Chapter 34

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Astrid's POV

As if this day couldn't get any worse. From what I've overheard, Elijah is forcing us to have a staycation until the last bit of white oak can be located. Having died from a stake made out of that shit, I'll happily stay inside and drink my Jack Daniels. I'll just need to stay awake from my idiotic in-laws.

After pouring more whiskey into a glass, I walk over and stand out on the balcony. Raising the drink to my lips, I take a sip, hearing a familiar pair of footsteps enter the bedroom from behind me.

"Thought I'd find you in here." Kol states, causing me to roll my eyes. I continue drinking my whiskey, as he walks over and stands beside me. "Would you like to explain what happened in there?"

"Your brother's annoying. Case closed." I mutter, keeping my eyes focused on the view ahead.

"Well, you're not wrong about that." he states, letting out a low chuckle. "But we both know that's not what I meant."

"What do you want me to say, Kol?" I question, finally looking over at the man. "That Jeremy and Davina's spell went wrong? That I'm now cursed as a heretic for the rest of eternity?"

"Why didn't you tell me?" my husband retorts, glancing down at me with an upset expression on his face. "We agreed to no more secrets between us."

"In my defense, I didn't know until last night." I explain, taking a sip of my drink to keep my powers at bay. "But even if I did know before then, I don't know if I would've told you."

"Why not?" Kol inquires, raising his eyebrows in confusion.

"You're just full of questions today, aren't you?" I remark, letting out a sigh at the annoyed expression on his face. "Because, you would've done exactly what you're doing now. Being the overprotective husband who won't let me make any decisions for myself."

"I'd let you make your own decisions if you weren't putting yourself in danger constantly!" he exclaims, narrowing his eyes in anger. "Is it too much for me to want you safe?"

"In this family, yeah!" I mutter, crossing my arms against my chest. Around us, the wind picks up, blowing items around the room.

"I only do it because I love you!" the Original screams, overdramatically waving his arms through the air.

"Well, I love you too!" I declare, stalking closer to him upsettingly.

"Then why are we screaming?"

"I don't know!"

A layer of silence settles into the room, as the two of us take a moment to collect our thoughts. Glancing past my husband, I see a literal disaster area around us. Great...Just what I need right now. I don't know what's worse: my uncontrollable bloodlust or these stupid powers.

Letting out a loud sigh, I place my glass onto a nearby dresser, stepping forward to begin cleaning. As I start, I turn my back to Kol, trying to keep my emotions under control. After a few moments of me ignoring his presence, I hear him leave the bedroom, slamming the door shut behind him.

Without thinking, I snap my wrist, causing the couch and chairs to fly into the nearby walls. Taking in a shaky breath, I sit down on the bed and place my head in my hands. What have I gotten myself into? As much I appreciate this 'new' life my brother and Davina gave me, I'd rather be in hell.

Even though I was only human for a few short months, I completely forgot the downsides of being immortal. The heightened emotions and bloodlust were enough to isolate me last time, and now I've got magical powers thrown into the mix.

None of this would be happening right now if Finn hadn't killed me. I was perfectly happy living out the rest of my life in the body of that witch, but he just had to be a dickwad and curse me to death. He really does take after his bitch of a mother in that regard.

Lifting my head from my hands, I glance around the room, wincing at every broken item. Eventually, my attention focuses on a familiar grimoire. Narrowing my eyes, I stand up from the bed, cautiously stepping around shattered glass.

Picking up the spellbook, I shake off any stray material, placing it back onto a nearby bookshelf. staring down at the item. After a few moments, my eyes widen in realization, as I rip my phone from my pocket. Dialing the number from memory, I wait for the person to answer, impatiently tapping my foot against the floor.

"Hello?" he answers groggily, as if he just woke up.

"Jer, I need your help. How'd you like to get some revenge?"

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