Ch. 1

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- Niall's POV -

I looked over the massive crowd that was packed into the arena. The light was blinding me, and sweat started to form on my brow as I strummed the chords of What Makes You Beautiful. 

"Baby you light up my world like nobody else,

The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed,

But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell,"

Josh banged a few notes on his drums, and soon we were jumping all over the stage. 

"You don't know you're beautiful."

Harry finished off his solo and the rest of us naturally sang along with the chorus. 

I felt a hand grip my shoulder and I looked over at a smiling Liam, singing away. I smiled at him, admiring him for how much fun he was having. His grip loosened and soon he was dashing his way to join Louis and Zayn who were dancing like complete loons. 

I was strumming the last notes of the song when I made a dramatic, inaudible guitar solo. The crowd went crazy with shrieks, and cries, and laughter of teenage girls. The confetti blew out, and rained all over them, signaling that our show was about over, but not until one of us gives a speech. We all smiled at each other vigorously as we waited for the crowd to settle. 

Liam spoke up. 

"Thank you Birmingham! You've been brilliant! And thanks to the LG Arena for having us. But most importantly thank you to all who came out to see us this evening! Every single one of you!" He pointed every direction across the room and the crowd erupted into a fit of screams and shrieks, again. 

"But unfortunately," he continued, "that was our last song for this show." He made a pout face and the crowd made an 'aww' sound in unison. 

"But we still love you." Liam smiled a toothy grin and waved good-bye. 

With that the rest of us waved and bounded backstage.

We whooped and hollered, and chest bumped each other all the way to the dressing rooms. Louis and I sank into the dark orange lounge and sighed with relief. 

"Simple, but effective." Harry stated with a smirk playing on his lips. 

"Shut up, Haz." Louis said, trying to sound annoyed. Harry walked past him and flicked him on the nose. 

"Watcha gonna do about it, boo?" 

Before anyone could blink, Louis pounced on Harry like a cat and had him pinned to the ground. He had his scrawny legs on either side of the younger boys body, and Harry's arms were pinned above his head. 

Louis' face was awfully close to Harry's and he whispered,

"I have carrots, and I'll shove carrots everywhere carrots don't belong." 

Harry's eyes widened, turning a brighter shade of green, as he squirming under Louis' grip. Louis just smirked and laughed with a wicked glint to his blue eyes.

Liam and Zayn walked in carrying a bottle of water for each of us. They looked a bit flushed like their mums had just embarrased them, probably still out of breath from the show. 

"Could you two stop messing around, you're gonna end up breaking something." Zayn said in a montone voice. 

He and Liam shared a look, that I didn't understand. 

"Yes, that would be lovely. I don't feel like paying for anymore furniture." Liam chimed, eating a cracker from the food platter infront of him. 

"Okaaaaay, dad." Louis and Harry said annoyed. 

I just sat there with my eyes closed trying to block out the noise these wankers were making. 

"Are you okay, Nialler?" I heard a familiar vouce ask me, and I snapped out of my power nap. I looked up into deep brown eyes of my best mate. 

"Yeah, Li. I'm just tired, and bloody hungry." I said, proping my elbow onto the arm of the couch and laying my head in my fist. I closed my eyes again. 

He ruffled my hair and said, "We'll get you some food Niall. Don't worry, we're just waiting on Paul."

And with that, I dozed off. 


I woke up to someone slinging me over their shoulder as we exited the venue. 

"Bloody hell! Why do we let him eat so much? He weighs a ton!" 

I looked over my shoulder and came face to face with the back of someones head and curly hair. Asshole.

"Harry put me down." He ignored me and kept talking. 

"Damn it, Harry! I can walk, I'm not a baby." I growled and he finally set me on my feet. 

"Sorry, mate. You just looked so cute. Liam said not to wake you." Harry said with one of those cheeky half smiled that only shows one of his dimples. 

I looked over at Liam, who just shrugged, and smiled. 


We reached the only place I loved more than my mums; Nandos. Paul walked in with Louis, Harry, and I, as Liam and Zayn stayed in the car, for whatever reason, probably to talk about room arangements. 

I walked in and found my way to the front counter. The girl who took my order was absolutely beautiful. She had dark brown hair with carmel colored streaks, hazel eyes, and baby pink lips. Her eyes lit up when she laughed and her smile was intoxicating. She was a girl I wouldn't mind getting to know. 

When it was time to pay, I realized that I had forgotten my wallet in the car. I told Paul I need to go to the car and he handed me the keys. I was thankful because I didn't wanna feel like a baby anymore than I already did. 

I was walking across the parking lot when I noticed something strange about Paul's black suburbon. The back and side windows were fogged over and I couldn't see in. 

Whatever, I thought. It is the middle of January. 

I unlocked the front door and climbed in. Why the fuck is it so dark in here? I reached up above me, and turned on the overhead light. 

Behind me I heard a light gasp come from the very back and I turned around to see what was up. I looked at Liam and Zayn and I felt my eyes widen. 

Liam was straddling Zayn's lap, and I watched as Zayn's hand trailed up Liam's thighs, to his hips, as he played with the hem of his shirt. Liam was running his finger through Zayn's hair and I watched as their lips met and the kiss deepened each time they touched. 

I could feel my mouth going dry from it hanging open. I didn't realize I was staring the long until I heard someone speak. 

"Hello, Niall. Fancy seeing you here." 



hello :D most of my fanfics suck, but i'm going to work really hard on this one so you guys will like it. :) enjoy .x p.s please vote/comment :D

~leslie ♥

Chapter song; Dirty Little Secret - All American Rejects 

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