Ch. 5

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-Liam's POV- 

I felt so awkward and exposed sitting at the breakfast table surrounded by the boys, whilst Zayn insisted on showering me in affection. I was trying to eat my toast when Zayn pulled me into his lap and kissed the spot right below my ear. I held back a small moan as he kissed and nibbled my sweet spot. I stole a glance at my friends across the table. Louis and Harry just looked at eachother, and back at Zayn and I awkwardly. Niall just stared at his plate and played with his eggs. 

I tilted my head to the side and whispered to Zayn, "Later."

He reluctantly pulled away and I winked at him.

"Soo," Harry spoke up, "I heard there's a carnival going on in town I think we should go."

Louis, Niall, and Zayn all nodded their heads in agreement. Then they turned their heads in my direction. They were asking for permission without actually speaking. They gave me the puppy eyes. 

Great, I thought to myself. 

"Idunno guys, we had a show just last night, don't you think it's a little crazy going out when the fans know we're still here?" I asked. 

"Well," Louis began, "You're going to have to get out sometime. Eleanor, Danielle, and Perrie are coming."

SHIT. What was I going to tell Danielle?

"I don't know how I'm supposed to tell Perrie." Zayn said. "But I have a feeling she'll be happy for us."

Zayn pulled me closer to him as he rested his chin on my shoulder. 

"Danielle won't. She'll be heartbroken, and hate me." I said sadly. 

See, the thing was, I really did love her at one point. But who couldn't? She was beautiful, and funny, and sweet. But I didn't feel the spark with her anymore. It was almost like we had to pretend like the feeling was still there. 

"I'm sure if she really loves you, she'll understand." Harry said. I looked up at him, and he looked like he actually cared, but felt sorry for me, his green eyes turning darker. 

"I guess we'll just have to find out." I whispered. 


Harry drove Zayn, Louis, and I to the airport to pickup our "girlfriends." We waited inside as we watched people collect their belongings and reunite with their families or significant other. Some people looked like they might be here on vacation. I began to see people flood out of the terminal they would be coming through. I started to pace back and fourth, rubbing my hands together. Then I heard her. 

"Liam! Over here babe!" She smiled at me and raced forward. My first instinct was to run and pick her up and kiss her, but I held back.

She dropped her bags infront of me and lunged forward for a hug. I wrapped my arms around her waist and burried my face in her soft curly hair. She pulled back to look at me, arms still wrapped around my neck. I just stared at her features. Her big walnut colored eyes, her dark curly hair, her pink lips... 

I started to feel something inside of me that I hadn't felt in so long.. 

No Liam! I mentally screamed to myself. You're with Zayn and you love him. 

"It's nice to see you." I said smiling at her sweetly. She smiled back and pecked me on my cheek. I heard someone clear their throat and looked at Louis who was hand in hand with Eleanor. 

"Are you ready, mate?" He asked. 

I nodded and grabbed Danielle's bags for her. She linked her arm in mine as we walked back to Harry's car. Harry looked pain all the way back to the hotel, like something was bothering him. The way he always looked when Eleanor was around. I didn't understand why, Louis was happy, so why did Harry always act so bitter? 

I couldn't even think straight to answer that question. Danielle was resting her head on my shoulder as we all laughed and joked about whatever came up in the conversation. I stole a glance at Zayn and Perrie. They were cuddled up and whispering to eachother. He looked at me and I looked away. 

Was this how Zayn felt watching me with Danielle?


-Niall's POV-

Oh my god, where are they? I thought to myself as I flipped through the televesion channels. 

I threw the remote to the opposite end of the sofa and burried my face in a pillow. I couldn't believe El, Danielle, and Perrie we going to be here. Eleanor and Perrie I didn't mind, but Danielle bugged me. She was always nagging Liam, and I felt like she was taking my bestfriend away from me... 

And then there's Zayn... 

The thought abrubtly left my mind as I heard the door open and a lullaby of voices filled the room. 

I sat up and saw the guys with their girlfriends, and Harry who immediately went to his room and shut the door. He did that everytime Eleanor visited Louis, and vice versa. I felt sad for him because that's how I felt when Danielle was around. 

"Hello, Niall." Eleanor said sitting next to me on the sofa. 

"Hey, El." I smiled at her and swung my right arm over her shoulder to give her an awkward half hug. Soon someone was jumping on the other side of me; Perrie.



We both laughed and high-fived one another. 

"Hey, Niall." I heard a soft voice say from across the room. I looked around to find a curly haired girl smiling at me. 

"Hi, Dani." I said quietly, and smiled at her. 

Liam knew how I felt about Danielle. That's why he always asked me to be extra nice to her. 

I sat there quietly playing with my thumbs as I heard Eleanor and Perrie talk about a new makeup they were using, and if Perrie was ever going to die her hair back blond. 

Zayn and Liam snuck off to "get something."

"I'm gonna go get the boys." Danielle said. "I want to go to the carnival." 

Danielle hopped out of her chair and and went the door of the shared bedroom. She knocked, no answer. She peeked into the room, and them pushed the door all the way open. It only took about three seconds for us to hear her gasp and run back into the sitting room. She started to cry and Perrie stood to comfort her. 

"Shh, there there." She soothed. "What happened in there?"

Danielle didn't have time to answer when Liam and Zayn came storming in, managing to bump into eachother awkwardly. 

Perrie didn'y understand what was happening, because she kept looking back and fourth between the boys, and Danielle. But I think she figured it out when she noticed Zayn's messed up quiff that wasn't perfect anymore, Liam's half unbuttoned shirt, and swollen lips. Her eyes went from furious to hurt, to she was balling in the matter of seconds.

"Babe, please..." Zayn pleaded. She didn't listen, she just smacked his hands away and sat with her face burried in her hands. 

"C'mon, El. You don't need to see this." Louis said pulling her by the hand and dragging her to his room. 

Everything was a blur around me. Crying girls, and alot of fighting. My ears started ringing, and I ran for the nearest hiding place. 

"Harry! Let me in, please!" I banged on his door until he let me in. 

He pulled me inside and hugged me tight. He knew I hated violence and how much I tried to avoid fights and yelling. He was the only person who understood, second to Liam...


Cliffhangerrrrr? Haha, Whoooaaa. I'm sorry I haven't updated in like a week. but I promised I would tonight, so here ya go :) I also need a song for this chapter! Wanna help? :) Plus do you guys like my larry teasers? ;) hehe, I've got so many plans for this story I'm excite okay! vote/comment/fan. :DD tell me watcha think ♥

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