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"So, what is the secret, anyway?" Kol asks as he sat on the couch with Iris, starting a spell.

"The term "secret" implies something only known by those who have earned the right to be aware of it." Klaus tells him. "Start the spell."

"Well, it's easier said than done." Kol admits. "Finn is channeling the power from our parents. He's a lot stronger than some week-old witch and I can do."

Rebekah scoffs. "Now, hang on. I might not be trained, but I—" she gasps as the spell fails. "Blast."

"We need a stronger witch. Call Davina." Klaus orders Iris.

"Excuse me?" Iris cocks an eyebrow.

"Call Davina!" Klaus yells.

"Ask nicely!" Iris yells back. "I'm not some twat you can just boss around. I'm a person! With feelings! Who deserves respect!"

"You just killed—"

Iris stands up. "You wanna finish that sentence?"

Klaus sighs. "Sorry, love. Now, please, call Davina."

Iris hums. "No."

"What do you mean no?" Klaus asks.

"Look, if Davina finds out Kol is dying, her main focus is gonna be on me going off the rails. And her worrying about me is going to make me go off the rails. So... no. I'm not calling her."

Klaus sighs as he rubs him temples angrily. "God. You are almost as infuriating as my siblings."

"Are you saying I'm your sister?" Iris questions.

"Might as well be." he rolls his eyes before looking over at Kol. "The spell that Finn cast to lock you in your body, do you remember it?"

"I was a little distracted by the murder-y part." Kol says and Iris slightly tenses up at the mention of his death.

"If we can use his own spell against him, once's his locked in his body... I can end our collective woes with a brief snap of the neck. All I need to do is pull it from your memory." Klaus says.

"No, no, no." Kol tells him immediately. "I'm not allowing anybody into my mind. Do you understand?"

"You came into my home asking for help." Klaus says angrily. "This is it. It's not a request."

Klaus grabs ahold of the boy, diving into his mind. Iris immediately fears Klaus in this moment, already knowing what he's gonna see.

The hybrid immediately lets go. Kol holds his hand up. "See? I'm guessing by the look on your face, it worked."

Klaus grabs the boy, throwing him across the room. "Klaus!" Iris stands up and he immediately grabs the girl by her throat.

"You knew!" he shouted.

Iris's foot moved continuously as she choked on the lack of oxygen. "K-Kla—"

The Mikaelson quickly threw the girl across the room, causing her body to fly through the doors and multiple shards of glass to pierce her skin.


"You come simpering for brotherly love. And the whole time you're plotting against me with that damn dagger." Klaus yells at Kol. "You're no better than Finn."

"Oh, and you threatening me makes you better than Finn, does it?" Kol asks.

Iris groans as she stands up form the ground, popping multiple bones back into place and taking out glass pieces from her skin.

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