Chapter 2

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Kol's POV

Curse my damned father! Davina has almost gotten hurt once for his music addiction, and she might again. Thankfully, this time I am going with her to ensure her safety. If any supernatural being tries attacking her, they've got me to deal with. 

As the two of us approach the record shop my witch friend orders from, I notice a CLOSED sign plastered on the door. Apparently, our old friend Joe didn't make it through the attack on the werewolves. He died valiantly. Before Davina and I can turn around to leave, a voice pops up from behind us.

"Aw this sucks." a young man with curly brown hair exclaims dramatically. "No trades today. I mean, it's worse for you, of course--guy had the market cornered on the ancient Icelandic folk scene."

I narrow my eyes at the stranger, as Davina chuckles lightly. She doesn't appear to be as apprehensive around him as usual, so she must know him. 

"Hey, Kaleb." my friend greets, looking around behind the man. "Where's your sister?"

I raise my eyebrows in interest, as Kaleb shrugs his shoulders. Smiling down at Davina, he crosses his arms.

"Jamie's currently taking care of some family business. But I saw you across the street from the coffee shop, so I thought I'd come say hi." Kaleb explains, while I narrow my eyes at the man. I'm still trying to decipher what his intentions are with Davina. And until I do, I won't trust him. 

The pair continue their conversation, while I stand next to my friend awkwardly. When Kaleb tries to flirt with her, my eyes narrow into a glare, causing him to shift uncomfortably. After a few excruciating minutes, they exchange numbers, and he leaves us alone. Thank god for that. I was ready to rip his head from his body and feed it to the dogs. Davina and I begin our journey back to the church, when she pops up.

"I know you don't trust him, Kol. It's obvious." my friend states, staring ahead at the crowd of people in our way. A smirk appears on my face, as my eyes shift around the area.

"Oh no! What gave it away?" I jokingly ask, causing Davina to roll her eyes in annoyance. She lightly pushes on my arm, while I send her a concerned look. "I'm sorry if I upset you. I just don't want this to be another alliance attempt by my brother where you get hurt."

"He's a good guy, Kol." she reassures me, sighing in frustration. "Besides, his sister Jamie is the first person outside of you and Aunt Val to help me the past few months. You would like her."

If this sister is anything like the man I just met, I highly doubt that.


"Now go clean yourself up and forget this ever happened. And take the rest of the night to enjoy yourself, love." I compel my latest victim, before sending her off. 

As the now healed girl walks away, my eyes focus on a group of people across the street. A woman with sage-colored eyes and long blonde hair in the center of a set of disgusting mutts. She appears to be annoyed with the sudden audience and is throwing a string of insults at the men. Speeding closer to the group, I listen in on their conversation.

"Would you kindly leave me alone? I am trying to live my life the same as you." the woman grits out, crossing her arms at the men. Her British accent rings throughout my ears, giving me a sense of familiarity.  

"No can do, sweetheart. We've got orders to take you in." the head werewolf explains, scoffing at the woman's attempts to negotiate. When of the other mutts takes a step towards her, I let my presence be known. 

"Now, now, now. That is no way to treat a lady." I state, causing everyone to turn towards me. Stepping closer to the group, I cross my arms against my chest, and a devilish smile appears on my face. "Apologize to her."

All of the werewolves laugh, before the head one steps closer to me. His blonde hair shakes with every step he takes, until he's at eye level with me. 

"You have no rights to be making demands here, buddy. Your kind was run out of this city months ago." he states, as I narrow my eyes at him. If he isn't careful, I'll rip his heart out and crush it in front of his friends. 

"That may be true, but there's still no reason to be rude to her." I voice, gesturing to the woman. 

The mutt glances over at her briefly, before turning back to glare more at me. Instead of responding, he collects his friends and leaves the area. Good riddance. Glancing back at the woman, I see her glaring at me. What did I do now?

"I had that under control. I didn't need your help." she mutters, crossing her arms. Stepping closer to her, I scoff and roll my eyes.

"Yeah, like they weren't going to kidnap you and take you to their leader." I assert, as she moves to walk away. I use my hand to block her from leaving, causing her to glare up at me. "I was just trying to help."

Instead of responding, she brushes me off and walks back out to the street. Wow...what a woman. 


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