Chapter 20: Confrontation & Meeting Scarlett

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After getting Kate, Mari and Gabe to safety Me, David and Ava go to confront Joan.


David: Javi! Kate, Mari and Gabe?

Javi: Safe.

David: I knew I could count on you, brother. We're gonna fix this. Together.

Javi: Of course. Kate, Mari and Gabe are safe. I've got your back.

David: Thank you. It means a lot that you do.

Javi: What's going on here?

David: We're just getting started.

Joan: You smuggled your brother into Richmond? Despite what we agreed? Clearly, you have no respect for any of us. This is serious, David. You know we can't let this go.

Javi: Shut your goddamn mouth, Joan! We've heard enough of your lies.

Joan: How dare you?

Clint: What's this all about?

Javi: She's been ordering raids on peaceful communities. Sending your men to murder and loot.

Paul: Raiding? Joan, is this true?

Joan: Ha! He's pointing the finger at everyone! First Badger, now me.

Clint: That's a serious charge. You come in swinging, you better have proof.

David: Here's our proof.

David pushes Max in front of the group.

David: This lowlife was part of the raids.

Max: I...

Joan: Well, Max... What do you have to say?

Javi: Don't be afraid of her, Max. We've got your back.

Max: Me, Badger, and...and Lonnie, we ran the ops. Off Joan's orders!

Lonnie: Goddamn it, Max...

Max: I'm washin' my hands of this, man!

Clint: Joan... How could you?

Joan pours herself a drink and takes a sip.

Joan: The real question is, how could I not? What would happen to us without your fertilizer, Clint? Or your pills, Paul? Do you think our community would survive? I did what I had to, to ensure that we would. It wasn't easy... But someone had to do it.

Javi: So you survived, but at what cost? Do you even know how much suffering you've caused?

Joan: I've no doubt it's less than I've prevented.

Joan: All of you remember the winter--how much we lost. Friends. Lovers. Children. I made a promise--I would never let that happen again. The raids were just to keep up us going, 'til Richmond reached sustainability. We're so close. So close to our dream. Do we really want to risk it all by fighting amongst ourselves? We should all be on the same side of this, David. On Richmond's side. Surely you can see that?

Javi: She's fucking delusional. Building a "dream" on the blood of innocents...

David: You don't have to tell me, brother.

David: We almost lost Mariana to those raids. How many people lost their kids?

Joan: I'm sorry, David. It breaks my heart about what almost happened to your child. It''s something I'm going to have to live with. Take them!

David: What the hell?

Joan: Put them in a cell until I can figure out what to do with them.

David: Don't you fucking touch me! That's an order!

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