: Come on. Let's jump!

Javi runs and jumps off the roof onto the fire escape.

Javi: Come on! It's an easy jump.

Y/N: Come on babes.

Clem: Shut it dork.

The rest of the group jumps over to the fire escape and climb up to a different roof.

David: Keep your eyes open, stay aware of your surroundings. All of you. Let's move out.

David: When we found Kate earlier, she hugged you. Why do you think she hugged you?

David: Why was that? Just wondering.

Javi: That can only mean one thing. She likes me more.

David: Not a great time to joke around, Javi.

On the streets below, the soldier who stabbed Javi is devoured by walkers.

David: We need to be careful up here or else the exact same thing will happen to us. Stay sharp, and do not fire your guns. We're gonna be fine. That guy was all alone. We're not.

We climb over a fallen billboard and onto the highway.

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