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021. | Hostages

Iris sat up in bed after sleeping for the longest time. Iris always thought it was easier to sleep away her problems than face them.

Ever since she told Kol she needed space, she's been wanting to see him more and more. But her need to not be around someone who just killed an innocent person out of anger outweighed her want to see him.

She clumsily reached for her phone on the nightstand as it buzzed. When she read the text, she did hesitate to jump out of bed.

Hunter at Mystic Grill with hostages. They all die at sundown.

Iris quickly get dressed and met up with everyone at Tyler's. Once she got there, everyone was already sitting down, and Damon was talking about something. Iris took her place and stood beside Tyler

"So we each take a different entrance, hit him at the same time." Damon conjures up some stupid plan.

All of the sudden, Stefan walks in and Elena rushes over to him. "Where the hell have you been?!" Damon asks him.

"Coming up with a plan." Stefan tells him.

"Yeah, we have a plan." Damon narrows his eyes at the couple.

"No. We have a stupid plan." Iris announces. "He's a hunter. He has all his hunter equipment. You really think he won't be ready for us to come through all doors?" Iris says.

"I liked it better when you didn't talk." Damon glares at the girl.

"I liked it better when you weren't in our lives!" Iris balls her hands in a fist.

"Mad I spilled your secret?" Damon smirks.

Iris vamp speeds to Damon, but Tyler got there before her and stopped her. "The hunter has Jeremy! Stop messing around and come up with a smart plan to get them back!" Tyler yells.

"Damon's right, though. Connor's strong but he's not going to be able to take all of us." Elena speaks up.

"I called in the hybrids to help, too." Tyler says.

"My mom put squad cars blocking the streets. They're saying it's a faulty gas main. We're good to go." Caroline walks in, avoiding eye contact with Iris.

Iris scoffed at the girl before walking to sit on the couch. It was obvious Caroline found out about Kol, and she wasn't trying to hide her disappointment with the girl either.

"Good. Great. No cop, no witnesses, no reason to wait around." Damon speaks up.

"Alright, hold on, you're not all going." Stefan says.

"He shot me like 9 times. If we're killing him, I want in." Tyler steps in.

"We're killing him?" Iris questions.

"Isn't killing your new thing?" Caroline asks the girl.

"If you've got something to say then just come right out and say it!" Iris yells.

"You're dating a Mikaelson! A killer! Someone who probably wants us dead." Caroline says.

"He's not the only one." Iris says as anger floods her. "Last time I checked, he's not the only killer. Stefan and Damon have killed plenty of people, Tyler had to kill someone to activate his curse, and you literally said you killed someone and liked it. You're judging Kol based off of his last name. I bet if it was Lockwood, or Salvatore, or even Donovan you wouldn't care!"

Caroline looks down at her hands in defeat. "Exactly! So can we please come up with a plan that doesn't have to do with killing?"

"Iris, he wants us dead and he won't stop until we are. We have to kill him." Damon says. "If you don't want to go, then don't go."

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