Chapter 7

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Jamie's POV

Yay. Time for some spying. Just what I want to do on a Saturday afternoon. At least I get to text Kol. After he discovered my little secret last night, my husband is never going to let me out of his sight again. We don't need another Mystic Falls incident happening. 

"Astrid! Concentrate!" my mother-in-law scolds me, dropping her locator spell momentarily. Rolling my eyes, I pocket my phone and look back up at the witch. "Unless your brother has finally heard from our missing Davina Claire."

Keeping a straight face, I shake my head. Sighing, Esther plucks several petals from a rose, before dropping them into a bowl of water. 

"It's only a matter of time. The two seemed to have hit it off at the bar the other night. It shouldn't be long now." I detail, watching her give me a look of disbelief. 

"Given your progress with Kol, I'd say not." my mother-in-law states, pricking her finger and letting a few drops of blood hit the water. Tightly grabbing my hands, she pulls me over to the bowl.

"No matter. I'll find her." she explains, picking up the glass container. "Now, focus. Conjure her in your mind."

Closing my eyes, I picture my brother's crush in my head. Esther continues where she left off in the spell, letting out a soft sigh. After a few seconds, I hear the bowl shatter and open my eyes to see a frustrated mother-in-law.

"She's somehow blocked our locator spell." Esther grits out, as I bite back a smirk. Good job, Davina. I wouldn't want to be found by this crazy bitch either.

"Not entirely my fault then." I state, before the lapdog pops up. If he's not careful, I'll light his ass on fire.

"Considering your sole task was keeping track of my youngest brother and a teenager, you might want to draw a little less attention to your absolute failure to do so."

Ok that's it. Finn is about to become barbeque. As I turn around to face my brother-in-law, I feel myself losing control of my magic.

"Oh, you're one to talk about failure!" I taunt him, getting up in his face. "Have you got that human girl to bare her soul to you yet? Or are you too busy playing captain to a pack of mangy dogs to have any success as a fake headshrinker?"

Finn goes to attack me with his magic, but Esther gives us both aneurysms. Blood drips from my nose, while I glare up at my mother-in-law.

"Children." she mumbles, frustrated at our bickering. Dropping her hand, Esther releases both of us from her magic. "Now if I'm right, Davina has the white oak stake. Find the girl, Astrid, and get it back."


"I don't know about this, Kol." I tell my husband, as the two of us walk down the driveway to Davina's cabin. Chuckling slightly, Kol intertwines our hands together and gives mine a comforting squeeze. 

According to my husband, this little cottage is where my brother's crush and my father-in-law have been hiding for the past few days. In all honesty, it's not the worst place to hide. There's privacy and no annoying witches to deal with out here. 

As Kol and I climb the stairs up to Davina's cabin, I feel uneasy like someone's watching us. I go to knock on the front door, but I'm stopped by it swinging open. 

Inside the rustic cabin is my blushing brother holding open the door and Davina sitting back on the couch. She appears to be clutching onto her ankle, wincing at the touch. My husband brushes past Jeremy and rushes inside to check on Davina. I follow after him, before hearing my brother shut the door behind us. 

While Kol and the young witch talk, I pull Jeremy over to the side. We need to have a family meeting. 

"So what happened here?" I question my brother, who rubs the back of his neck nervously. It's not like I'm going to bite his head off. What's up with him?

"Davina called me about an hour ago, needing help with her bruised ankle. I brought over some of the herbal spread we made and helped her apply it. Then you two showed up. That's it." Jeremy explains, causing me to cross my arms and narrow my eyes. I don't buy it. Why was he blushing like a mad man earlier?

Out of the corner of my eye, I spot Kol helping Davina into her room. She must have had a rough day. Can't say I blame her when she has to deal with Mikael 24/7. He may be my family by marriage, but I still hate the dickhead. That's why I was happy when I got to use my magic against him. 

"So I see your ruse with Kol is working." Jeremy comments, menacingly smiling down at me. Oh if only he knew. That plan went out the window when my idiotic brother-in-law let my identity slip. Smirking up at my brother, I nod.

"Something like that." I state, before clearing my throat and lowering my voice. "Any luck with the task I gave you?"

He shakes his head, causing me to sigh. I'm going to have to help him search for the stake. The faster we have it the better. I won't let the bitch and her lapdogs hurt my family anymore. 


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