Chapter 14: Meeting The Other Leaders & Waking Up

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We have finally be reunited with our mom and me and Clem couldn't be more happy. She has a little girl I can't wait to meet. it sucks that she was the one who had to chloroform us but we know she's alive.

Y/N: Uhhh.

Clem: Uhhh.

I sit up and so does Clem.

Y/N: You okay?

Clem: Yeah. That stuff is really strong.

Y/N: I know.

Everyone else starts to wake up.

Eleanor: Uhhh.

Y/N: Are you okay Eleanor?

Eleanor: Yeah. That stuff really knocked me out.

Clem chuckles.

Clem: That stuff knocked all of us out.

Tripp: Eleanor you okay?

Eleanor: Yeah.

Conrad: Man fuck that shit.

Jesus: At least it's over now.

Tripp: What the fuck happens now?

Y/N: I don't know.


?: It may look pretty, but it's all sugars. There's no substance.

?: It tastes pretty, Clint. That's all that matters. Ah! The brother.

David: Javi. Meet the guys. Clint runs food production. The crops you saw, that's him and his people. Joan's our bridge to the outside world. She handles contact with other settlements.

Joan: Pleased to meet you, Javi. I trust you've been treated well? I hope you haven't been handled too roughly. Some of our people left their courtesy with their old lives, heh.

Javi: Oh, yeah, the cell you threw me in was totally five-star.

Joan: I'm sorry about that. We have to be careful. I'm sure you can understand.

Joan: We were just about to eat. Clint was trying to convince me of the essential superiority of his creamed spinach over my magnificent black forest gateau.

Clint: It's no contest. The spinach has real nutritional value.

Joan: Javi, take a look at that table. You tell me what you'd rather put in your belly. Spinach from Clint's garden, heh? Or a baked delicacy by yours truly...

Javi: Oh, I'm with Clint. Gotta eat your greens if you wanna grow up big and strong.

Clint: Ah! Exactly!

Joan: Haha! At least you're being honest.

Joan: Please, make yourself comfortable.

Everyone takes a seat.

Joan: We value straight talk here, so please--forgive me if I seem direct. We're usually pretty strict about who we open our doors to. Your brother's word counts for a lot.

Javi: Is that so?

Joan: The three of us, and Doctor Lingard, make all the decisions here. So, yeah.

Clint: People who chose to stay with us, they have to deal with us bossing them around. Not saying you wouldn't, but it can be an adjustment. Especially for the more independent-minded. There's no structure out there now. People get used to doing as they please.

Javi: No offense, but what qualifies you to lead?

Joan: Testing us already?

Javi: Just curious who's leading the troops into battle.

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