They both got up heading to the door they opened it to see Adriano carrying someone. They didn't get a clear view of who it was though. They didn't get what would make him just come home they knew that sometimes he skipped but he usually did his best to avoid them when he did. Going through the back instead of the front. "Arent you supposed to be at school? Who is that?"

"Valentina." He just wanted his sister to be ok. If she wasn't Bianca and her gang weren't going to like the consequences. "There was a fight."

They stepped asside to let him through they could tell that she was bruised and potentially unconscious. . "Lay her down on the couch."

He went and layed her down on the couch trying his best not to wake her up. She was either sleep or unconscious either way it would be better if she rested.

He said their was a fight he didn't get how she already got into a fight. He had seen her file and she wasn't the best but again neither were they. "What happened?"

"Bianca." Adriano knew that his brothers knew who Bianca was her mother was this big influential person. So normally Bianca got away with everything. Mostly because they could never truly prove it was her that had done it.

Lorenzo was confused he was sure that Bianca wouldn't do something like that. He knew that her parents would not tolerate it. "Bianca why would-"

"Are you really asking why Bianca would do something like that?" Leo knew that Bianca wasn't the angel that she liked to pretend she was. She had just crossed the wrong person.  "Lorenzo you mind checking her wounds she definitely fought back."

Lorenzo sat down next to her examing the wounds. He could see that her knuckles were bruised so he was right in saying she fought back. "How does she know how to fight."

Adriano was happy that he was teaching her but he was sure that it was why they jumped her. They had seen what she could do to him. And he was one of the best fighters in the school. "We live in Italy we take self-defense classes and i have been teaching our little sister how to fight."

Enzo scoffed now it was starting to make sense. She got jumped because Adriano got close to her and they had the wrong idea about what it meant. "That's why she got jumped 'cause you personally have been teaching her how to fight."

Valentina woke up in a room she didn't recognize. She sat up looking around confused. It was a nice room the walls were white basic but the room was huge. But she didn't remember much that had happened or how she had gotten there, to begin with. "Where the hell am I?" She climbed off the bed the minute she stood she crouched over holding her stomach now noticing the bandaging that she had on. And the memories of what had occurred came back to her. The fight and her brother carrying her out saying that he was taking her home.  "OWW!"

The door opened Adriano stood against it Enzo had determined the extent of her injuries and that she would be ok as long as she rested and let her body heal. "Maybe not hurt your bruised rib more."

This was all still confusing to her especially since this was not how she wanted it to go. But she guessed that she was just going to be stuck with this set of brothers. "Where am I?"

"Home where you should have been not playing hooky with aunt Alessia." It was no secret to anyone that he despised his aunt and now his hate for her had just gotten worse. She had no right to hide his sister from him.

She scoffed she didn't like his attitude none of this had been intentional but she and her aunt would have both preferred for them to find out after they could agree to share their sister but she didn't see that happening now. "Hooky it was not playing hooky when I just came to know about y'all less than a month ago." Her body already hurt and she knew no excuse would make him happy right now. She was like that now more than ever since everyone had something bad to say. Until they could tell her the truth she didn't want to hear it. Right now she just wanted to go back to sleep her entire body hurt.  "And that aunt was the one that told me to stay away from y'all but if you mind I am sure that my legs are about to give out on me."

He walked over to her helping her to stand. He helped her to sit on the bed. He knew that she was their father's child when he was alive he had that bad he was stubborn and anyone could tell him something and he would still do it the way he wanted. That was a thing that had always made his mom mad that he could never just listen to what she was saying. "Why are you trying to stand you just got jumped."

"Aunt Alessia is going to have a fit when she finds out I skipped school." She used to do it all the time growing up and during their talk, her aunt said she wanted things to change for her to be better than she was in America.

"Leo already talked to her after Enzo put the bandages on." He went and sat next to her he knew that no matter what was going on this was all new to her. She was still trying to adust but this was her life. They were siblings and they weren't going to lose her again. "She agreed that you are going to  be moving in with us."

"Did she get a choice?" She knew that answer to her question her aunt didn't get a choice they wanted her back and that was it.

He shook his head they didn't care what their aunt wanted. All the brothers didn't agree on everything but they all hated her. "No."

"Will I be able to go to school tomorrow?" Just because she was hurt didn't mean anything she wasn't trying to get behind and she really wanted to rub it in that whore's face that she was ok.

"Yeah, but I'm driving you, and then after we're stopping at their house to get your things." She was moving in with them and no one was going to stop that. And he was going to make sure that everyone knew that she was his sister and what would happen if they messed with her again. Bianca and her friends would be the first example. and everyone that followed would know what was to come whether it was by him or Valentina herself.

"Whatever." She looked away from him she knew that there was no way she could possibly argue with what he had said. They were her brothers and she should have grown up with all of them. Why she didn't she didn't know the reason but she wanted to. And she was going to find out.

"Also I was told to tell you that Bianca and those girls are going to be punished." What they were going to do was still being decided but hopefully, they would learn if they decided not to follow the warnings then that was on them.

She looked back over them she didn't really like the sound of that. "Y'all better not kill them." It was hard to hide that from her when she lived with her cousins she heard them talking about it. She knew that wasn't the only secret that they were hiding and she wanted to know the other ones. She wanted to know what had truly gone down before she was born and what led to her being in America with her mom. And why someone would come to murder her mother and what her mother had done to make everyone hate her.

He hadn't told her and he knew that no one at the school talked about it they knew how it went;. And he was sure that Alessia wouldn't tell her. His uncle would have someone she trusted tell her. And their sons weren't that stupid. "Who told you?"

"You don't think I know why my mother was murdered because they were trying to draw her out." She wasn't stupid and she was done getting lied to she was going to figure it out with or without them. "Or that despite the fact that you guys have to work together uncle Damien makes the final decisions."

"Smarter than you look." He had to give her credit for that people went to great lengths to hide the reasons they really hated each other and how far back it went.

She rolled her eyes she was smarter than she looked and she was going to put that all to use. She didn't like being lied to and she was going to find out the truth. One way or another  "Do you need anything?"

He smirked looking over at her he could practically see the wheels turning in her head she was going to do something impulsive.  Something she got from both his father and her mother he was sure. "I just wanted to make sure that you didn't you know hurt yourself more."

"Go to hell." The only reason she had even got hurt was because of him and Mario they could not really blame her for getting hurt in the process. 

"You get a pass only because you just got jumped." He knew how his brothers were and there were some things that they could let slide and some they wouldn't profanity they wouldn't. "I'll come to get you when it's time for dinner." It was soon going to be time for her to meet her other two brothers.

"Whatever." She knew that when this dinner came it would be time to meet the rest of her brothers. And she didn't really know much about them and she was worried about how it would go.  She didn't know them they didn't know her. And she was sure that they hated her mother like everyone else and their would-be secrets just like with everyone else.

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