"Tilt your head back." he says.

With a hand shielding my eyes , Taehyung rinses the conditioner out , leaving the jet at the nape of my neck for a second. I roll my shoulders as he starts to move the harsh stream over the muscles in my back , a soft groan sounding when he reaches a knot by
my spine.

"Feels good?" he asks , gently. His voice has an airy lilt to it that it didn't have a moment ago.

I nod , swallowing thickly when he brings the stream to my front , my back flush against his chest. He lets the stream hit all over my torso , the water warm against my skin , before he's just briefly letting it hit right over my slit. I breathe out a tiny gasp.

"You use this sometimes , don't you?" He asks , trailing the stream back up my body.

Again I just nod , my hand gently guiding his arm back down.

He lets me , pliant behind me as he whispers against the shell of my ear , "What do you want?"

One of my arms comes up and twines in his hair as I turn into him. He's close , of course , so his mouth isn't far and I only have to tilt my head up some to reach him and plead against his lips. "Please make me cum?"

I brush my nose against his cheek and he puffs out a soft breath against me before closing the distance between me with soft , wet kisses. The hand I have in his hair pulls , makes him groan into the kiss so that I able to slip my tongue into his mouth for a few moments , licking him up.

The free arm that he has wrapped around my waist tightens and I feel him pull me even tighter to his chest before it's falling down to my thigh. He taps it softly as he says. "Put your foot on the ledge."

It's a little cutout in the marble wall , meant for a bar of soap or something , but it also doubles as a perfect place to rest my foot as I hoist my leg up.

The water is intense when Taehyung finally brings the stream between my legs , but it's good. It's exactly what I've been craving , it's enough to make my legs buckle , and enough to make my breathing hitch almost immediately.

"Oh god" I whine , face turning into his chest again , the hand that's still in his hair tethering me in place.

"Is that right?" he asks , meaning the position of the jet stream. It's a little intense , so I place my free hand over his , nodding into him even as I move the stream a little up and to the side.

"Yeah , there-don't move it." I whisper , looking down my belly to where I can see the jet pulsing in between my legs , and the arm that's holding it in place. The visual aids the already steady heat curling in my lower belly.

And fuck , water orgasms never take long , but its not even a few minutes before I am starting to lock up in his hold , the leg I've holding up is starting to tremble and trying to close on the stream.

"Keep your legs open." He whispers , he sounds a little distracted , dazed maybe. But it could be the haze that's starting to cloud my brain. "What's it feel like , pretty?"

He wants dirty talk , that he wants to hear me struggle to form coherent sentences as I squirm against his chest but frankly I don't have enough time to struggle and fish for words , the only sentence running through my mind and past my lips being. "Feels like I'm gonna cum, fuck..."

My voice is high pitched and whiny in my ears , and Taehyung chuckles behind me a little , presses his cock that's plumped up again into the curve of my asscheek.

The rush hitting me with full force , the string in me snapping as the water gushes against my pussy perfectly. The strength of my orgasm takes my breath away as he keeps the steady stream right where I showed him , until I am gasping in his hold and desperately pushing his hand away.

My chest is still heaving when he appeases me , letting the water fall over ny body once again. I feel him laugh into my neck where he's placing sweet kisses.

"That was quick." he teases.

"It always is with that." I tell him , head slumped against his shoulder. "Plus you worked me up." I add with a small pout.

Mature Over

He smiles and plants a sweet loving kiss to my pout. "Come let's go." I nod and close the shower and come out of the washroom.

I take out my fresh sets of inner wears and a shirt which comes till my knees and change into them. Meanwhile Taehyung also changes in some clothes I offer him of Hoon.

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