Chapter 33

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Astrid's POV

"Are you quite sure?" Elijah questions, trying to figure out what happened. Rolling my eyes, I cross my arms against my chest.

"I saw him with my own eyes." I mutter, as my brother-in-law lets out a heavy sigh. "Finn must have come back, when Davina and Jeremy resurrected me."

Thinking over it, my eyes widen in realization at the thought. There's only one way this could have happened. 

"The spell was tied to the blood of the Mikaelson line." I mumble, trying to get him to understand. "When Kol and I got married, your mother made us do a blood oath."

"Speaking of my brother, have you told him about this?" Elijah asks, as I drop my head in anguish. Fighting back tears, I shake my head.

"He is to not know about this." I explain, leaning up against a nearby table. "Not until we figure out what to do about your asshole of an older brother."

Elijah silently nods, trying to contemplate what to do. He moves to sit down on one of the couches, while I clear my throat.

"Either the spell worked on him, or he found a way to hijack it." I detail, clenching my hands into fists. "Either way, the only 'how' I care about right now is how long I'm going to make him suffer before I kill him."

"Restraint, sister." my brother-in-law warns, pointing over at me. "For now."

"Why?" I grit out, trying to keep my anger under control. "Finn is clearly the one spreading rumors about missing white oak. He's luring Niklaus' enemies out of the woodwork. It's all part of his tedious revenge fantasy."

"You're wrong." I hear from behind me, before turning to see my sister-in-law Freya and Kol standing there. Sporting an angered look on his face, my husband walks over and stands next to me.

"Those rumors began before either of you returned." she explains, looking between me and Elijah. "Finn is innocent."

"Innocent?" I question, scoffing at the thought. "Pardon me, but Finn has tried to kill the rest of us more than once. He is an enemy of our family."

"He is our family." Freya states, leaning up against one of the armchairs. "Finn's return is an opportunity to mend old wounds and fix what's broken."

"He didn't just drop a fucking vase!" I exclaim, as Kol attempts to hold me back from my sister-in-law. "He murdered me!"

"You seem certain." Elijah pops up, moving closer to his sister. "Time and again, Finn has demonstrated nothing but contempt towards this family. So you tell me, how can you be so certain that he would return to us in peace?

"Our sister knows me well." a familiar voice mutters, stepping into the room. Glancing over at the person, I see my asshole of a brother-in-law standing there, smirking at the four of us. "Though, perhaps, you're right to doubt my intentions. By all means, let's discuss our family quarrels. I believe we're long overdue."

Before anything else can be said, Elijah's phone begins to ring, as my brother-in-law leaves the room to answer the call. Sensing the tension, Kol pulls me closer to him in an attempt to calm me down. Closing my eyes, I try to ignore the elephant in the room.

"Has the cat got your tongue, Astrid?" Finn taunts, stepping closer to the two of us. "That's surprising, especially after the incident last night."

Feeling Kol slightly release me, I open my eyes to see the three siblings looking down at me. Well this should be fun to explain. Glancing over at my asshole brother-in-law, I roll my eyes at the knowing smirk plastered on his face. 

Stepping away from my husband, I stalk over and punch Finn, sending him across the room. He recovers quickly and moves to attack me. Before he can, however, Freya and Kol step between the two of us, holding us back from an evitable fight. 

"Take a swing, huh?" I grit out, trying to get around Kol. "All this bullshit sidestepping, even the way you fight is boring."

"You know, it's an odd critique, considering all your flair and flourish last time couldn't keep you from being bested the last time we faced each other." my brother-in-law taunts, as the wind picks up in the room. 

Before I can stop myself, I flick my wrist, snapping Finn's neck. Hearing the sound of his body falling to the ground, Kol and Freya glance down at him. The siblings widen their eyes at the sight, shifting around to face me.

Not wanting to explain, I rush out of the room, passing by Elijah on the way to the parlor. I need booze in me ASAP.

 I need booze in me ASAP

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