Ch. 6 - Part 1

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-Niall's POV-

I didn't know how long I was in Harry's room or if the fighing was still going on, all I knew is that I was laying in Harry's bed starring at the ceiling until my eye balls burned. I could still hear Danielle crying in the back of my mind, the look on Perrie's face when it finally connected to her what Danielle saw, and Louis dragging Eleanor off to no-mans land. Liam and Zayn were jerks, bringing their girlfriends out here knowing the consequnces of them finding out. They should've just told them the truth from the beginning. I started to sit up in the bed when I heard a monsterous boom come from the ktchen and I hesitantly sat back down. The fighting must not be over, I thought. 

"This is all your fault!" Zayn shouted. "If you had told her when I suggested this wouldn't be happening right now!" 

I snuck up to the door and cracked it open, only enough to sneak a peek. 

"My fault? It's as much as my god damn fault as it is yours Zayn!" Whoa, I never heard Liam scream like that, especially to Zayn. 

"Oh really? Because I specifically remember you telling me they'll find out on their own." Zayn's eyes were hard, and they way his jaw was clenched scared me. Zayn rarely ever got violent, but when he did, you wished you could be anywhere but the same room as him. 

"Whatever." Liam muttered to himself as he started to walk away. 

"What did you?" Zayn said bewildered as he turned and grabbed Liam's shoulder. 

"Nothing, okay. Just drop it." Liam said without looking at Zayn, but actually over his shoulder a bit. 

"Look at me when I'm fucking talking to you!" Zayn growled and spun Liam around by the shoulders. He had him pinned against the wall in the matter of a few seconds, and he just held him there. Their breathing got heavier as the tension in the room got thicker. I should be stopping them, they loved it eachother, I couldn't sit there and watch them fight. But I couldn't move, I was frozen in one spot, like my legs were immobile. I watched closer and I saw Zayn knee Liam in the groin, and he fell to the floor. 

"Pathetic." Zayn spat as he walked into their room and slammed the door. Then my protective instincts kicked in. 

I swung open Harry's door the rest of the way and was running to Liam's aide the fast as I could. He was doubled-over on the sitting room floor wimpering in pain. I sank to my knees at his side and brushed his fringe from his eyes. He looked up at me with tearfilled eyes and started to bawl. I managed to pull him into my lap and rocked him back and forth, trying to soothe him the best that I could. I started to rub his back with my fingertips and whispered things to him. He started to calm down a bit, but I could see it in his face, he was in so much pain. The boy he loved just hurt him not mentally, but phyiscally as well.

 I never imagined anyone ever hurting Liam in such a way, especially Zayn. They were always the closest of the five of us, other than Louis and Harry. They always buddied up when need be, they shared clothes, and obviously alot more. Liam was fragile. When he gave his all to something, he never planned on backing out of it. That's one thing I always admired about my older friend. Even if we were only two weeks apart in age, he was alot more mature that I was. He had a good head on his shoulders, and he always had a plan. That was the Liam who was my bestfriend, not this broken figure laying in my embrace. 

-Liam's POV-

I looked up into Niall's bright blue eyes and saw the concern on his face, like it was written on his forhead with a permanent marker. He eyebrows knitted together as he concentrated on my face. It was cute in a sort of way. I just stayed there for what seemed like forever staring at his face as his brushed my hair back with his pale fingers. Niall and I had always been comfortable with each other, so being in this situation wasn't weird at all. Sometimes at night he will have bad dreams and I'll crawl into his bed and cuddle him until he's sleeping again before I sneak back out, and sometime I don't even leave him. I just like to watch him sleep, because he just looks so peacfull and careless, I envied him.  Maybe I shouldn't mention it, but I had always had a bit of a crush on the little Irish lad ever since we got put together during the Xfactor. I never told a soul, because I wasn't sure if I was still comfortable with being bisexual yet. And then I met Danielle..

I didn't wanna think about her right now. She had stormed out of her without letting me explain anything at all. I zoned out remembering how she cried so hard after catching Zayn and I in the act, she wasn't supposed to find out that way. I didn't snap out of my trance until I heard an Irish accent speak to me. 

"What are ya thinking about?" Niall asked, still concentrating on my face. 

"Danielle, Zayn, everything." I said quietly. I tried to move but the pain in my lower region was still pretty intense. 

"Shh, don't move." Niall rested my head gently back on the floor and walked into the kitchen. I could hear him fundling through cupboards and clanking glasses around. He finally came back with some tablets and a glass of water. 

"Here, take these, they'll help untill we can get you to the doc." He said, handing me the tablets, then the water. I sat up and swallowed both tabets and gulped the water before returning the glass to him. He sat the glass on the table closest to him, and then crawled back onto the floor with me. I scooted closer to him and layed my head on his shoulder. 

"Thank you Niall. I love you." I whispered. 

"Anyhting for you." He whipered back, and then he kissed my forhead. 



Howdy! Lol sooooo, finally some niam action holllllaaa  ♥ This is only part ONE of this chapter :)) part two will be a bunch of flufffff :] 

Annnnd, Ive noticed that alot of people are readinf but not voting or comenting :( Pls vote and comment guy, it would mean alot to me!! I work really hard on this for you guys. :)


Song of chapter; You Found Me - The Fray ♥

Give Your Heart A Break (Niam, boyxboy)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن