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"Morning." Iris smiled as Davina woke up.

"Woah. What? How did— How long was I asleep?" she asks.

"Few hours or so." Iris shrugged. "As long as we've been here."

"It was rather a fitful sleep though. You were muttering about how you wanted to kill Klaus." Kol spoke up. "In fact, I'm glad that you're up, because we are ready to get started."

"You guys promise you won't use the dagger on Klaus unless necessary?" Iris double checks for the 100th time.

"We promise darling." Kol reassured her.

"And you, D?" she turns to her best friend.

Davina draws in a deep, long breath. "I promise."

Everyone's attention went to Davina's phone. "You might want to turn that off. It's been buzzing all morning."

"Josh and Marcel are still missing." Davina says.

"What?" Iris asks, immediately standing up from her spot.


"So much for having a secret lair." Kol says as Davina walks in with Aiden.

"You brought Iris." Davina shrugs. "Did you bring the stuff I asked for?"

"Yeah. This is everything Josh left at my place." Aiden says, pulling out a brush and toothbrush.

"Wow. Practically moved in, has he?" Kol asks, earning a nudge from Iris. "What?"

"Shut up, God." Iris rolls her eyes. "Just— Sit there and look pretty. You're good at that."

Kol smirks before sitting back in the seat. They watch as Davina starts a locater spell.

"I wish I was a witch. It's so cool... and you don't have to live off the blood of humans." Iris says.

"Yeah." Kol taps her hip before getting up. "Chanel me, it'll be quicker."

Iris looks at their hands holding each other as they begin the spell. She tenses up slightly, but remembers how Kol called her out on not being happy since he's been back, and relaxes her muscles.

"Right here. The street corner." Davina points on the map.

"Oh, yeah. I know it. It's the little bodega the witch Lenore used to run before my mother hijacked her body." Kol says.

"Great." Aiden grabbed his bag. "Thank you for the help."

"Wait, but you can't go alone." Davina stops him.

"Well, to be absolutely clear here, technically he definitely could go alone." Kol points out.

"No, it's s suicide mission." Davina tells him.

"Yeah, and what's more tragic than a suicide mission but a mass suicide mission." Kol says.

"I'm not leaving Josh trapped with a nut job who hates vampires." Aiden tells the witch.

"Neither am I." Iris says.

"You're not going anywhere, love." Kol tells her.

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