Chapter 42

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Kol's POV

Stalking back into the compound, I find Freya, Elijah, and Hayley standing in the courtyard. Walking up to the two, I make out parts of their conversation.

"Lucien is demanding my presence." he states, glancing down at his phone. "The Whiskey Cask. Alone and immediately. He says if I delay, Niklaus will die."

"Is the plan ready?" I question, walking up to the trio. Glancing up at me, Freya nods. "Then let's go get this son of a bitch."


"Please, Elijah. Know when you're beaten." I hear from the other room, before the sounds of Lucien's screams fill the air. Freya and I enter the ballroom to spot the Upgraded Original trapped in a binding circle.

"That looks like it hurts." I comment, sending the man a sickingly sweet smile.

"Just what I was going for." Freya remarks, as he glares at both of us.

"What did you do to me?" Lucien grits out, clenching his fists in pain.

"The Sigil will bind you, weaken you.  The boiling blood I added myself." my sister explains, kneeling in front of him. "Maybe I can't kill you, but I can make you wish you were dead."

As the three of us watch on, Lucien screams in pain from his situation. Eventually, he gathers enough strength to stand to his feet.

"Well, I admit, Freya, this is a truly valiant effort. Inspired, I assume, by your grief over Finn's death?" Lucien taunts my sister, before she uses her magic to torture him again.

"Pop goes the weasel! A rather potent aneurysm spell! You never fail to impress." he cries out, quickly recovering from the pain.

"Oh, I have all kinds of tricks." Freya mutters, as members of the Strix join our little party. "We even brought an audience to enjoy the show."

"Oh come now, my darling sister." Elijah remarks, keeping his attention focused on Lucien. "The Strix are the show. Well, the first act."

"Act two: Lucien's buried beneath a thousand tons of cement." I describe, plastering a grin on my face. "Act Three (spoiler alert): you're a parking lot."

"Even after a thousand years, Kol, you've never managed to curb your hubris. You still wander through a smog of your own self-importance." Lucien states, smiling wickedly up at me. "I can kill anything. Even them. Even you three. And since the Ancestors have made me their champion, they will not allow me to be detained."

With that, he steps out of the Sigil without any pushback. The members of the Strix surround the Upgraded Original, hoping to rip him to shreds. Due to his enhanced strength and speed, almost all of them are killed within a few moments. The remaining few speed off, not wishing to join their counterparts.

Grinning at the solemn looks on our faces, Lucien moves to take a step forward. Before he can, the ground begins violently shaking, causing the four of us to stumble around. It only lasts a few seconds, quickly settling the area. Without warning, a wave of magic rushes through the air, knocking us to the ground.

"Well, that's one less Mikaelson to deal with." Lucien mutters, causing me to narrow my eyes in anger.

"What are you talking about?" I grit out, holding myself back from attacking him.

"Isn't it obvious?" he wonders, letting out a light chuckle. "Your wife caused that. And if you thought that some measly dagger would stop her powers, you severely underestimated the ancestors."

I move to attack him but am stopped by my older brother. Stepping back, I nod to Elijah before speeding off to Old Algiers.

Arriving in a nearby ally, I stop and begin making my way toward the bar. As I turn the corner, my eyes widen in shock. The building has disappeared, and in its place is a giant crater. Running over to the base of the destruction, I glance down to the former bar. 

"Astrid!" I cry out, attempting to rush down to find my wife. Before I can move, I feel two pairs of arms pull me back.

"Kol..." Freya mutters in a calm tone. "If she was the one who caused it, she and anyone in there is gone."

Blinking away tears, I struggle against the two. After failing to break free for a few moments, I fall to my knees, crying out in anguish. 


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