Chapter 16

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Astrid's POV

"That's definitely Esther's work, all right." I comment, as Jeremy and I examine the puncture wounds on Cami's back. "She must have wiped your memory."

"Not the first time that's been done by a member of this family." the blonde human mumbles, causing amused grins to appear on mine and Jeremy's faces. "What does it mean?"

Our smiles drop into frowns, and I subconsciously feel the faint outline of the wounds on my back. My mind drifts back to Esther's 'punishments', causing me to zone out from the conversation. 

The next thing I know, I'm being shaken back to reality by my brother. He has a concerned expression etched across his face. 

"Kailie, are you okay?" Jeremy questions, as I fully focus on him. 

Nodding my head, I clear my throat and look around to only see Davina and Valerie standing behind him. The eldest witch has her arms crossed against her chest with an annoyed look on her face. Uh oh.

"So where'd Cami go?" I ask, trying to change the subject. Thankfully, Davina pops up, before her aunt can get a word in. 

"She went to go see Vinc-I mean Finn. Apparently, he was the one who did the transfer spell on her." the young witch explains, causing me to nod my head along. 

Feeling the tension in the room, Jeremy moves toward the dining table, gesturing for the Claire witches and Marcel to follow after him. They move with him, leaving Caroline and I hovering over Nik's body. 

Seeing a concerned look on my best friend's face, I reach out for her hand and give it a reassuring squeeze. She sends me a thankful smile, before clearing her throat.

"If you can get Davina to wake him up, I'll calm him down, before he can attack anyone." Caroline states, as I nod along. Placing my fingers up to my lips, I whistle, grabbing the attention of the three witches and vampire. They turn around to face the two of us, food in each of their hands. 

Rolling my eyes, I gesture for the group to walk back over, before they join us once again. Just as they make it over to us, Cami rejoins the group with an annoyed expression plastered on her face. 

"How long do I have?" she questions, crossing her arms against her chest. For being in a life or death situation, she is very determined. I'll give her that. 

"Well, now that Esther knows where Rebekah's hiding...not long." I state, darting my eyes around at the group. "The only way to stop it is to stop her."

"Esther's stronger than anything I've ever seen." Marcel pops up, pacing back and forth. "We're going to need Klaus."

Oh boy. Davina is not going to be happy about this. 

"No. No, we can do this without him!" the young witch exclaims, before her aunt pulls her back. We don't need her attacking Marcel right now. It won't do us any good.

"I'm never going to say this again, but Marcel's right, D." my brother starts off, sending his crush a soft smile. "We do need the bastard."

Davina sighs, completely annoyed at the situation. I can't say I blame her. My brother-in-law can be a dickweed sometimes. Sensing Davina's apprehension, Cami steps forward. 

"Davina, I know this is asking a lot, but please." Cami pleads, grabbing her hands in her own. The young witch sighs once again, before leaning down and removing the spell from my brother-in-law. 

Niklaus gasps awake, as Caroline rushes to his side. Standing up from his spot, he glances around at the rest of us, trying to center himself.

"What did she do to me?" my brother-in-law asks us, while a satisfied smirk appears on Davina's face. 

"All you need to know is that I beat you...again." she details, crossing her arms against her chest. 

"And yet, you relented." Niklaus points out, narrowing his eyes at the young witch. "You need me, don't you?"

Rolling her eyes, Davina lets out a loud sigh, causing my brother-in-law to smirk in satisfaction. After a few seconds, he turns back to us.

"Did I really lose?" Niklaus questions, before I let out a loud snort and nod my head.

"It was hilarious."


"Hi, this is Kol. You know the drill."

I quickly end the call and pocket my phone, wiping away any fallen tears. I fucking hate Esther. He would be here right now if it weren't for her. 

After Davina removed her spell from Niklaus earlier, I left the room to get some privacy. Honestly, I had to get away from people, before I lost my fucking mind and burned down the compound. 

I returned to the room Caroline took us to earlier and plopped down onto one of the couches. Soon after, I began calling my husband, hoping that he would answer. I've tried a hundred times, but they all end up going to voicemail. 

A knock on the door shocks me back to reality. The door opens, revealing Niklaus standing outside. He sends me a soft smile, entering the room and closing the door behind him. 

"For the record, I had no idea about Esther's plan for Cami, I swear." I state, letting out a low chuckle. 

"Well, I think I can judge for myself which of her schemes she would entrust to you, and which she would not." my brother-in-law details, sitting across from me in an armchair. "I believe this was Finn's task."

"Speaking of the jackass, where is he now?" I wonder, leaning back in my seat. Niklaus lets out a low chuckle, standing up and moving over close to some alcohol. How in the hell did I not notice that earlier? I would've drank the entire collection, while I was by myself. 

"He's waiting uncomfortably for us to return and deliver his punishment." he explains, pouring us both a glass of whiskey. 

Nik hands over the alcohol, causing me to mutter a quick thanks. In one gulp, I drink all the whiskey, placing the glass onto a nearby table. Glancing over at my brother-in-law, I can see that he's hesitating on commenting. Well that's new.

"You know, it's only a matter of time before the witch bitch gets bored of waiting for you to let us go." I state, crossing my arms against my chest. "Well, Finn, at least. I don't expect she'd care if I never came home. Only Kol and Jeremy care."

Niklaus narrows his eyes at the last part, sending me a confused look. Oh right! I haven't told him how his mother and eldest brother tortured me in their witchy cave for weeks. 

"Despite what you might think, Tri, I did mourn you after your death. And, I did attempt to avenge you. I would do nothing less, because we are family. Always and Forever." my brother-in-law starts off, reaching out for my hand. "I will do everything in my power to get Kol back. I promise."

In the thousand years I've known him, I don't think I've ever seen Nik get that sincere before. Letting out a soft chuckle, I wipe any stray tears from my eyes and grab his hand. We share a quick smile, before his phone interrupts the moment. 

My brother-in-law leaves the room to answer the call, while I go to pour myself more whiskey. Sweet sweet Jack Daniels.

 Sweet sweet Jack Daniels

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