Chapter 38

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Kol's POV

"What could have caused that?" I question my siblings, crossing my arms against my chest.

Soon after Astrid and Jeremy stormed out of the compound, a minor earthquake erupted across the city. Luckily, no one was hurt in the process, but I've been unable to reach the two since. 

"Whatever it was had to have had a substantial amount of magical energy." my older sister describes, leaning her hands on the table. "As far as I know, earthquakes like that don't happen everyday."

"So, someone did this?" Elijah wonders, narrowing his eyes in confusion.

"If I had to make a guess, yes." Freya responds, nodding along. "They more than likely suffered from an overload of magic and had to release it. The same thing must have happened earlier in the forest."

Out of the corner of my eye, I spot Niklaus and Elijah sharing a knowing look. Turning toward the two, I raise my eyebrows in confusion.

"What?" I question, raising my voice slightly.

"Kol...there is a possibility that Astrid is responsible." Rebekah chimes in, acting as sincerely as possible. 

"No. I refuse to believe that." I mutter, shaking my head in response. "She won't put people in danger. She wouldn't put us in danger no matter how angry she is."

From behind me, I hear a dark chuckle. Turning around, I spot Finn sporting a stupid grin on his face. Narrowing my eyes in anger, I drop my arms and clench my fists at my sides. 

"Are you really that blinded by love to see the truth?" my eldest brother remarks, as I glare daggers into his skull. "Your precious Astrid is dangerous and out of control. She killed four drunken idiots, just because she couldn't keep her blood lust in check. Who knows what she's capable of?"

Stepping forward to confront the idiot I call family, I feel my arm grabbed by someone. Turning to face the person, I spot Elijah sending me a cautious look.

"He's right, Kol." he mutters, releasing my arm from his grasp. "Ever since she was resurrected, her powers have been out of control. There is a high possibility that she has caused the earthquake."

Before I have a chance to argue, my phone begins ringing. Ripping it out of my pocket, I glance down and see Davina's caller ID. Answering the call, I hold the device up to my ear.

"Not a good time, Little Claire." I mumble, earning looks of confusion from my siblings.

"Actually, it is, because Astrid's missing." she explains, hyperventilating slightly. Shifting the phone to my other hand, I step away from my siblings.

"Start at the beginning." I grit out, ignoring the knowing look from my eldest brother. Hearing an echo sound from the device, I pull it away from my ear and place the call on speaker phone.

"After we left the compound earlier, she went off on her own for a bit." Jeremy explains, grunting in pain. "When Kailie finally came back to the apartment, I could tell something was up. But when I tried to confront her about it, her magic overloaded and knocked me into a bookcase. By the time I woke up, she was gone, and Davina was standing over me."

"Any idea of where she could be?" Niklaus asks, furrowing his eyebrows in concern. Before the Gilbert witch can respond, I feel a sharp pain in my heart. 

"I think I do." I mutter, handing the device to my brother. Speeding off from the compound, I trust my senses and quickly arrive at the town border. 

Glancing around the area, I search for my wife to no avail. However, as I move to return home, I spot an unmoving figure laying right outside of town. Racing over to it, I see Astrid lying motionless. Grey veins are splotched all across her skin, signaling that she has been desiccated. Picking her up into my arms, I rush off toward the compound.

 Picking her up into my arms, I rush off toward the compound

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