Chapter 21

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Astrid's POV

"What's with the church bells?" I annoyedly question Marcel, sitting across from him in the study. "It sounds like the preamble to my own bloody funeral."

"It's Carillon Eve." the vampire explains, smirking down at me. "The locals shroud the eyes of angels so the dead can walk among us for a night without judgment. The bells wake the dead and guide them to eternal rest. So whether you live or die today, you can join the festivities."

Rolling my eyes, I sarcastically laugh at the man, before walking over to the mini bar to pour myself some whiskey. 

"Oh, Marcel." I taunt him, taking a sip from my glass. "You're gonna make certain that I live. I'm the only one that knows how to find Rebekah."

"That's because you underestimate how hungry I am, and how much I'd like to appease my hungry friends right outside that door." Marcel arrogantly comments, crossing his arms against his chest. For a brief second, I spot a look of pain on his face, but it quickly fades away. 

"Are you oka-" I start to ask but am cut off by a fleeing Marcel. He slams the door behind him, leaving me wondering what's wrong. Well at least I get to enjoy a glass of Jack Daniels alone.

After a little while, I feel my stomach grumble, signaling that I'm hungry. Stupid human body. Letting out a groan, I place my alcohol down and venture outside of the study to find some food. Exiting the room, I cautiously walk downstairs and find two vampires staring hungrily at me. Oh boy.

"You come anywhere near me, and I will give you a headache that will last a century." I mutter, glaring at the two. Veins appear under the woman's eyes, and her fangs pop out. 

"It'll be worth it." she comments, gearing up to attack. Before she can take another step, however, I clench my fist at my side, giving the vampire an aneurysm. 

She falls to the ground, clutching her head, while her friend runs towards me. Out of nowhere, Marcel speeds over to the three of us, glaring daggers into my skull.

"Anyone care to explain what's going on?" he questions, crossing his arms against his chest. Noticing I'm still sending the woman an aneurysm, Marcel pushes me over, breaking the spell. 

"Your so-called protection detail was trying to eat me!" I exclaim, smirking over at the three vampires. "I think I should teach them a lesson."

I reach out to cast another infliction spell on the vampires, but a sharp pain shoots through my head, causing me to pass out.

Opening my eyes, I spot the familiar details of the Mikaelson shack from a thousand years ago. What the fuck? 

Stepping out around the corner, I see my husband standing there with two of his brothers. Clearing my throat, I announce my presence to the three. The three turn towards me, as Kol rushes over and pulls me into his arms. We stay this way for a few more seconds, before Elijah pops up from behind us. 

"What is this?" he annoyedly questions, while I take a good look around the room. Five animal heads are mounted onto the walls, sending a shiver down my spine. I know exactly what this is. Esther taught me about it.

"It's a chambre de chasse. A hunt room." I explain, gesturing around the room. "It's where witches bring their prey for mental target practice. Our bodies are in the real world, laying dead on the floor, whilst our minds are in here, represented by these creepy animal heads."

"Let me take a wild guess as to who is the author of this nightmare." Niklaus comments, rolling his eyes. "FINN! SHOW YOURSELF!"

Suddenly, the front door opens, revealing my eldest brother-in-law standing there. He struts into the room, while the four of us glare daggers into his skull. Nik moves to choke him but is stopped by an unseen force.

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