11 Normal is Fun

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Chapter 11
Normal is Fun

Reaching up, I gently cup his cheek to urge him down to me. I brush a simple kiss against his cheek in thanks to his thoughtfulness. The snap and flash of the camera reminds me we are not alone. Slightly flustered I pull myself out of my daze and smile at my goofing off brother.
"That's enough pictures don't you think? We will be late picking up Lisa."
"Don't worry. She wants to ride to the restaurant with her friends. We will meet them at there, and then go to the dance. Remember I'm just her stand in tonight. My only goal is to save her from the horror of being a wallflower."
His dramatic wilt against the wall with his hand against his forehead set us off laughing.
His antics are funny and sweet. It falls well into what I would expect from his character, but I can't help but wonder.
"Right, not that I am knocking you for your gallantry, but isn't there a girl you would have liked to ask for this thing? "
"If ever the right girl comes along, I promise you sister."
He offered his hand up to me to assist Luc in getting me down the last few steps. When suddenly he snatched me away.
"Flowers, chocolate, dinner and dancing; I'll take her out for the date of a lifetime."
He spun me about the foyer as an example of the girl he would be wooing.
"Until then though, I'd rather be a good friend and save the damsels from walldom."
I laughed all the while until finally he released me back into Luc's arm's.
"That's not even a word Mason."
"Ah but it is a thing..."
He snickered as he bowed, then looked up at me and winked.
"Whatever goof let's just go."
Mason grabbed the house keys off the hook and a little plastic box with his corsage for Lisa inside it. Once we got out the front door Mason turned and locked it; while I set the alarm at the keypad.
With everything locked up tight we made our way down the porch to the most amazing limousine I've ever seen. The inside was lined with red velvet and gold LED lighting. The mini bar looks fully stocked with classic movie theater candy, drinks and popcorn. There is even a drop down TV screen with surround sound playing music videos.
The divider between us and the driver comes down allowing us to greet the driver. Mason has a quick conversation with him going over our evening plans of dinner, at a sushi restaurant in town; then the dance at a local high end hotel.
After which he tells us that he will be going to an after party with Lisa and that he will meet us at home by midnight. Until then Lucas and I had the limo to ourselves.
"The dance ends at ten though. What are we going to do with a limo for two hours?"
"Don't worry Koi. I actually have a surprise for you then. So be patient."
Lucas had me curious, but no matter how I pestered him he wouldn't tell me what he was up to. So I decided to let him keep his secret and enjoy dinner. I have always loved sushi.
The ride over to the restaurant wasn't long. It was fun to just hang out and relax with the guys. Mason even pulled that classic head out of the sunroof thing for about two seconds before he sat back down grouching about swallowing a bug. Luc and I just laughed at him.
"At least it's good protein Macy!"
I giggled uncontrollably at his disgruntled face.
Once out of the limo in front of the fancy steak and sushi restaurant, Mason went to meet up with Lisa inside, and let the hostess know we were there for our reservation. Luc and I wandered a bit over to the odd combination of a windmill and koi pond.
Sitting down on a bench used for viewing the pond, we settled into the only silence we would be able to find for a while tonight.
"You look beautiful tonight Koi."
Lucas whispered into my ear. His arm wrapped around my shoulders as I leaned into him.
I giggled as he began to nuzzle my ear. His new way of affectionately tickling me without causing me to run away or start a tickle fight. In fact this new form of affection only drew me closer to him as I cuddled under his chin to do a little of my own nuzzling.
"I will never get used to this!"
My grumbling brother is about to get the worst kidney shot in his life if he doesn't stop interrupting my precious moments.
"You could always ignore us and mind your own business Mason."
Luc's patience with Mason's brotherly sensibilities seemed to be wearing thin. He always seemed to show up at the worst time. The only peace we found was locked up in my library, but even then he was a loud mouth. Yelling down the hall or knocking on the door like clockwork. He was becoming a true pest.
"Maybe if I had the peace of mind to know you aren't pawing at my sister every time my back is turned I could ignore it."
"He is not pawing at me Mason."
I groaned in exasperation as I stood up. Poking at my intrusive brother's chest I finally snapped.
"He has been a true gentleman and hasn't shown any affection I haven't been open to. So shove it."
"Yeah yeah yeah, tables ready love birds. Cuddle in your gentlemanly affection later. I'm hungry."
He rubbed at his chest, relenting in mock surrender.
Mason didn't seem the least bit contrite as he walked away smiling ear to ear.
"I swear I love your brother Koi. He is my best friend and I know he has my back, but I honestly want to kick his..... "
"Ahhhhh no cussing remember. Mom always finds out."
"I wasn't going to say it."
I giggled at his disgruntled face.
"I bet your mom would let it slide this once if she knew what a little cuss he had been this last week."
I smiled at his choice of words.
Offering him my hand to help him up from the bench, I snuggled back under his chin as soon as he had his arms back around my shoulders.
"Let's go inside and eat. You can get the steak and I'll get the Paradise roll and we can split."
Looking up at him with mischief, I smiled.
"We won't even offer to share with Mason. Sound good?"
"Yeah that sounds good."
Holding hands we walked back to the doors of the restaurant to meet up with the rest of the group and find our table.
Now that everyone had sat down there were a total of three couples. Lisa's friends were nice company. The girl seemed sweet and shy. She was constantly tucked under the arm of her heavily muscled date.
He was out going but always assessing his date. Constantly keeping tabs on her comfort levels. They were introduced as Amy and Jordan.
They mostly talked to Lisa and Mason, but were easy to get along with. It was nice to get to know them over the meal.
After dinner we all piled into the limo. Some of the stories that Lisa could tell about the cheerleaders and jocks were down right shocking, and great for a laugh. All in all it was fun to spend time with them. I was right though, it was loud.
Finally, we got to the hotel that was hosting the dance. Luc told the driver to be back at ten to pick us up, and we headed inside with the rest of the group.
It wasn't that hard to find the ballroom. Just follow the meandering teenagers in evening wear that stuck out like a sore thumb compared to all the business dressed adults and tourist attired families wandering around the huge complex. The hotel restaurants, cafes, and casinos were getting ready for the night life as the neon lights flashed and whirled from almost every corner. It was a bit dizzying.
Finally, we made it to the elevator that took us to the second floor. The blaring music from the ballroom hit you in the face as soon as the elevator doors opened and I wondered how much this hotel paid for sound proofing of this magnitude.
The halls are decorated in our school colors with a photo booth set up right outside the ballroom doors. I take note that there are doors leading out to the quieter pool area where sodas and snacks seem to be served. I know where I'm going the moment the concert volume gets too much.
"Isn't this great!"
Lisa gushes as she tugs on my arm to garner my attention.
"The first hour is live music from a local rock band. Then we are switching to a DJ for the rest of the night. Come on, let's get in line for pictures."
All I can think is thank goodness the live music won't be on all night. It's fun, but my ears could only take so much of that.
The theme of the prom seems to be a night in the galaxy. I have to admit I didn't pay much attention to the promotional posters around the school.
The picture booth is a huge blown up picture of the Milky Way. Couples have lined up to cement this night with the cheesy background. So we all quickly follow their example and join the cue.
While standing in line with everyone Luc has been keeping his arms around me holding my back to his chest, guarding me from the crowds. I'm actually pretty content just to stand here for a moment and take in everything. The amount of people here is definitely intimidating. I didn't realize we had so many juniors and seniors at our school.
"After we get this picture let's go give the band a try. Then we can take a break by the pool."
"Sounds like a plan to me."
"It might be a bit loud for you though Koi. Are you sure you can handle it?"
"Yeah I'm good."
Luc and I moved forward to pose for our photo. The photographer moving us into a position not much different from the sheltering hold Luc already had me in. After the bright flash we blindly shuffled toward the other side of the booth to my brother and Lisa where they waited to enter the ballroom. We would pick up our pictures later at school once the company had them developed.
"Alright guys, time to party. I'll see you around the dance floor!"
"Have fun you two!"
Lisa's parting comment left me and apparently Luc bewildered as to what to do next as the door they walked through suddenly seemed daunting at best.
The hyper jumping excited teenagers I glimpsed through the opening as my brother and date passed through looked more like a dangerous mosh pit than a simple school dance.
"Well we only live once right?"
Luc's suddenly cheery attitude startled me. He is right though. What's a few bumps and bruises in exchange for a great memory? Gulping down my fear I reminded myself that I have faced so much worse in the last three years, then looked to Lucas.
"Alright we will see what all the hype is, but if we don't like the feel of it we retreat to the much more relaxing poolside for a breather. Then we can wait and see if the DJ is a little less chaotic."
"Sounds like a perfect plan to me Koi."
Luc grabbed the door and pulled it open. The room was extremely loud and dark. There were strobe lights and laser beams shooting off in all directions. The stage was the only truly bright spot in the room.
The live band was rocking out, I guess you would say, as the students sang along or just screamed their excitement. This made the lyrics to the song almost completely impossible to understand without previous knowledge. All in all it is a seizure's breeding ground.
At first, I was so out of my element, I couldn't get comfortable. Lucas is there guarding me from most of the pushing and jumping teens at least. Yet, I'm seriously thinking about calling it quits when the song changes.
"I know this song! It's one of my favorites!"
I screamed in Lucas' face since that's probably the only way he could hear me. Judging by his wide smile of agreement and quick thumbs up I concluded he knew it too.
Suddenly it all seems funny to be scared of the same people I go to school with. The next song is empowering and I start to really get into the swing of things.
I turn to Lucas and say the most cliche thing that could possibly come out of my mouth at that moment; with the biggest cheese grin I'm sure.
Lucas just grins and grabs my hands. We start jumping and I guess kind of dancing like the other teens.
The plus of the music spurring us on as we laugh and sing the lyrics at the top of our lungs. I made the decision then and there that concerts aren't just about the music. It's about the feelings and liberation of letting your body move.
Once the band performed their last song I was sad to see them go, but my ears could definitely use a break. It was time for the prom king and queen to be announced and we clapped when they called up the usual candidates for crowning.
Luc and I went out to the poolside for snacks and punch after that. We collapsed into some chairs under the cabana laughing at how the prom Queen acted like she had won Miss Universe. She was laughing and fake crying, waving her hands in her face to save her makeup from the tears that were not there.
Like she didn't know she was going to win after campaigning so much with no one else who was nominated caring that much. Heck even I voted for her after seeing the note scrawled in red under the other candidates name.
"Vote for me and die." Signed Connie Wesmick.
It had her signature in bold. Not to mention her and her friends standing nearby like a picket line making sure everyone knew the vote casting was just a popularity shame.
I'm pretty sure they cheered the loudest when the other girl got the crown. Jokes on them though cause I don't remember Miss Universe's name, but I'll definitely remember emo Connie and her depressing protest posters that I'm sure had a point. I just couldn't find it. I mean the popular girl still won.
Lucas and I enjoyed the much lower volumes for a while. We even slow danced by the pool in our own quiet bubble for a time. When we heard the DJ start up his tunes we returned inside out of curiosity.
The set up was different. No one jumped in front of the stage. Teenagers were all over the dance floor actually dancing as far as I could tell. The music was still loud but not as blaring.
I also completely understood Lisa's need to be saved from walldom, when I spotted a bunch of girls sitting looking bored while staring at their phones.
Others were making the best of it and just dancing with each other. I can't imagine coming to this place without Luc. The idea of social insecurity made me shiver and snuggle closer to him.

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