Chapter 12

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Astrid's POV

Damn nightmares! I can't get sleep anymore without screaming or gasping awake. Sadly, I think Kol has gotten used to it now. The first couple times I scared the shit out of him. 

As I slowly regain control of my breathing, I hear the shower running in the bathroom. Faintly, I can make out the sound of my husband humming to himself, causing me to roll my eyes and smirk. Can't say that I'm surprised. 

Grabbing my phone, I unlock it to see text messages from my brother. Apparently him and Davina found a motel to stay at, so they can lay low from Esther and Finn. Good plan. The longer those two are away from New Orleans, the better. I'll just have to come up with some excuse for my mother-in-law. 

The sound of the shower turning off snaps me out of my thoughts. Glancing up from my phone, I see my husband exit the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around his waist. A concerned look is plastered across his face, causing me to place the device back onto the bedside table. 

"What was it this time?" he questions, moving to the dresser to pick out some clothes. After he found out I was Jamie, Kol slowly began to bring over some of his belongings. Letting out a loud sigh, I place my hair into a ponytail. 

"You and Jeremy died instead of me at Elena's house that night." I admit, throwing the comforter off of me to get ready for the day. 

Opening up my closet, I grab the closest outfit I can find and make my way over to the bathroom. I feel Kol's eyes on me as I enter the room. Before he can say anything, however, I slam the door behind me. 

I get a few moments of peaceful silence, getting ready for the day. Even though it's off to a bad start already, I still believe this day can get better. I do have my husband with me. That can hopefully be good.

Throwing my dirty clothes into the hamper, I exit the bathroom to finish getting ready. Sitting down on the bed, I slip into a pair of converse and tie them up. 

"I need to talk to you about something." my husband pops up, completely out of the blue. Raising my eyebrows, I gesture for him to continue. Throwing on his shirt, Kol comes and sits down next to me.

"Before I was daggered in 1914, I was working on a dagger. Specifically, one that could put down Nik. But, before I could finish it, my brother found out and...put an end to that plan." he details, rubbing the back of his neck.

"So you want me to help you finish it?" I finish his statement, sighing upon seeing Kol nod. Why am I not surprised? "Why don't you have Valerie or Davina do it? They're better at magic than I am."

My husband stays quiet for too long, giving me my answer. Turning to face him, I give him a pointed look, crossing my arms for effect.

"They said no, didn't they?" I question, getting another nod in response. Bingo is his name-o! Before I can get up and finish getting ready, Kol takes one of my hands in his and intertwines our fingers. 

"Astrid, I know th-"

"That the idea is stupid and can get both of us killed? Yes, I am well aware." I butt in, before he can get another word out. "I also know that Niklaus needs to be knocked down a peg."

A devilish grin appears on my husband's face, causing me to roll my eyes. He always gets way too excited about things like this. Without warning, Kol begins peppering my face with short pecks. I chuckle loudly, as I am pushed back onto the bed. The kisses become longer, spreading down my neck. 

All of a sudden, a sharp burning sensation shoots through my arm, causing me to scream in pain. Kol quickly sits up, trying to figure out what happened. Glancing down at my forearm, I spot a set of Norse symbols burnt into my arm. 

 "What's happening?" my husband questions, slightly freaking out at the marking. Sitting up on the bed, I clench my fist in pain.

"That's your bitchy mother. Calling me home."

And my day has been ruined. That didn't take long.


"Remind me to teach you how to send a text message." I state, stomping into the greenhouse. I really hate this place. It seems that every time I come here, I get wounded. 

"You were told to get the white oak stake days ago." Esther starts off in an annoyed tone. "We need it now...seeing as your father-in-law has risen." 

Uh oh. How in the hell did she find out? It honestly wouldn't surprise me if he told her himself. My father-in-law has been known to be extremely egotistical.

"Mikael?" I question, pretending to be shocked at the name. "Back from the dead?"

Apparently, my mother-in-law is not happy with that answer. Especially, since she throws a plant at my head. What the fuck? 

"Enough!" Esther exclaims, while I duck out of the way of the projectile. "You kept it from me. Why? Because of my son? Davina Claire?"

"To protect your plan!" I scream, flailing my arms around slightly. "They're never going to trust me or my brother if they think we're just flying monkeys to the wicked witch! I've got it handled, Esther."

My mother-in-law considers my plan for a few seconds, before slowly making her way over to a nearby candle. As she blows out the flame, the Norse symbols on my arm begin to heal. Well that's one problem taken care of.

"I want that stake! And I don't care what you have to do to get it." Esther explains, stalking out of the greenhouse. Out of the corner of my eye, I spot an athame hidden on a table. Picking it up, I examine the blade. Perfect!


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