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"Done!" Kol yelled as he entered the compound. "As per request... Ms. Angelic Barker, good cheekbones... and a tummy you can bounce a quarter off. She will be Rebekah's new host body. Instead of Cami."

"Who's Angelica Barker?" Davina asked.

"One of my vampire potentials. Had to turn her down. She was too lost." Marcel answers.

"Does she know what'll happen?" Cami asks.

"It's better when they don't know, love." Kol answers.

"So you just took someone's life?" Iris asked. "You guys are so insensitive."

"Would you rather it be Cami?" Marcel asks.

"I rather you give someone the choice whether they want to continue living their life or not!" Iris yells. "You just killed someone for your own personal needs."

"It's not that—"

"Don't say it's not that big of deal, because it is. Whether or not she was lost, she still had a life! What if she just won the lottery and was gonna go to New Mexico, or was trying to build a life for herself!" Iris says.

"Calm down, darling." Kol tells her.

"Don't tell me to calm down! We've been looking for an alternative for Cami all day, and then you go and do the same thing that happened to Cami to an innocent person?" Iris asks.

"Who would you like us to put Rebekah in, then?" Marcel asks.

"Someone who's willing!" she says.

"Who would be willing to give up their life?" Davina asks.

Iris stays quiet as she thinks about it. "Me."

"You're out of your bloody mind if you think I'm gonna put Rebekah in you." Kol says. "I'd lose you forever."

"Well, you don't have forever." Iris shrugs. "You're mortal."

"I'd still live 40 or more years without you!" Kol argues.

"I'd rather give up my life than you guys take away some innocent girl's life! I'm the willing person!" Iris yells.

"We're not doing that, Iris." Marcel chimes in.

"If I was just another body on the street you guys would." she says, and they all stay quiet. "You know what? Do what you want. I don't care. I'm sure Esther will be happy enough to put Rebekah in my body."

Iris walks off and Kol runs after her. He grabs onto her arm before pulling her out of the compound. "What is your problem?"

"What's yours?" she asks. "You're killing an innocent person, Kol."

"Look, you've been living with Klaus for the past year. You're his family, which means you're a Mikaelson. Mikaelsons choose family over all, so, I will kill anyone I have to if that means saving Rebekah. I will kill anyone I have to if that means saving you! If you're going to be apart of this family, you're going to have to realize that's it's family above all." Kol explains.

"I'm not your guys' family! I bleed Gilbert blood, not Mikaelson. The second something goes wrong, how much do you want to bet I'll be kicked to the curb because I wasn't born with Mikaelson blood?" Iris argues. "My name is Iris Gilbert, not Iris Mikaelson. I was born in Mystic Falls, Virgina. My mother is Miranda Gilbert, and my father is Grayson Gilbert. They're the ones who conceived and raised me."

"Blood doesn't matter. You're a Mikaelson, Iris. If you were truly a Gilbert. Iris Gilbert from Mystic Falls, then why aren't you there right now? Why are you here?" Kol asks.

MONSTER - mikaelson, kolOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant