Ch. 9

524 18 5

-Niall's POV-


Harry and I waited outside the hotel under the small ledge that hung over the front enterance. Paul was sitting with us so that no crazy fans tried to mob us. We did sign a few autographs and took a few pictures, but other that that, the night was pretty silent. Liam drove up and we hopped in and Paul drove behind us in his black Saburban. Liam said to dress comfortable. I wore a pair of khaki colored Chino's with a white shirt, and white Supra's. Harry wore a pair of dark colored Chino's, a white v-neck, and white Converse. And Liam wore a dark colored pair of jeans as well, with a grey t-shirt and grey Converse. His hair was styled in his usual sideways motion. I still couldn't figure out why he had called me asked me to do this. I'm guessing one thing; Desperation. I'm going to have to keep a close eye on him tonight. Because Liam likes to take drastic measures. For instance, back at our house in London, we needed an extra room for Harry, so Li called a carpenter to come tear down a wall. Turns out the carpenter wasn't even licensed. We had a hole in our house for two weeks. Point proven. 

We drove for what seemed like forever, which was only about twenty mintues. I was zoned out the whole ride. Thoughts and questions burned in my conscious; Why Liam? Why Zayn? Can't we just go back to normal? We would eventually, I knew that much. But, for now we had to cope with Liam's way of trying to get over Zayn, and quickly. 

Liam drove us down side streets of downtown Birmingham, through neighborhoods and by shops. He eventually turned left down an alley and then right into a dark parking lot. We parked behind a rather large building that I didn't recognize. There was one back door, and a few garbage bins and that was it. I shook my head in confusion. 

"Liam where are we?" I asked. He looked at me and smirked. 

"We're at a club silly." He said as he opened his side of the car. "C'mon." 

Harry and I exchanged a worried glance before going after Liam. 


The place was packed from back to front, with no room to even breathe. We walked through a mob of drunk people dancing trying to make our way to the back where the bar was. We pushed and shoved people out of our way, and then Liam did something I wasn't expecting, he grabbed my hand and led me through the craziness. I looked behind me for Harry, but he wasn't there. I started to panick and Liam must have noticed because he pointed towards Harry dancing with three girls, obviously happy with himself. I couldn't help but laughing. 

When we reached the bar we found to two empty stools, and took a seat. Liam ordered a round of six shots; two for each of us. I watched as he downed his first shot and was about to go for the second when I blurted out what has been on my mind all day. 

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I asked starring at Liam. He frowned. 

"What do you mean?" He asks. 

"I mean, ever since earlier you've been giddy and smiley, and it's like you're not even mad that Zayn cheated on you." I said.

His eyes widened and he looked at me incredously. "What? I can't go out and have fun to try to forget that the person I love doesn't think I'm enough for him?" He was angry now, and I didn't blame him. I was stupid for asking that question. 

"No Li, that's not what I meant.. I just-I'm really sorry, k?" I said apologizing. I watched he face soften and his brown eyes glaze over. He sighed and ran his hands through his coarse brown hair. 

"No, I'm sorry, Niall. I shouldn't be dragging you down with me, it's not your fault." He said averting his gaze to the mob of people. He seemed to be lost in thought, so I downed my shots. 

Give Your Heart A Break (Niam, boyxboy)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ