The answer had been a resounding no, even though he had only had a few conversations in the end and had not been able to bring himself to approach any of the men for this matter.

In itself, this would not even have been a problem. He could have lived with it if he knew where this feeling suddenly came from and why it was focused only on Levi. What did this man have that others did not? And why was he so mercilessly addicted to it? He didn't know, and it almost drove him crazy not to be in control of his feelings. Even with Marie, as much as he had loved her, he had eventually learned to deal with his emotions and accepted that Nile had been the right choice for her.

He bent down and splashed the cool water on his face again to calm himself down because there was just no point in thinking about it in his condition.

He put the water down again and finally turned toward the door. He hesitated for a moment before giving himself a jerk and opening it in a quick, silent movement. He certainly didn't even have to be quiet because Levi was surely long gone.

He looked down at the bed, all the more surprised to discover Levi lying between the sheets, unchanged and still with his back turned to him.

Again he hesitated, glancing at the clock, only to realize that it was indeed too early and that his condition did not necessarily allow him to get to work now. So he gave himself a jolt and lay back in bed with some distance from Levi.

He stared motionless at the ceiling for a while listening to the stifling silence that surrounded them, before wincing slightly when he heard Levi's voice.

"Are you all right?" he asked in a lowered voice.

Erwin considered for a moment whether he should just pretend to be asleep before nodding after all. "It's all good," he said when he realized Levi couldn't see him like this.

"I know you must be itching to get back to your desk by now. But you should try to get some more sleep," he heard Levi's soft murmur again.

Erwin sighed and pulled a piece of the blanket over his body before closing his eyes. But his thoughts began to race again. Suddenly, he heard Levi stirring next to him and was sure he would leave now. But instead, he suddenly felt the warmth of his body against his side as Levi moved closer to him and rested his head on his chest.

Immediately Erwin's heart began to race at this unexpected touch, and he was sure Levi did not miss it. Still, the expected mockery failed to materialize, so Erwin hesitantly let his hand rest on Levi's hip before unceremoniously pressing him against him and burying his face in his hair.

Whatever it was that fascinated him so much about this man. He would find out in any case.


Levi's face contorted as the sun shone through the window and tickled his nose, rousing him from sleep. Sleepily, he ran his hand over his face and straightened up with a groan. Damn, he really should have pulled the ripcord earlier the previous evening. And why was it so damn bright in here?

He looked around with only one eye open, and it took him a moment to understand where he was. He swallowed as he recognized Erwin's bedroom, and the memories of last night came crashing in on him.

Levi cursed softly and shimmied his way to the edge of the bed before pushing himself over it somewhat heavily. The hangover had taken full effect by now, and he remained sitting on the edge for a moment to collect himself. Apparently, although Erwin had been considerably drunker, he had already gotten up because Levi couldn't spot him anywhere. Not even in the bathroom, which he entered shortly after that.

He relieved himself, stripped off his clothes, and got into the tub before letting the cold water run down his neck, acknowledging it with a loud sigh. At least until he remembered where he actually was.

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