"That i keep my distance from my brothers yeah i got that part." She got that she wasn't allowed to meet them but she knew their was more she just didn't feel like fighting right now.

"Its for your protection they will literally start a war over you they have been waiting to do so for so long." They were trying to prevent a war that the boys were happily ready to start. And to do that their was something that they needed to get the boys to agree on. "This will just give them the perfect opportunity to do so."

"Alright." She got it this had always been about her protection and she didn't get a say in it. And she felt like it was going to be that way for awhile. "Anything else?"

"I know that you don't like this but it is for your protection." She got that this wasn't what she wanted. She was sure she wanted to be with her mom. But their wasn't much she could do about that right now. Life had to go on. And she knew how her nephews had felt about losing their sister. "Antonio is going out of town to handle something for his father. You will be riding with the others tomorrow."

Adriano was getting ready to leave the house when he got stopped by Leo. He knew that his brother was often getting into fights so he needed to make sure that he wasn't trying to go off and do that. They didn't need it right now. "Where are you going?"

"I'm getting tutored remember." Maybe he wasn't going for tutoring but no one needed to know that.

"Alright be back by dinner." He did know that his brother wasn't the best in a few subjects so he was happy that he was going to get help.

"Whatever." He didn't miss curfew a lot mostly because he didn't want to be anywhere.
Elena was meeting up with her friend Grace who was also Adriano's god mother. Grace was concerned for her best friend she knew that she had been going through a rough patch. She knew that her best friend barely seen her kids because they didn't want to see her.  "So have you seen them lately."

She shook her head taking a breath she wished that she could see them but it wasn't like they were all that willing to actually see her. "No they hate me remember."

"That's because they don't understand." Grace knew that if they knew why she knew then they would be more understand they would not hate their mother.

"Yeah." She knew that if her sons knew they wouldn't hate her, But she still couldn't put them through that she didn't care how old they got she refused. "Guess who didn't die."

"Who?" Grace couldn't think of who she could be talking about. She didn't know anyone that died recently that Elena would be happy didn't die.

"My stepdaughter." Elena wasn't the nicest person but she had wanted a daughter and that had been taken from her. And now she had the chance to get it back.

Grace furrowed her eyebrows looking at her confused she had swore that they had died. That explained why she was happy. "I thought Alyssa and her died."

"I told you i sent the hit on Alyssa." She had told them not to kill anyone but Alyssa and to report back to her and she had loved what she had found out.

"Yeah you wanted her dead and you made sure that it happened especially after hearing that she killed her daughter to save herself." Grace wasn't stupid she had known the minute that it had came back that Alysasa and Valentina  had died that Elena was going to look into it. And she knew that if they had really died than Alyssa had done something stupid.  "That was supposed to be your baby."

"Well she's in Italy Valentina i haven't seen her yet." And she was sure that Alessia had brought her over. She still had contacts and she had them keeping their eyes and ears opened. And if her plan worked out right that would finally be her daughter. Now she just need all the pieces to finally come together.

Grace smiled to her best friend she knew that she was going to finally get what she had always wanted. And she knew that it was all going to work out in the end no matter what obstacles they went through. "She's going to want you as her mother i have no doubt about that."

Elena nodded she prayed that everything worked out right so that her family could finally be a family again. Something they hadn't been since Valentina was taken away. "I hope you are right."

"So my godson still whoring out?" If she knew anything it was that her godchild had commitment issues but she couldn't blame him for that he had been through a lot of shit.

"I wouldn't know Adriano hates me the most Grace." She hoped that he was doing ok she hoped they all were. She missed her sons so much she just wished that everything hadn't turned out the wrong way.

"I hope he finds a nice girl that he can love." Grace knew it was possible although she didn't want it happening soon she would need time to prepare for it.

She did to she wanted her son to be happy. She just wished they would let her into their lives again but she knew that it was going to have to happen slowly. "Me and you both i just want them not to hate me for the rest of their lives."

"They won't." Grace knew that they wouldn't hate her for the rest of their lives. She was their mother they would know that it wasn't all the bad.

"And how do you know that?" It wasn't very likely she had made some decisions that they would never understand.

"I just know." She had faith that everything would be fine.
He pulled into the drive way getting out and going to knock on the door. Sofia ran downstairs to open the door. She opened the door surprised to see him but she was happy nonetheless they didn't talk at school. No one knew they were together and that was the way that they liked it.  "Hey what are you doing here."

"I needed to see you." Everything was getting to be to much for him seeing her always took his worries away.

"Come in" She let him walk in closing the door behind him she was happy that her dad was not here. She knew how he felt about the Romano's he didn't want her near them. She could only imagine what she would say if she seen them together.  "My dad's out of town for a few days so it's just me i was practicing Bianca's new death cheer." She didn't know why she was still on the squad she guessed that she could say that it was a security measure. It saved her from people like Bianca the biggest bitch in the school messing with her.

"Want an audience." Just watching her was good enougb for him.

"Your not an audience." She wrapped her arms around his neck she knew better he was just going to make sure that she never learned the cheer. "You're a distraction."

"I hope I'm a good distraction." He was sure that he was but hearing her saying just made it all the better.

"Don't worry you are." That was one thing that she could agree on having him around was never a bad thing for her she loved having him around.

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